'I'm orange and you're apple, but above all we're fruit.' It's one of the classic lines from the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. My Big Fat Greek Wedding deals with the encounters of Greek culture and American culture. The leading role named Toula though was born and lived in America, however, she was set in a Greek family background, which made her look rather different from other students in clothes, food, language, or something else all through her teens. When 30 years old, Toula appeared dirty and fat, and miserably unmarried, which worried her parents a lot. It's was after Toula decided to have a change that she broke her stubborn father's rule to study computer technology at college and then work at a travel agency instead of spending the rest of her life in her father's restaurant. Also, learning how to make up and changing wearing styles turned Toula into a charming lady. And soon she fell in love with a handsome American man called Ian, teaching at college. But their relationship was no smooth since great culture shock existed between the two completely different families. Toula was told again and again that all nice greek girls are supposed to do 3 things in life: marry great boys, make great babies, and feed everyone. Also, great boys only refer to Greek guys. Toula's father, a totally religious Greek always considering Greek to be the most brilliant and accentuating that Greek is the birthplace of the world's culture, didn't want Toula to leave him, on the other hand, urged Toula to marry, of course, a good Greek man. In his eyes, a good boy must come to ask for his permission before dating his daughter. Besides, Ian's appearance even eating habits did violence to Greek traditions. Ian was a vegetarian, which was almost unbelievable to Greeks who would never discomfort their stomach and will manage to be always full even until the last day of the world. Toula had 27 cousins while Ian only 2. Even the meeting of both parents ran into lots of trouble and dilemma. When Ian's parents came into Toula's house, they were so surprised to see such a large number of invited relatives. At the party, Ian's parents remained dizzy and all at a loss. For many times, Ian was tricked and laughed at for his little knowledge of the Greek language. Even though full of challenge, Ian and Toula went through all barriers, won their parents' acquiescence, and married as Toula's father demanded, at a Greek church, in the manner of a traditional Greek Wedding. Yeah, as Toula's father said at the wedding, I'm orange and you're apple, but above all we're fruits. Toula and Ian came from two absolutely different backgrounds, but they ended up with a happy marriage. Cultural encounters ran through the whole film. However, a happy ending was shown on the screen. I figure that it indicates a view that cultural encounters were unavoidable and sometimes rather suffering, but to some degree, cultural diversity made the world colorful, interesting, and joyful. In addition, cultural shocks are unnecessarily unable to solve. No one, even in the same region, the same country, the same city, the same family, is completely the same as anyone else, that's to say, the difference comes into existence anytime anywhere. Only understanding, respect, adaptation, and tolerance can solve the conflicts in between. Toula and Ian, orange and apple, their combination is a golden example! 应我们英语老师要求写的review
“Here tonight we have apple and orange. We are different, but in the end, we are fruit.”当图拉的父亲在图拉婚礼上说出这段话时,全程被剧情逗笑的我突然感到一种涌上心头的温柔感动,这不仅是一位父亲对女儿的寄语,更是两代人勇敢地将两种文化碰撞,直面现实那些无形却顽固的文化障碍产生的凝聚迸发的火花。 故事的情节很简单,在传统希腊文化家庭长大的女孩图拉,背负着一个民族的“传统使命”生活着,终于在三十岁爆发,决定改变这一切去寻找自身的意义,也正因为她的勇敢,她收获了满意的事业与真正的爱人,更重要的是家人传统观念的转变、理解和宽容。 首先,我在这部影片里看到了一个局部的希腊文化,它也许不是最客观的,但是也揭示了希腊人或多或少存在的民族优越感与宗教戒律,作为局外人,我感到好奇同时也尊重。另一方面,美国的文化则显得更加包容,但和希腊的家族文化比仿佛是一个不成体的文明,这点由男主父母对女主无意中伤的言语和在女主家中受惊的言行可见一斑。文化的交融必须有男主的主动迎合,接受希腊宗教的洗礼,也必然有女主父母的理解和妥协,要知道打破自身根深蒂固的“文化偏见”也绝非是一件易事,幸有双方的努力才成其一桩美事。 其次,图拉下定决心做出的改变也是影片中最让我cheer up的一部分,正如她所说:别让过去决定你是什么样的人,而是让过去成为你未来成就的一部分。这一部分我称其为蜕变。但是原生家庭依旧是她心里的一道坎,欣慰的是,图拉这个“丑橘”遇到了和她的“苹果”,也有着爱她的父母,也正是她的勇敢与坦白让她最终接受了自己的原生家庭,这一部分我称其为成熟。 我很喜欢电影最后的片段的那段话“My family is big and loud but they're my family. We fight and we laugh and yes, we roast lamb on a spit in the front yard. And where ever I go, what ever I do they will always be there。”
不知道是不是所有的希腊家庭都像这样又大又吵闹,少不了抱怨但最后还是会充满感激“yeah,it's my family.'' That's nice =)
^_^在一个家庭中,男人是头,女人就是脖子。脖子转了,头也得跟着转My family is big and loud but they're my family. We fight and we laugh and yes, we roast lamb on a spit in the front yard. And where ever I go, what ever I do they will always be there.
百看不厌,不仅是因为唤起了 meet someone from a foreign culture 的共鸣。只是当看到Toula妈妈说“我们来到这个国家,所以你们能自由成长”的时候……美国人你们是有多骄傲啊?真把自己当救世主啦?
有文化差异 = = 有个【我的大型伊朗式婚礼】基本翻拍于此。。。连男女主角初次见面都一样!囧~
有点briget jones的感觉,很好的片子。 最喜欢的地方,‘i'll cook you some beef''arh, i'm a vegetarian, i don't eat beef''fine, i'll cook you some lamb then.'
interesting to show the "American Plot" theory, selling out the reductionist foreign culture, but not as meaningful as Wedding Banquet.
看来爱情,有时候来自于相貌的改变!不同民族之间的习俗不同所产生的矛盾,是本片的笑点由来!P.S.:2007-12-08 CCTV-6 电影频道 佳片有约!& 汤姆·汉克斯是本片的制片人。
2.5(也许 配音版 太搓了) 我 希望 几年后 也能有 一个 盛大的 婚礼…