• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧


主演:Saul Williams,Sonja Sohn,Bonz Malone









啪 剧照 NO.1啪 剧照 NO.2啪 剧照 NO.3啪 剧照 NO.4啪 剧照 NO.5啪 剧照 NO.6


  Slam,大致可以翻译成“诗喃”,对大多数人来说或许是一个陌生的名词。这是一场艺术运动,起源于1986年,美国诗人Marc Smith希望能让诗从精英主义的高阁走下来,让诗歌的阅读更普及并且更加有趣,诗喃由此诞生。诗喃创作者不需要考虑统一的格律,只需要根据自己对生活的观察和感悟用他们喜欢的文字和风格表达出来,这一种超越,让诗喃本身承载着自由、开放、平等、分享的意味。  如何进入这个自由狂放又诗意的世界?导演Marc Levin在《Slam》这部作品中,从黑人街头文化、帮派文化、说唱文化(注:诗喃不是说唱,而是比说唱更自由的形式),进行切入,讲述了一个通过自我思考和自由表达,最终达至自我发现、自我救赎的故事。通过镜头,我们将与男主人公一起,走过黑人街区、监狱、城市街头、诗喃大会,在命运面前求索,一步步走近生活与内心的真实,并以此为源,化为蓬勃而真挚的诗喃。  诗喃的表演形式非常纯粹,没有服饰、没有布景、没有音乐,整个过程仅靠诗喃者的声音与肢体语言进行表达。舞台、诗喃者、观众三个元素即构成了这个简单、自由、原生的场域,乃至于,当诗喃的精神深入骨髓,连日常的对话,都可以化律动的诗喃,绽放出语言美妙的流动性。而随着影片的深入,相信你会在最后的演绎中,感受到诗喃者的自我挖掘诚挚脆弱如赤裸婴儿,诗喃者的情感澎湃汹涌野生如荒岛巨浪。那是简单如一、一即是全的彻底的生命表达。热播电视剧最新电影鬼驱人3锦衣迷踪亲爱的首席官沙漠风暴满秋真实魔鬼游戏2008欢愉之书趟过女人河的男人星球大战外传:侠盗一号英语十七岁小子2024泪光闪闪蔓延幽零幻镜爆裂直播之全城追缉泪的小花黑色直播如宝物般的玻璃珠VIP巴图快跑布偶大电影武则天1995最燃的拳头可乐山林之多彩的家园Jewel足球教练第一季


 1 ) 诗文摘录(中英)


你之后会被分配一个号码 your number is going to be given to you.

号码是按顺序的 it's a sequential number.

那个号码不是随意的数字 it's not a random set of numbers, son.

这数字是有它的含义的,它代表着你 that number means something. it's your number.

现在是你的号码 it's your number now.

你知道这数字它的涵义是什么吗,孩子? you know what that number represents, son?

276000,仔细听着 276,000.now listen carefully to me,

你就会明白 and you'll understand a little bit

我为什么会那么生气 about what makes me so angry.

在哥伦比亚 we only have less than500,000people

这个区的人口不到五十万 in the district of columbia, son.

现如今 百分之七十的人口是黑人 now, only 70% of them are black.

五十万人的百分之七十是多少? now, what's 70% of500,000?

算一下,华盛顿有35万个黑人 do the math. we got about 350,000black people in d.c.

就算这其中一半是女性 of the 350,000, half of them are female, aren't they?

你再算下,用你的脑子算一算! well, what's that? use the math, son! the math!

不到17.5万人是像你这样的男性 less than,people are males like yourself.

好 那我们假设他们都没有超过21岁 now, all of 'em not over 21 years of age.

其中有一半是孩子 half of 'em are kids.

算算还剩下多少? now, how the devil have we got

也就是说在哥伦比亚这个区 we got only to ,adult males

我们只有七万五到八万的成年男性 in the district of columbia,

而现在你拿的编号序列已经到了276000 this is the number276000today?

你自己想想吧 figure it out for yourself!

我们已经厌倦了看到21岁年轻人入狱了 we've exhausted the 21-year-olds,

更别说20岁、19岁的了20-year-olds, 19-year-olds.

现在18岁的也来了 we're working on 18.

