Brazilian town of Santa An-du-Agreshte welcomes his "prodigal daughter" Tieta, after a very long absence. When Tieta was 17, her father and older sister threw her out of the house "for bad behavior." And she returns home - very beautiful and, most importantly, fabulously rich. Her appearance causes a stir in the small town lost in time and space. After all, Tieta has more money than all of its residents, and she becomes the main benefactor of the town. But her older sister, burning with envy and dreaming to bring Titus "to light", suits against her a conspiracy ...
热播电视剧最新电影向左走向右走暴走拳手偷穿高跟鞋名世恋人梦工厂火山有道理的爱情自由万岁从心回家军情五处 第七季打扫逃狱兄弟2粤语版52赫兹,我爱你为人师表1988影子恋人红西服蒙冤之战义士艺术系女生魔兽之副本人生法医朝颜2022特别篇帝国大厦条子骇客亲爱的同志鬼娃恰吉第二季恶魔咆哮4:预言实现
名著改编的电影。由于多次改编为肥皂剧,这个故事在巴西想必家喻户晓,Caetano Veloso最能引起大合唱的歌就是该电影主题曲:"Eta! Eta Eta Eta!" 。1982年中译本《浪女回归》竟然是俄文转译的,但《浪女回归》比《衣锦还乡》一名较近原作旨趣。作者若热·亚马多亲身出现在片子开头。斑斓的色彩乃至用音乐穿针引线的手法,令它很有一点阿尔莫多瓦的风格,但不如阿尔莫多瓦那样充满强烈的电影感。