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五十道格雷阴影的性传奇 剧照 NO.1五十道格雷阴影的性传奇 剧照 NO.2五十道格雷阴影的性传奇 剧照 NO.3五十道格雷阴影的性传奇 剧照 NO.4


 1 ) 不明觉历


韩式开头(女屌逆袭高富帅) 日式过程(sex & 凌辱sm 捆版play等) 美式结局(摆明了我有第二部)


Here's a reprint from an Amazon review that says it better than I can:

About half way through the book, I looked up the author to see if she was a teenager. I really did because the characters are out of a 16 year old's fantasy. The main male character is a billionaire (not a millionaire but a billionaire) who speaks fluent French, is basically a concert level pianist, is a fully trained pilot, is athletic, drop dead gorgeous, tall, built perfectly with an enormous penis, and the best lover on the planet. In addition, he's not only self made but is using his money to combat world hunger. Oh yeah, and all of this at the ripe old age of 26! And on top of that, he's never working. Every second is spent having sex or texting and emailing the female character. His billions seem to have just come about by magic. It seriously feels like 2 teenage girls got together and decided to create their "dream man" and came up with Christian Grey.

Then come the sex scenes. The first one is tolerable but as she goes on, they become so unbelievable that it becomes more laughable than erotic. She orgasms at the drop of a hat. He says her name and she orgasms. He simply touches her and she orgasms. It seems that she's climaxing on every page.

Then there's the writing. If you take out the parts where the female character is blushing or chewing her lips, the book will be down to about 50 pages. Almost on every single page, there is a whole section devoted to her blushing, chewing her lips or wondering "Jeez" about something or another. Then there's the use of "shades of". He's "fifty shades of @#$%% up," "she turned 7 shades of crimson," "he's ten shades of x,y, and z." Seriously?

The writing is just not up to par, the characters are unbelievable, and the sex verges on the comical. I don't know what happens in the remaining books and I do not intend to read them to find out. But given the maturity level of the first book, I imagine that they get married, have 2 perfect children, cure world hunger, and live happily ever after while riding into the sunset, as the female character climaxes on her horse causing her to chew her bottom lip and blush fifty shades of crimson.
Updated 8 Jan

 2 ) Grey said :我有五十种阴影!笑..

all in all,比国产霸道总裁的水平还低一些。

 3 ) 【猎奇】两个版本sex story fifty shades of grey


 4 ) 谁是谁的服从者?---评影片《五十度灰》


    我只是想表达的是,似乎是扮演两性关系中服从者的安娜其实一直是自己的主宰,而似乎是掌控者的克里斯蒂安其实没有那么强悍,最后却是个被俘虏和改变的人。克里斯蒂安一上来交往的目的就很明确,不爱谈情说爱,不找女友,只是找性的服从者,愉悦彼此。而安娜的交往也从未改变,“我是学英国文学,多少是浪漫的”,“我从不滥情,珍惜节操,一直找那个对的人”。两个人一开始的交往目的一直是错位的,但一个因为朦胧的喜欢而故意弱化对方性虐的目的性,一个又因为性的吸引、安娜的纯真不由自主的坠入情网。但情感发展之快,彼此都始料未及,安娜对克里渐生的爱意让她不能满足只是性交,她要得更多,她希望走入克里的 内心世界,希望弄明白“为什么不能睡在爱人的身边,为什么不能抚摸对方,为什么要接受莫名的惩罚,为什么只能做你的性奴隶?”而克里对安娜由性生爱,看到了安娜人性中美好、善良的一面,但从小经历的生母身体的虐待(被生母烟蒂烫伤的胸部)、养母朋友的性虐经历让他不能轻易舍弃人在虐与被虐中获得快感的人生主体经验,从小要取悦养母以获得生存的资本,他更渴望一直做自我人生的主宰。他不敢相信人性的美好,相信人与人之间除了相互利用,还有无价的爱情存在。所以在安娜的逼问下,他说他有五十道灰色阴影,没有什么为什么,“that’s the way I am.”甚至面对安娜爱的表白,他坚定的摇头“you cann’t love me.”


   而克里其实也已爱上安娜,让他不经意流露“其实是安娜你在改变我”,当安娜决绝离开时,他快步追上,无奈安娜喝止他,但电梯门关上的一刻,他不禁深情呼唤“安娜……”从小到大没有人情温慰的克里似乎有所领悟,但他不能确定,他无法马上感化,但内心却已有一丝温柔已经升起,是的,他是喜欢安娜的。他感受到安娜的爱,一次次希望抚摸他,表达内心的爱恋;感受到安娜的关心,哪怕争吵后即将分离,我还是为你做一顿早餐。他一直希望主导一切,甚至两性关系,但此时他在慢慢改变,他慢慢在被安娜的爱俘虏,他其实发现,原来这么多年,他也是希望被爱的,而不仅仅虐与被虐,从单纯的性交中获得掌控的快乐。所以关系发展之最后,他已慢慢无力回应安娜的诘问,他不能坦白,但又无法抽离;他虽然还是坚定,但已然开始瓦解。“that’s the way I am”这句话显然已疲以应对。


 5 ) It's phenomenal !