犯罪年龄越来越低 we're movin' on down the line, son.

入狱人数已经超过了三十万人 by the time we cross, ,

之后还会有16岁,17岁的人进来 we'll be down to 16- and 17-year-olds.

华盛顿的黑人会越来越少 we're wiping out our race in washington, d.c.

而你还搁这 and here you are in here

玩着这种愚蠢的小游戏 playing these little silly-ass games.

这里可有你好受的 well, we got somethin' for ya, son.

欢迎来到华盛顿监狱 welcome to the d.c. jail.

你或许能顺利活到出狱 或许不能 you might make it outta here, and you might not.


我的脑子像杰西詹姆斯一样运转着 roll my fuckin' brains like jesse james

哟太阳啊,被太阳能量包裹,仅仅是因为我们 yo, sun, as in solar, simply because we are

我们是冉冉升起的星辰,永不落下的太阳 we be the risin' stars and suns that never set

说句话,小弟,想赌一把吗,兄弟? word up, jack. wanna make a bet, black?

我掌握了真理 i got the formula

把我丢在空中 让我来照耀并温暖你们 throw me in the sky,and i'll warm ya

而你们却抹了防晒霜 把我丢进了监狱 get your sunblock, throw me in a cellblock

确实,我有了你所说的知识 indeed, i got the science you need

比古希腊还要古老的知识 lessons more ancient than greece

太阳神的言语从来不是我的信条 apollo never my creed, my creed

奥巴塔拉(非裔的神)会和你决斗 obatala will battle ya

如果你想要天上的卫星 so bring your troops if you wanna

那就派出军队来吧 satellites in the sky

有人在角落靠卖没有用的玩意大赚 some selling clouds on the corner

但我们在这片土地就只能堪堪过活 but we livin' for the land

源于大地却最终成为沙砾 from the soil to the sand

如同大海里的一滴水 我仍然在追求本我 and the water in the sea be the essence of me

你若没有准备好接收这结果 you ain't ready for this fruit

那就将它挂回树梢 then put it back on the tree

给我力量掰弯这些栅栏 uh. give me the strength to bend back these bars

手持山姆锁,我是山姆的儿子,他是我父亲 got the locks of samson, i'm sam's son. he's my father

试着向圣父,圣子,圣灵祈祷 tried praying to father, son, the holy ghost

我想让我的理智回归 i miss my motherfuckin' sanity

从没来过监狱也没想过自己会进监狱 never been here and never planned to be

但冥冥之中一切自有安排 but my own plans had plans for me

现在那个男人却擅自为我做了计划 and now that man's hands got plans for me

现在那个男人却擅自为我做了计划 and now that man's hands got plans for me

他现在计划实现了 我想要逃 and now that man had plans, so i jetted and ran

迈克把我拉了回来 the mike cord pulled me back

我就应该扔掉那包大麻 i should'a dropped it from my hand

把它留在韵律里就好了 and left it at the scene of the rhyme

现如今我们都在服刑了 now we all serving time

连我的灵感也在受刑 even my prose is on probation

难民,不止是海地人 refugees, they ain't just haitian


我在街区的角落矗立 i stand on the corner of the block

手里抛着紫晶石 slinging amethyst rocks

痛饮这杯甘甜乳汁 drinking 40s

其中蕴含着地球40 多年的历史 of mother earth's private nectar stock

条子们都是狗逼 dodging cops

只是因为原因五 就让我变成了魔鬼 'cause , oh, be the

我需要补偿 下点紫水雨让我品尝(紫水:酒混毒品) and i need a fix of that purple rain

那些毒品让我全身上下连细胞膜都兴奋异常 the type of shit that drives membranes insane

欧耶 吸着糖果洋芋(指毒品) oh, yeah, i'm in the fast lane

我的身体被解放 仿佛疾驶在高速路上 snorting candy yams that free my body

灵魂也变得凝练 有人呼喊沙赞 我会瞬间出现 and soul and send me like shazam

永远不要问我是哪只鸟 never question who i am

上帝心里都明了 god knows

私底下 我和上帝是老相识 and i know god personally

事实上 他让我称他为我 我即上帝 in fact, he let's me call him me

