很想写下自己的感想 看了家庭作业 the art of getting by 总是觉得自己和主人公好相似,我总是能在某些电影中看到自己。但乔治和我真的好像,也是在中学时不爱完成作业,他是高中,我是贯穿了整个中学。但他有自己喜欢的东西,就是画画,而我没有一技之长,更什么都不是了。他也觉得自己好像什么都不是,一无是处,我又何尝不是这样呢?特别是他发现自己喜欢的女生和导师在一起之后,然后也发现家庭的破产之后,我觉得那个打击,我看了都心碎。他后面花了三周时间完成一年的作业我真的佩服,他是有能力的人。我好像应该也是有能力的人。我们都很complicated,但我们就是我们。 这两天看了三部电影,都很精彩,找到了以前疯狂看电影时的感觉了,我喜欢看电影时的自己,也喜欢听歌,从电影中找歌来听的自己。it's really cool. 释怀,勇敢,有担当,随意,复杂,这不挺好的嘛!anything is possible.
“I was depressed, cause I realized I’ll die one day”
I love this movie, and I’ve made a decision every single time after one English movie I’ll honestly write down exactly how I fell about the movie. I’ve came to realize as one Chinese and English could be a lifelong study for me and I try to be harsh to myself and I’ll try my best to create some wonderful movie reviews as I can. I know probably nobody will be watching this, and It’s totally ok.
So absolutely I love this movie and I was kind of thinking the way of our life and the meaning of our motivations like George.
Here was my ideas of my life in the past between my 7 to 15.
1. Most things are meaningless and we don’t have to try so hard cause most those treasures are meant to belong to some certain people and they’d came with births, they have nothing to do with your after birth.
2. Life is so tough and no matter how hard I try I just can’t reach my goal even 1 foot closer and I don’t want to waste my time on putting myself together and be sweaty working hard to achieve some honors.
3. We’re all gonna die.
And it turned out I’m not thinking so right now.
It might be a cliche story about a boy and a girl figured out their life and finally made out their minds. But things have long since changed when George drew the paining of Sally and I have to say that’s not bad.
“You are born alone, die alone and everything else is an illusion”
I tried so hard to fit in our society, my neighborhood and none of these worked. I was mean to think that way everybody was pretending to be nice with me and tossed bad shit behind me, which makes me be aware of the face they’re the mean ones. (It’s like an instant thought blew over my mind, it dosen’t stand any idea of me)
I started to hate my parents, even my friendly step father and I can’t put up his sarcastic jokes and pretending hanging outs with me. I had a feeling I should’ve killed myself whenever I was unconscious or ever since I began to remember the firs word I mom told me. I tried to drown myself inside the tiny hot tup in my lousy apartment Just like Nicolas Cage killed himself by poisoned jellyfishes in Leaving Las Vegas.
I couldn’t do it, cause guess what, I was not drunk, and I’ve got a girl I love.
Funny components of human beings’ emotional systems are love and lots of complex emotions. They could depress us in the first place and out of blue it would’ve saved us from thousand miles deep valley and brought sunlights to us over again, they’re warm and felt good.
这货根本就不是小清新,就是一部俗烂的青春片,配上几首Indie Rock,让长相清新的新生代演个性格孤僻,对白闷透了,其实就是俩早熟的孩子谈场闷骚的恋爱。最后三周搞定一学年的作业简直就像个童话,结尾更是转换的不切实际——少年不知愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁。★★
boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy loses girl, girl comes back, boy gets girl, end of story.
从《August Rush》到《吐司》,又到《家庭作业》。弗兰迪·海默就这样被电影圈的人活生生的打造成了透着基佬范儿的文艺青年····
Fred 和 Emma
我以后也要生个儿子 在我难过的时候会搂我肩膀亲我头顶 ><
不太喜欢似乎小清新的剧情,不过非常欣赏男女的表演和原声。Life&Love, Be patient
对teenage love已经欣赏不能,只有Freddie Highmore哟~怎么还是那么cute!!!嫩到Emma Roberts在他旁边都显老!对着91,92的俩,内牛满面......
许久不见的小清醒,freddie不是音乐美食天才就是美术,鸭梨好大能那么早开始doubt已经很进步了.yes...life is long,they are gonna be together one day.just have to get rid of what they are stuck with right now.it's always kinda hard to confront yourself and be honest to yourself
i fear life