因為開始是一家Australian company published這本書,所以這邊還蠻愛報導的,之前weekend Sydney Morning Herald就有publisher的interview.

這個星期的weekend SMH主版有“More sex please, we're hooked on different shades”.


With global sales of 40 million, the success of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy has encouraged a crop of imitators.

The Australian bookstore chain, Dymocks, estimates 40 titles in this genre have been published or republished in the wake of Fifty Shades's March release, warranting a new category called steamy fiction.

''While the best of the 'copycat' books for Dymocks have only sold a fraction of Fifty Shades, these are nevertheless strong sellers for us that have, almost without exception, entered our top 10 bestseller lists on release and we are buying up everything that comes our way while our customers are showing such a strong appetite for it,'' said a Dymocks buyer, Sophie Higgins.


The adult fiction publishing house Clandestine Classics is reworking classics such as Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice to include explicit sex scenes.

他們要出erotic版的romantic classics了,OMG~~~


Fifty shades of success: my wife, the publishing genius


When she came up with the saga that was to become Fifty Shades Of Grey, she started to gather a fanatical following for her steamy sex scenes and cliffhanger endings. She'd write a new chapter every week or so, and I would proof-read it, checking her spelling, punctuation and occasionally suggesting a tweak if I thought the meaning was unclear. One night a week we'd sit at her laptop and go through her latest instalment, and somehow we managed that for 18 months without killing each other. We did fall out once; I stomped off without finishing the chapter, and she published it anyway, and if any commas were in the wrong place, no one noticed.

Whenever Erika encountered a story problem, she'd describe it, and I would come up with a simple solution that was clear, elegant and always so utterly wrong she'd immediately devise her own.


Nobody could have imagined how Fifty Shades would take off. At first there were rumours on Twitter that American mums were exchanging copies at school gates. Then, on New Year's Eve last year, messages arrived from Hollywood producers asking about movie rights, and a review appeared on Amazon by a reader who mentioned that every woman in her New York hair salon was either reading the book or talking about it.

......the original publisher couldn't meet the demand, and bookshops were constantly running out of stock. Even when Random House took over as publisher, they could barely keep up. By June it was causing paper shortages in the US, and lumber mills in Canada were rehiring laid-off workers.


Commentators can speculate on ridiculous royalty figures and imply that our afternoons are spent in an infinity pool with goblets of Bolly, but in real life the dog has to be walked, the kids fed and there are ageing relatives and the next novel to fret about. Yes we have swapped our old Honda for a shiny VW, but that's about it.


Mr EL James身後那張畫是Caravaggio的Bacchus。。。

還有。。。the sound track!

from Kings of Leon to the 16th century choral work of Thomas Tallis, "there's a whole world out there, slightly difficult classical music and dirty books to be explored, classic FM would probably do a shaggy classical album".

Fifty Shades of Grey sends sales of Thomas Tallis's Spem in Alium soaring


"The singing starts again … building and building, and he rains down blows on me … and I groan and writhe … Lost in him, lost in the astral, seraphic voices … I am completely at the mercy of his expert touch …

"'What was that music?' I mumble almost inarticulately.

"'It's called Spem in Alium, a 40-part motet by Thomas Tallis.'

"'It was … overwhelming.'"

It may not quite be what Thomas Tallis, the 16th-century court composer, had in mind when he composed his extraordinary devotional choral work, Spem in Alium. After all, it is a sacred motet expressing man's hope and trust in the Lord.

But thanks to its role in this year's publishing sensation Fifty Shades of Grey, EL James's novel exploring the joys of sado-masochism, Tallis has reached the top of the UK classical music charts. The Tallis Scholars' 1985 recording of Spem in Alium has outsold even the tenor Luciano Pavarotti to reach the number one slot.

然後什麼sex toy啊,什麼類似"red room"的房間都大賣,Calvin Klein underwear和VW銷量應該也有增加吧,一本書帶動了global GDP啊。。。

還有很多人預言會出現baby boom,新加坡不是說birth rate太低嗎,可以試下Fifthy Shades。。。


 6 ) 情色与色情差异哪里?




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看之前不知道是讲啥的,居然是……同人文(还是黄暴的)……变成了超级畅销书……然后去搜了一下fifty shades of Grey的书评……都不咋高啊……另外后半部分问谁演Grey合适的时候居然有人提出JB……我一口茶喷到屏幕上

  • ccinder好大橘
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剧情连肤浅都算不上,逻辑狗屁不通,这叫什么阴影,数学是体育老师教的吗?没有内心戏,这个片子就是炒作,噱头, 炒作。

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资源错了 是一部美国毛片 片头显示片名叫五十度灰 片子很长 1小时51分钟43秒 还有中文字幕 最后打出几排字说这片子叫This isn't the fifty shades of grey XXX: this is a parody 海报也弄错了 用的是那部毛片的海报

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