是的,我是认真的,小逼 yeah, i'm serious, b

这些傻篮子们都在密谋些什么屁 doggone niggas plottin' shit

挺好,我现在也被盯上 条子无时不在注视 lovely, but the feds is also plottin' me

他们试着限制我 让我无法使用占星术 they're trying to imprison my astrology

天上繁星 都被他们用铁窗遮住 put our stars behind bars

条纹之间是属于我们的繁星 our stars in stripes

红色条纹上有着我们斑驳的血迹 using blood-splattered banners

而这成为了我们的国旗 as nationalist kites

而我还可以运用风之力 but i control the wind

这就是为什么 他们会叫它老鹰旗 that's why they call it the hawk

我还是荷鲁斯 伊西斯的儿子 i am horus,son of isis

和耶稣一个待遇的冥王之子 son of osiris, worshipped as jesus

像拉撒路一样上演复活奇迹 resurrected like lazarus

你也可以叫我懒惰雷兹 but you can call me lazzie, lazy

是的,我很懒 yeah, i'm lazy

因为比起工作耕地 'cause i'd rather sit and build

我更喜欢坐下来堆砌辞藻 than work and plow a field

为了所谓的绿色经济作物的产量 worshipping a daily yield

而祈祷祭典 of cash green crops

而他们做过最聪明的事 stealing us was the smartest thing

是把我们的成果直接盗窃 they ever did

可惜他们不会告诉他们孩子那些真相 too bad they don't teach the truth to their kids

我们做出的贡献 他们有没有报答相向 our influence on them is the reflection they see

当他们透过一道虚伪的镜子 when they look into their minstrel mirror

谈论着他们的历史 and talk about their culture

他们的存在 their existence is that

不过是脑子有病的乱臣贼子 of a schizophrenic vulture

是的 完全没有悔改 yeah, there's no repentance

他们注定会活下去 they are bound to live

会背负着无期徒刑的罪名活下去 an infinite, consecutive executive life sentence

所以你打算为什么而活,兄弟? so what are you bound to live, nigga?

你在外面服刑的时候 so while you're out there serving the time

我会在这和太阳同步 i'll be in syncwith the sun

当你在月球漫步 while you runfrom the moon

枪炮反映着生命之初 life of the womb reflected by guns

那些崇拜月亮的人 我才是你们的太阳神 worshiper of moons, i am the sun

我们已经是头号公敌 编号第一 and we are public enemies number one

第一,第一,第一! one, one, one!

第一,第一,第一! one, one, one!


我们都身处宇宙 你却在按摩着宇宙的背脊 you massage the universe's spine

我们被时间冲刷着 你却旋转着穿过了时间记忆 the way you twirl through time,

你一路走着 太阳上都留下了你的痕迹 and leave shadows on the sun.

我的爱如风般吟唱 my love is the wind song.

如果我能决定 if it is up to me,

我将不朽 i'll never die.

如果我能决定 if it is up to me,

我愿明天就离去 i'll die tomorrow

在鬼门关里呆上一个钟头再辗转千万次 a thousand times in an hour

然后就再多活那么七分钟吧 and live minutes later.

如果这一切由我决定 if it's up to me,

阳光将永远热烈 the sun will never cease to shine,

月光也永远皎洁 and the moon will never cease to glow,

我会在太阳的热烈和月亮的柔情之中 and i'll dance a million tomorrows

翩翩起舞 in the sun rays of the moon waves

在过去的时光中沐浴 and bathe in the yesterdays

再迎接即将到来的昨天 of days to come,

不再顾虑良多 ignoring all of my afterthoughts

忘却忧愁过往 and preconceived notions.

如果我能决定 if it is up to me,

我就这样决定 it is up to me,

这就是我的爱 and thus is my love.

无暇 untainted.

无边 eternal.

千万种风 the wind is the moon's

是月的想象 imagination.

是月的徘徊 wandering.

风从缝隙中渗出 it seeps through cracks,

荡漾着草地 ripples the grass,

探索着未知 explores the unknown.

对你的爱也是我灵魂的想象 my love is my soul's imagination.

我是如何爱你的? how do i love you?

想象吧 imagine.


