热播电视剧最新电影星之人向日葵2023大丈夫王志文版李师师死亡矿坑浮俘昆仑镜之上古异兽三宝闹深圳黑白之门奇迹老爸捕鸟者理发师捉放爱我的两个超级老爸花牌情缘3梁上君子犯罪现场调查第九季雨中花被风吹过的夏天让他们说吧紧急链接石将军石勇肌肤This is a film about education as self-transformation, Susan, a working-class girl, becomes Rita (she takes the name from Rita Mae Brown, author of the book Rubyfruit Jungle, which I discuss in chapter 3), through a process of being educated in literature. The narrative dramatizes how becoming civil is not simply about learning to read the right books or learning to appreciate the right objects but is about developing a different relationship to those objects. So in the first instance Rita learns by su>itchinga^ecrions, by learning to appreciate some things, or to appreciate the difference between pulp fiction and literature. But by the end she becomes free from any such affection. She says, “You think you did nothing for me. You think I ended up with a whole lot of quotes and empty phrases. Well, all right. I did. But that wasn’t your doing, I was too hungry for it all. I didn’t question anything. I wanted it all too much so I wouldn’t let it be questioned. Told you I was stupid,” Her hunger for knowledge about x becomes symptomatic of her failure to transcend the working-class habitus that makes becoming educated desirable in the first place.
For Rita to become educated requires that she become free from hunger for things, from insistence on and in enjoyment. Having become free, Rita can now choose, with the capacity for choice being organized through tropes of indifference; “I might go to France. I might go to London. I might just stay here and carry on with my studies. I might even stay here and have a baby, I don’t know. I will make a decision. I will choose.” Becoming civil converts the language of “must” to the language of “might” and eventually to the language of will and choice. We end up with a fantasy of a moral and middle-class subject as the one who is without habit, who will and can choose insofar as they are imagined as free from inclination.
1. 良好的工作环境:一间有落地窗的宽敞办公室
2. 灵感起搏器:酒,给明摆着或者藏到书后面都行,喝完以后六亲不认的那种
3. 着装自由:日常颓里颓气不是事儿,只要一办趴,那必须立刻西装燕尾服洋房二楼请
4. 自信:校领导惹不起我,开除是不会的,最多给我sabbatical
5. 专一:喝多以后谁都可以骂,但还要给喜欢的女孩子买裙子,要到处找她提醒她有考试
6. 真才实学:emmm毕竟,没有谈资拿什么跟喜欢的人调情嘛
I think most of us is standing in a special place which is like we are not here and we are also not belong to there. We are trying to sing a better song. And we do everything we can do to achieve it. But the most ridiculous thing is. In the end you will find you are singing an absolutely different song.
一个想要找寻自我不愿年纪轻轻生儿育女的世俗女,一个成天醉生梦死吊儿郎当的文学教授,没有阶级的隔阂,没有烂俗的情愫,只有在互相交流接触间逐渐找到未来更好的道路。Michael Caine这种又精明又戏谑的气质真是太迷人了!
理想与现实, 以及豆瓣这个分数绝对是虚高了
只有两人在Frank办公室对话的话剧应该更棒 电影里多了人物也分散了矛盾;知识不能改变命运 只是给生活多了选择
和《窈窕淑女》比起来,Rita主动学习,成为她梦想成为的自己,她看到了感情,了解感情的重要性,却没有囿于感情而放弃坚持的东西。美中不足的点与《窈窕淑女》类似,女主怎么可能这么快学会那么多知识的"(º Д º*)
演员真好。Michael Cane,不知不觉就爱上他了,虽然他们尽量把他的帅美藏了起来。韦斯利妈妈年轻的时候可爱麻利到无法形容。
结局确实对得起她受的教育 为自己做了选择 校园生活真的是用来珍惜的 talk think write essays like them
挺好的。但是我忍不住要吼:一開始為毛要黑Forster啊為毛要黑Howards End啊!!!!
when i listen to the music and poetry,then i can live.you see,darling, the rest of time,it is just me.that is not enough.---it is a dead serious comedy.indeed,knowledge is poison,once you have it,the rest of world seems dull and tedious.
超好看!这对师生太可爱了!接受教育不是让你变得有品位和与众不同,而是让你能有更多的选择,“Find a better song to sing”。想要努力,任何时候开始都不晚。
not too bad for an adaptation but I can assure you that the screenplay is much better
2010-12-16 I marked as I want to watch....now it 2016-04-22...Finally watched it....six years passed by..