Series two joins Chris Carson six months later. Chris is attempting to rebuild his life, and his relationships, desperate to avoid the corruption that nearly sucked him under. He is trying to be a better police officer, a better man, and most importantly, a better father to his daughter Tilly. All whilst still dealing with the relentless trauma of being a night response officer. Chris wants a day job. Chris needs a day job. But is he prepared to risk everything to get one?
热播电视剧最新电影活人墓科巴尼丑女贝蒂第一季没说不爱你心头一颤星际牛仔 天国之门湖山盟我的爱情PH值涛女郎大象的眼泪(粤语版)足球教练第一季大脑故事我们的法兰西岁月王牌售车员阿麦从军我就叫肖大成湾畔倾情第五季自由战士国务卿女士第六季神兽第二季超人和露易斯第二季紧急呼救第三季我最喜欢的妻子!超人总动员一切为了幸福沉睡美人谈谈情 说说性情刺