我感觉我背靠着砖墙 i feel like my back is against a brick wall

卡车驶向我 离我的脸仅有两英寸 and i got a mac truck inches from my face.

浑身上下的细胞都在叫喊着:“逃!” every cell in my body is screamin', "run!"

但我逃不了 but i can't.

我又打又踢又跑又跳 i'm kicking and stomping and running and jumping,

大肆破坏着 wreaking all kinds of havoc,

制造着混乱 creating a bloody mess,

但我依旧一步未动 and i am going nowhere.

我的大脑觉得我在动呢 somewhere in my mind i think i am moving.

现实中我也确实在跑呢 somewhere in reality i am running.

但我体内的某种东西 哦 丝毫未动 somewhere inside myself i am, oh, so still.

静如死水 quiet, dead.

那是我的灵魂 它不再上扬 my soul is not rising.

我的精神它不再抖擞 my spirit is not lifting.

我的生活不再继续 my life is not living.

但我依旧在逃跑着 but i am running,

如同苦行僧一般穿过宇宙 旋转着 moving through the universe a whirling dervish,

没有终点 没有目标 没有意义 with no end, no purpose, no means,

生活没了生的意义也没了活的必要 no life left to live.

但依旧 丝毫未动 and yet, still,

我想要去到一个我能跑动的地方去 i want to go to that place where i can run,

逃向自由 我的大脑如是说 run free, my mind tells me.

但这两个词现实中却并不相容 but those words cannot occupy the same space in reality.

逃跑 run.

自由 free.

我背靠着砖墙 my back is against a brick wall.

勉强两英尺是一辆驶来的卡车 i got a mac truck inches from my face!

说出来! man: say it!

逃向自由吧 我的爱人 就现在 run free, baby. right now.

虽然看起来如此艰难 it just looks hard,

但做起来却又如此简单 but it would be so easy.

调转方向 走吧 just turn around and go.

切断所有的联系 电话接起又挂断 clip all the wires, hook-ups, and hang-ups,

随后你到了家 有了自由 and then you're home free.

你能那么轻易地编造借口 you can give birth to an excuse so easily,

那你也会相信自由会一直在的 you'll believe it's always been there.

那一部分的自然秩序 part of the natural order, made to order

它们生来就被你那永远聪慧的大脑掌控 by your forever clever mind,

无时不刻不在保护着你 constantly protecting you against things

而你却不再需要那些东西保护着你 you no longer need to be protected from!

我相信着 and i believe.

我如同圣徒信耶稣般相信着 i believe like a holy roller,

在山上 我歌着唱 流着汗 布道着 讲述着 singing, sweating, preaching, go tell it on the mountain,

同时用着20种不同语言 while speaking in different tongues

没有救生圈 and diving in ,feet of baptismal water

我潜入10000英尺的洗礼水中 without a life preserver.

我相信我就像我的哥哥一样 i believe like my bullet-ridden brother

他现在在某处身受重创 out there somewhere right now,

吐出他的最后一口气 鲜血汩汩 gurgling blood through his last breath,

鲜血吐出红色又虔诚的祈祷 spitting out a red, ripe prayer,

崭新的 鲜甜的 如此新鲜 so new, so sweet, so baby fresh,

富有真理 他以为这样能够挽救他的生命 so full of truth, he thinks it can save his life.

但上帝从不到访绝望之处 god does not exist in desperation,

在犄角旮旯里的下水道某处 and hope is lying dead

在胡同拐角那 somewhere in the sewer down the street

在某人的脚下 around the corner in the alley

希望女神的尸体躺在那 underneath the feet of somebody itching,

躺在那人脚下 他发痒着 抓挠着 颤抖着 scratching, trembling, jonesing for their next hit

为下一次打击某人做着准备 and suckin' somebody's dick!

我只剩下2分钟了 i got minutes, y'all.

在我逃向自由或者死亡之前 i got motherfuckin' minutes

我只剩下两分钟了 before i run free or die, y'all.

只有两分钟 minutes

在那辆驶来的卡车撞上我的脸之前 before i smash my face into the grille of a mac truck.

在我拆那10000块砖之前 before i get ,bricks shoved up my ass.

