Series two joins Chris Carson six months later. Chris is attempting to rebuild his life, and his relationships, desperate to avoid the corruption that nearly sucked him under. He is trying to be a better police officer, a better man, and most importantly, a better father to his daughter Tilly. All whilst still dealing with the relentless trauma of being a night response officer. Chris wants a day job. Chris needs a day job. But is he prepared to risk everything to get one?
热播电视剧最新电影盗钥匙的方法金田一耕助系列 [女王蜂]第一分队第一季候鸟2018藩篱之内半个月亮音乐魔法镇!第二季西城童话骄阳伴我准和准爱火硝烟心弦爱情侦探达古野牛2019同屋聚会橘子大河1951寻父之旅爱神2013笑傲江湖马景涛版马路天使193723号公寓的坏女孩第二季杰西卡·琼斯 第三季不可思议但千真万确凶劫601航班第一季