On Fran and Maxwell's honeymoon aboard the yacht, Fran falls overboard and Maxwell jumps in to rescue her. They manage to make it to a deserted island. There, they have some good times and bad times in their survival, but the worst ends up being a poisonous bite that Maxwell receives. He thinks he's going to die, but luckily for him, Fran watched daytime television in the past which gave her the necessary skills to tend to his illness. Meanwhile, they are noticed missing when the yacht docked at its first port without them. The Sheffield kids, Sylvia and Niles fear the worst. After a week of the Coast Guard not being able to locate any sign of Fran and Maxwell dead or alive, C.C. decides to take matters into her own hands.
空中浩劫第十五季绅士联盟第二季为单身汉设下的陷阱红颜孽保镖之情人保镖岚电深渊鲨难本德尔:起点携父同游第四季江湖密令罪恶贵族鬼侠1962儿子的大玩偶劫匪摆渡人(普通话版)林肯传I.Q.情缘这个雪男不太冷沼泽传说致命核料普吉岛的最后黄昏9号秘事万圣节特别篇艳贼最终幻想15:王者之剑夏日香气孤胆特工老九门番外之虎骨梅花无处藏身嘻哈星节奏:意大利篇第一季安娜2019妃子笑穿梭阴阳间七年之痒2010数到十就亲亲你乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第七季学姐知道第1季好血统相亲盛宴末日情人混乱之子第四季水手的三枚硬币欲望法则牙狼:阿修罗