A really underrated film. There is some romance in the film, but the most part is about the proof of love, the love between father and daughter, the trust between lovers. Theory should always be justified, and love should be as well.
The most touching part is the dialogue between the father and daughter in a very cold night with many light snowflakes. The father said the daughter “You are genuinely interested in it? You know how happy that makes me. I think that can keep me fill the rest of my life, not just me. Now I am starting to feel I am finished, really finished. I was terrified that I would never work again. Did you notice that?” Then his eyes were lit by the desire to work with his daughter. Finally, he got a real good helper, a inheritor with the ability to continue.
And the dialogues in the film are humorous. For example, a band will perform a rock piece of music with the name “I”, but all is just nothing, silent as “i” is imaginary number in maths. The music is inaudible as well.
The performance of Gwyneth Paltrow in this film was even better than that in “Shakespeare in Love”. I even think she is English, not American. And Anthony Hopkins never fails to live up to my expectations.
Just finish my short introduction by citing the last words “If I go back to the beginning, I can start it over again. I can go line by line trying to find shorter way. I can try to make it better.”
I've proved it, who cares you can understand it or not
拍得缺乏生气 没有意思 Gweyneth Paltrow演得不行
I don't get it, but it's too sad and beautiful to be given a 2 star rating... maybe need to watch the theatre version, or the film itself again...
2013/10/21 Gwyneth Paltrow演的真棒,那种自我否定,却又渴望得到别人认同的挣扎感表现得非常到位。Hopkins和Davis的两个配角也很出彩,倒是我要看的Jake基本就在打酱油(而且Jake真心是越熟才越有味道了)。虽然数学天才情商受阻的故事并不少见,不过这回换了个女天才,还真是别有一番风味。
喜欢Gwyneth Paltrow,演得真好。
其实可闷了。看完这部再回想一下《莎翁情史》 MD格温妮斯凭啥靠着那个电影就把学院奖的小金人拿回来了?!她是我至今没弄明白的影后!不过这部还是凸显了一定实力的,尤其和霍普金斯对的时候。接客和她根本不来电好吗?!生拉硬扯的姐弟恋真别扭。
It's not the irrefutable evidence proofs love ,but trust. (结局潦草唐突了点,但不影响整体观赏性,可惜中文译名太烂了)
future's heat equals to future's cold
看Donnie Darko的时候觉得Jake怎么那么丑啊!这回再看也还行。
一本数学笔记揭示各方面情感,亲情爱情,甚至包括真理性的暗示。一味沉浸在悲痛对身边人太过忽视产生怀疑,那是把绝对尖锐的利器。但是还是觉得片子太闷了....而且说真的= = 男女主太没火花了。再加上数学= =... 还好有个JAKE...