由Louis C.K.及Pamela Adlon主创,该剧算是Pamela Adlon半自传性质剧,讲述一位中产单身母亲女演员,如何整天工作之余,还照顾起三个女儿,而且她还得抽空应付住在对面街的英国籍母亲(Celia Imrie饰)。
热播电视剧最新电影心碎画廊少年时代2014疯狂夏令营之人小鬼大浴血记者日落黄沙畅销书哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上)拖网渔船:捕鱼日记 第一季好想好想爱上你死亡倒计时拱卒这群汉子阿波罗男孩有答案的男子站住!小偷陆地空谷少林僧兵魔兽之副本人生狄仁杰之迷雾神都不是冤家不聚头粤语版端岛计划加加林极限17扣杀一骑当千 龙之命运暗后无脸披荆斩棘的大小姐芭萨提的颜色第一集:我嫉妒每一个在你们人生路上遇到的人,他们好幸运。
第九集:八音盒、橙色雨伞、散落的骨灰、桥边相拥、雨后的彩虹、童年的红气球,让我差点掉下眼泪。每个人的眼里都有些淡淡的愁绪。第五季给我的感觉其实要难过一点点,大家在各自的孤单中同行。Love is time.Duke都和外婆一样高了。
“That's a beauty. Sandalwood. Honey, will you get her the key so she can open it?”
“It's so sad. Everybody who was in these and took these are all gone,and now nobody wants them.”
“Actually, lots of people do. Objects have energy. It's strange, but well, our lives become lovely ephemera.”
- Just, like, I-I don't ... I don't know what to say. Like, what do you want me to say?
- I don't want you to say anything. I just want you to have fun with me. And be with me. Can you just be with me, please?!
- Duke: I don't know. (sobbing) I just like.. I don't.. I DON'T feel anything. Not even my thing. Like, not even, like, my sunshine. And it's like, I don't, I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. I just... I hate my face. I hate my body. And it's like, like, I don't want to leave the house, I don't want to do anything. And like, I'm not good at anything. Like, I .. there's nothing else I do but that. And I don't want to leave the house. Like I DON'T FEEL connected to, like, anything.
My sisters are so fucking perfect. And like, they're good at everything they do. And they're so fucking beautiful. And then It's just like I'm like, next to them, like nothing. I'm nothing.
E08 Gran grabbed Duke's hands,
- It's alright. It will pass. It always does. Do your little thing. You'll see. - It doesn't work like that anymore, Nan. It's gone. I swear to God. Whatever I had, I broke. Whatever was special about me, is gone. - Never gone. Just changing. Everything changes. Everything moves ever forward. One day trash, next day, you're wearing diamond earrings.
Always look on the bright side of life
Some things in life are bad.
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you’re chewing on life’s gristle,
Don’t grumble , give a whistle.
And this’ll help things turn out for the best.
And always look on the bright side of life.
If life seems jolly rotten,
There’s something you’ve forgotten.
And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
If you are feeling in the dumps,
Don’t be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle.
That is the thing.
And always look on the bright side of life
Come on Come on Come on
Always look on the bright side of life.
For life is quite absurd.
And death is the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin.
Give the audience a grin.
Enjoy it. It’s your last chance anyhow.
So always look on the bright side of life,Side of death, of death?
I forgot that part.
A-just before you draw.
Your terminal breath.
Life is a piece of shit wehn you look at it.
Life is a laugh and death is a joke, it’s true.
You’ll see it’s all a show.
Keep them laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
And alwasy look on the bright side of life.
Cheer Up! Come on!
Keep change
Always look on the bright side of life.
Worse things happen at sea.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Come on! Cheer Up! Ya old buggers
Come on! Give us a grin.
There you are seeing
Always look on the bright side of life.
See you later~ Keep in touch!
Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the bright side of life
So. All right. your mother and father hate you are a raging homesexual.
What does it matter?
You got jazz hands. Let me see them !
I love you Mom!
I love you so much!
I love you for sure.
Put down your robots!
I love you~
一次漫长的告别,always look on the bight side of life 在艰难的时候唱给世界。thank you Sam
家人就是相看两生厌,却又难以割舍的存在,上一秒还觉得生叉烧都好过生你,下一秒又觉得你真是我的小甜心,每天都在各种情绪之间转换。最后Sam独自cruising配上那首Always Look on the Bright Side of Life,真是完美的结尾。
“终于等到你,还好我没放弃” 前两集一如即往地喜欢,酷爱琐碎的日常。
最后两集拍出了 更美好的情感 最后一段感觉十分复古 很喜欢
谢谢帕梅拉当了我六年的妈 现在她提前辞职了 不过没关系
“因为你有你的人生,我有我的旅程;在前方还有等着你的人…” 渴望、喜欢甚至崇敬Pamela在五季里对于亲情、爱情、友情以及所有形式感情的注解与表达,仿佛严肃开讲的人生课,又很像“傻子才当真”的酒吧随兴谈。结局如此独特,可能会在很长段时间都对女性向喜剧设置一个相当高的标准;也从最开始仅是依靠于更如雷贯耳的名字从而获得注意,之后竭尽所能地让这部剧彻底成为由自己主导、并且标榜着鲜明风格的个人制作。生活得向着光亮,人们也得永远继续前进;不停驰骋的Sam,装载着所有的勇敢与自我上路,就这样感染和鼓舞着荧屏外的你我。#Farewell
只看Sam做饭我能看半天。。。第五季没那么女性主义,基本是日常琐碎,只看这一季没那么完美。2020-03-02: 等了一年多...太想念Pamela Adlon了。作为忠实影迷,希望您好好休息,继续创造力爆棚。。声音实在听着太疲惫了。想着是她一个人拉扯大三个女儿,还要照顾巨婴前夫,真是心疼Pamela!
溢美之词明明都在前四季说完了,但看完finale还是感叹真好啊。最真实的生活永远是折叠的,秘密藏在这个角落,温柔藏在那个缝隙,谁的脆弱都不会展开,痛苦也不会被熨服帖。爱像折痕一样,熟稔又隽永。/ep5ep7母女祖孙共享生命与历史,ep9上完厕所把骨灰和尿液一起冲落马桶。ep10 I love you
每一季都是我的年度美剧!爱爱爱到无以复加!喜欢Sam和3个独具个性的女儿,喜欢Phil,喜欢Gay Friend。光看Sam做饭也觉得这30分钟一点都不无聊!真希望永不完结啊!想陪她们在LA grow old…
真心舍不得这部剧完结,距离第一季居然已经快要6年过去了,是一部冷门但是能戳到我的美式喜剧,pamela yyds
剧终就像是给us(观众)和US(动荡不安的老美 uncle Sam)拍肩打气😭 路易离开之后每一季都更精彩,Pamela不是女版Louie CK,没有重复路易不容易的虚无抑郁… 终季没有了主题曲,反而回到处理最核心的母女关系上,老中青三代女性都顺着水流,拥抱各自的变化;戴帽男雕塑的被打破,迎来弟妹的告白与新礼物;旧的不去,新的不来;现实与浪漫、坚强与忧柔… 平衡、敞开,这些都是女性视角和叙事的力量,也是目前这世界最需要的疗愈力。🌠 Please remember “Always look on the bright sides of life ♪ ”