情节有些落俗 但画面、摄影调度一流!
从一台式电话机为中心来回切换的两位倚门而立的医生对话的 你一句我一句,对称视角特别有意思,还有大宅院里的各种大气移动 调度 ,跟着摄像机跟随主人公进进出出,上上下下,超赏心的视觉享受[鼓掌]
The penultimate feature made in Ophüls' transitory active stint in Hollywood (from 1947 to1049, 4 features totally), CAUGHT is an unconcealed reproach of the hidebound “marrying rich"indoctrination that poisons beautiful young women (from less affluent background) into taking it as their sole goal in life.
The specimen under analysis is an unassuming young model Leonora Eames (Bel Geddes), who admittedly isn’t cut out to be a devout gold-digger, however, by way of sheer serendipity she falls in with just the right target, the multi-millionaire Smith Ohlrig (Ryan), but their rushed matrimony doesn’t augur well, as it is Smith's spur-of-the-moment decision to willfully contradict his headshrinker, only Leonora would have known better.
Blatantly modeled after Howard Hughes, Smith is a callous, high-handed megalomania, incessantly suffered from psychosomatic angina when he cannot get what he wants. After a fallout, Leonora strikes out on her own, leaving their august mansion and starting to work as a secretary of Dr. Larry Quinada (Mason, in hisstateside debut), a man who is the antithesis of Smith, mutual attraction sizzles during their working/after-working time, but to extricate herself from an abusive marriage, she has everything to sacrifice, including an unborn baby. The film’s espousal of pro-choice is a gallant coup-de-thêàtre transpiring as the exit route to the ill-sorted nuptial pairing, yet it is so emphatically abrupt, to a point it almost demonizes Larry for semi-foisting her in such a dazed state, and foreshadows their future in the end, which is not exactly a happy one one might foresee.
Entrusted with a very sympathetic role as the gaslighted wife who is caught into a snare, objectified as a rich man’s property and agonized by his contempt and sneer,Barbara Bel Geddes handsomely struts her stuff in manifesting disparate layers of Leonora’s emotional states, to a terrific impression. Regarding to the two dichotomy of her male co-stars, James Mason looks exquisitely dashing under the noir-ish shade, butas usual, it is the villain strikes gold, Robert Ryan effectively reveals a rough edge in his character and doesn’t relent even in those tender moments, a monster crystallized by his own obstinance, vanity and oceanic ego, and he knows it too well to readdress his atrocity.
Last but definitely not the least, what leaves a viewer profoundly awestruck is Ophüls under-appreciated (at least in its time) modality in his dexterity of unspooling the story, economy is judiciously achieved by applying newspaper tidings to inform the narrative's progression, not to mentionthose majestic-looking shots enriched by sublime composition, unconventional depth of field and transcendent chiaroscuro, often in gliding tracking shots meticulously choreographed by an invisible but steady hand. To all intents and purposes, CAUGHT is a neglected beauty needs to be dusted off from its ill-fated obscurity.
referential points: Ophüls’ LETTER FROM AN UNKNOWN WOMAN (1948, 8.1/10), LA RONDE (1950, 6.5/10).
Copie 35mm restaurée par UCLA Film & Television Archive, avec le soutien de The Film Foundation et de AFI/NEA Film Preservation Grants Program.后重看Lola Montès 35mm
女主这种并非绝世美女的长相倒是很搭。喜欢神经质control freak男主滚桌球和玩弹珠机,非常神经病的感觉。两个医生谈女主页很独到,镜头最后落在空位上。就是最后1/4的展开我有点lost…什么怀孕后关禁闭,最后Larry出现解救…就很没劲了 = = @大光明
y 要门当户对啊。。。FOOL
9 虽然有点刻意地想要把富豪男主人公丑化,但是这是一部很令人感动的电影。奥菲尔斯让镜头说话,用画面展示信息。女主角婴儿肥,詹姆斯·梅森绅士风度。Double Feature@Film Forum, NYC
二刷。奥菲尔斯的调度与Lee Garmes的摄影。导演对镜头语言的运用炉火纯青,以及如果坞里有除Wyler之外比奥菲尔斯还会描绘女性心理的男导请务必告诉我。一些她逃,他追,她插翅难飞的老套剧情,但是利奥诺拉自由意识的觉醒与利奥诺拉和拉里的健康情感关系值得一看,并且难得地拉里只是在扮演利奥诺拉反抗丈夫的同盟而非她的拯救者。主演都很赞,Robert Ryan这个长相和身形确实适合演霸总,如此病态到把James Mason的角色衬得如此讨喜,虽然原本就算Mason在恋爱关系中最讨喜的角色之一。很好奇在没有法典限制的情况下,剧本会怎样以流产之外的方式去处理刻画女主生下霸总孩子后面临的道德困境,不过这也足够去拍一部新的电影了。(对于原型是休斯毫不惊讶,休斯就是个邪恶可憎极端且物化任何人与情感的大变态)
🖤 Film noir but the femme fatale gets to tell the story
精神黑片,男主原型竟是Howard Hughes
3.5🌟 这个剧本换成别人拍估计就瞎了吧。脑补了黄晓明演。