在我逃向自由或者死亡之前! before i run free or die!


如果我能找到一处真相能有回响的地方 if i could find the spot where truth echoes,

我将站立在那 i would stand there and whisper memories

低声诉说着我孩子们的未来 of my children's future.

我将把他们的未来塞进我的过去 i would let their future dwell in my past

只为我现在能过的更加光明 so that i might live a brighter now.

现在让我来介绍我的领地 now is the essence of my domain,

它囊括了所有事情的过去与未来 and it contains all that was and will be,

我既是现在也代表未来 and i am as i was and will be

以为不论现在还是未来 我都是我 because i am and always will be that nigga.

我都是我 i am that nigga.

我都是我 i am that nigga.

时间在我身上无效 i am that timeless nigga

如同蔓藤再钟摆上摆动一般无效 that swings on pendulums like vines

穿过那片囚禁着糊涂蛋的矿井 through mines of booby-trapped minds

他们被时间奴役着 that are enslaved by time.

我就是取代生命的生活 我是的 i am the life that supersedes lifetimes, i am.

是那个有着蛇形头发的我 it was me with serpentine hair

是那个拥有永恒凝视与不朽之光的我 and a timeless stare that with immortal glare

是那个能够将凡人的恐惧化为石头的我 turned mortal fear into stone time capsules.

那些被奴役的人如同行尸走肉一般存在 they still exist as the walking dead,

和我一样 最初饱受苦难 as i do, the original suffer-head,

那个象征着生命与母系的头颅被割下 symbol of life and matriarchy's severed head,

我就是美杜莎 medusa i am.

我就是个黑人 我就是个黑人 i am that nigga. i am that nigga.

我就是个黑人 是的 黑人 i am a negro, yes, negro,

尼哥一词源于necro 意味着死亡 negro from necro, meaning death.

我克服了死亡 所以他们以此为我命名 i overcame it, so they named me after it.

我一直在死亡身后唾弃着它 and i've been spitting at death from behind

并在它背后贴上挑衅的字眼 and putting "kick me" signs on its back,

因为我不会受到时间的影响 because i am not the son of sha clack clack.

我远超它们 远超 i am before that. i am before.

我甚至远超远超本身 i am before before.

超越死亡即永恒 死后也是永恒 before death is eternity, after death is eternity,

死亡也消失了 自此就只剩下永恒 there is no death, there's only eternity,

我驾驭着永恒 迫使它煽动着翅膀 and i be riding on the wings of eternity like,

我喊着 ya! ya! ya! ya! ya! ya! sha clack clack.

但我的飞行旅途并不顺利 but my flight doesn't go undisturbed

因为时间延迟了我的梦 because time makes dreams defer,

它用噩梦替换了我的白日梦 and all of my time fears

让我白天也还在重现夜晚的噩梦 are turning my days into daymares,

那些噩梦萦绕在我的过去 and i live daymares reliving nightmares

使我终日惶恐不安 that once haunted my past.

时间钟表滴滴答 时间转头来鞭笞着我 sha clack clack, time is beating my ass,

我还做着梦呢 希望能有几个西瓜 and i be having dreams of chocolate-covered watermelons

西瓜外裹着巧克力 西瓜里装满炸鸡 filled with fried chickens like piã‘atas,

边上还站着兄弟的儿女们 with little pickaninny sons and daughters

他们拿着棍子 standing up under them with big sticks

拿着铝棍 劈打着西瓜 and aluminum foil, hitting them,

需要拿到里面的炸鸡的翅膀 trying to catch pieces of falling fried chicken wings.

而那些阿姨和叔叔站在角落 and aunt jemima and uncle ben are standing in the corners

拿着枪 准星瞄准着孩子们的头 with rifles pointed at the heads of the little children.

我叫喊着:“不要伤害孩子们” "don't shoot the children," i shout.

“不要伤害孩子们”,但为时已晚 "don't shoot the children." but they say it's too late.

他们都已经被时间所影响了 they've already been infected by time.

而且他们已经超越了我的时间 but this shit is before my time.

我需要更多时间 我需要更多时间 i need more time. i need more time.

但却为时已晚 but it's too late.

他们开了枪 射杀孩子们 they start shooting at the children

射杀了孩子们 and killing them.

一个接着一个 越来越多 one by one, by ,

越来越多 by , by ,

越来越多 by , by ,

但我的灵魂暴涨 速度更快 but my spirit is growing by ,

快过了光速 faster than the speed of light

光也有局限 because light only penetrates the darkness

光只能穿透那已存在的黑暗 that's already there,

我已存在在那 and i'm already there.

我在这 在长路尽头 i'm here at the end of the road,

同时也是超越时间的那条路的开端 which is the beginning of the road beyond time.

我虽至此 我的兄弟身处何方? but where my niggas at?

糟了 oh, shit.

糟了 我的兄弟都迷失在了时间长河 oh, shit, don't tell me my niggas got lost in time.

我的兄弟都在时间消亡之前死去了 my niggas are dying before their time.

我的兄弟都在服侍着那不公正的时间(服刑) my niggas are serving unjust time.

我的兄弟都因时间而老死了(坐牢到死) my niggas are dying because of time.



  • nin
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一部让人清醒的影片,有暴力倾向的少年都应该看一看,尤其是那些已经误入歧途的少年犯。监狱,在某种意义上,是给执迷不悟者提前设好的陷阱。下次干坏事前,先想想这个道理。 电影名字似是双关,除Hit之外,还指 由听众 打分的诗歌朗诵比赛,

  • 出栏的羊
  • 还行

找不到种子 花了7欧在亚马逊买了

  • 鹅害鹅大人
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  • delpippo
  • 还行

爱读孙子兵法的大佬道:不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也,天将降大任于诗人也,出去平定project之乱吧!最后《车祸前两米》和《时间杀人》的诗也不错,但最喜欢的还是那首《I shot 3 motherf$ckers and don't know why》 : )

  • kylegun
  • 力荐

就像短评所说的,这是最好的也是最hiphop本质的电影,诗歌的美像浪潮一般席卷过来,顺带洗涤了灵魂。中间Lauren的结课发言以及后面与ray的争论部分是片子的highlight,“我知道你看不见,但它就在那儿”。对ray出狱后让他被枪击的朋友放下仇恨的那段特别有感触:我们总是在那些杂乱无章的破事里用力过猛地摸索由头和原因,为了出一口恶气或是解决一个无休止的问号不折手段,然而最好的解决手段就是let it go.感谢Junhee的推荐,认识你的时候你的id还是『时光之尘』,仿佛在看完电影的这一刻点题了

  • Yves Jonn
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I shot 3 mothafucka and don't know why

  • 博文肉
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我们都身处宇宙 / 你却在按摩着宇宙的背脊 / 我们被时间冲刷着 / 你却旋转着穿过了时间记忆 / 你一路走着 / 太阳上都留下了你的痕迹

  • salonbus
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  • Grace
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The best hip hop movie i have seen so far. Their struggles are very touching

  • Prelude
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Cash rules everything around me

  • runtime-err0r
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  • kk
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  • 等待戈多
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  • 名字已被移除
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躁怒的中国佬和身边平静炼词的黑人小伙真是一组有趣的对照--跳脱原本刻板形象的"身份错位" 进而打开"暴力残酷"黑人社区的诗性一面. 与其继续让挫败与失意笼罩自己 不如"表达" 也唯有表达 可以突破藩篱 求得内心安宁

  • 木六
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8.2 兄弟们困在了时间的河床,有人怀着希望跨过大江飞向太阳,黑哥还是强,先是rap再slam,哐哐当当,浑身爆爽,然后悲伤。

  • 失意的孩子
  • 推荐

2021M83/9.0 光只能穿透已存在的黑暗,而我就在那里。文本以潋滟的波光穿透人影的画面完美地视觉化表现出来。华盛顿纪念塔如破开黑幕挑破拨出一束光,这束光炫目却狭窄,周边的黑暗是被时间吞噬的兄弟们。这个冷门片是视听思辨和修辞的盛宴,全部信息化为情感悉数倾泻灌注到观众体内,几乎不可承载。

  • 邹易
  • 力荐


  • 冷漠的有趣
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  • xYan
  • 还行


  • Magus
  • 力荐