该电影简介由豆瓣网专职人员撰写或者由影片官方提供,版权故事发生在1938年5月6日,这个日子无论是对罗马人民或是对平凡的家庭主妇安东尼泰来说,都是不平凡的一天。当日,独裁者希特勒和墨索里尼来到罗马参加高峰会议,无限吹捧他们奉行的法西斯主义,在慷慨激昂的讲话的蛊惑人心的词语之中,整个城市陷入了一片疯狂的躁动。 然而,这狂热的一切似乎都和在家中洒扫整理的安东尼泰无关,此刻的她正陷于深深的忧郁之中,被困在枯燥的婚姻和苍白的生活内无法自拔。这时,她邂逅了新搬来的邻居加布瑞乐,在极短的时间内,两人相知相恋,迸发出了巨大的激情,可黑夜过后,一切重归平静,仿佛什么都没有发生过。
非常喜欢,至少个人观影史二十佳。既是索菲亚最好的作品,也是马塞洛和索菲亚这一对荧屏老搭档最好的合作作品。 一九三八年的罗马,一幢邻里之间毫无生活隐私可言的社区大楼,一个反法西斯的男人和一个狂热崇拜墨索里尼的平凡女人,一个为当局和世人所唾弃的男同性恋者,一个心灵空虚婚姻失败的女人,这样的两个角色设计透露出导演的野心,注定不止是牵扯出小人物的悲欢,还必然会呈现在不可阻挡的历史潮流中整个时代的精神向度。 遭受精神奴役的乌合之众们倾巢而出,全城万人空巷,只为了见证希特勒和墨索里尼会面这一“伟大之日”。广播中传来的口号声无孔不入,侵入城市的角角落落,哪怕是人去楼空的孤楼,而属于小人物的“特别的一天”不得不在这邪恶的嘈杂背景音中度过,当一无所有而又天真地以为自己无所不有的人们归来填满空楼,这个男人和这个女人的“特别的一天”也必须结束,并在时间中轻易地被抹去了。 电影常常将生活艺术化,将人物的个性伟大化,我们在《特殊的一天》这部片子里见证了一次美丽的遇见,一段神奇的爱情,一场异常的性爱。一个怀春的勇敢女人。而在现实生活中,身处那样的历史时期,在以看门女人为代表的告密者横行的世界中,很难相信小人物们竟然被允许有这样一个专属于他们自己的“特殊的一天”,很难想象被狂热念头洗脑的人们心中竟然仍能生发出爱和憧憬,很难说一个孤苦伶仃的女人竟能勇敢至此。 当时的社会现实如何,电影只是提供了一个美化版本、抛出一个问题,我们必须从别处查阅资料、运用想象和人类的共通之情从心灵中去寻找一个没有被美化的版本、一个答案。 历史何其相似,当权者的野心何其相似,普罗大众的命运何其相似,一切都在世间轮回,一切都在大地上流转,历史的车轮碾过又回返,曾经用喇叭喊出的口号必将回响。
This strikingly beautiful and touching movie starts with a short video shot by the fascists, where the Italian people are very uniform and they are welcoming the arrival of Hitler.
On this special day, the woman's family are all going to the parade, but she is just going to stay at home to clean up the mess for her husband and six children. This could be a daily day for her, but fate made this day also special for her. Her pet parrot flew away, so she had to visit her neighbor in order to catch the parrot. And the man, her neighbor, was just attempting to commit a suicide, but was interrupted by her door bell rang. He is so willing to escape from his own pain and he felt very thankful to the woman, so he hoped the woman could stay longer and tried to talk about the book and dance with the woman. Then the phone call come in, which causes the woman to think that the man has a lover, so she just came back home. Then the man called his former boyfriend and wished him healthy, then payed this woman a visit. During the visit the woman came to know that the man is actually a nonfascist. So she wanted the man to leave. The man followed the woman to the platform and tried to amuse her. The woman realized that she cannot hold her feelings anymore, and she kissed the man but the man seemed not excited about it. The man has to explain that he is gay and the woman don't believe in it, they had some conflict and seperated. But the woman finally decided to say sorry to the man, they talked about their own stories, made love in the man's house with the woman's attempt. The woman felt satisfied, but the man said that he only loves man. They kissed and said goodbye. In the evening the woman's family came back, she watched the man left and turned off all the lights.
book and picture
The first scene as the woman's first appearance, the audience shortly grasp the woman as a busy housewife not that respected by the whole family. Even the parrot always call her name as "part of the family". And she is really not doing the housework in a quite efficient way perhaps because she really doesn't have much to do in the daytime.
At first the woman and the man both just want to seek some joy and relief from each other. They show each other their amazing parts, the beauty, the husband's good job, the decency, the humor sense. But then the woman knows something about the man's not faithful. This makes the woman hesitated about having fun with the man. She tried to calm herself down with the daily housework. But the man still gives her butterflies and she kissed him on the platform. Here the first boundary of fasinism is broken.
Then the woman came to know that the man is gay. But again, as human, our commonity is a lot more than the disparation. So finally they shared their deep sorrow and pain, and find out that they can understand each other as two human beings, with no labels given by the society and the era.
Most Striking part is that they made love. Yes, a woman and a gay. Now they do it to warm each other's heart.
the color
the positions of the windows of the man and the woman
beautiful dancing music and Fransis music
the gentle love and the rude radio of the parade
playfulness and seriousness
woman's attitude to the album and the Fransis
the old woman's craziness, the woman's compliance and the man's negative resistance
homosexual and heterosexual
nonFransis and Fransis
educated and under-educated
mainstream and marginalized
The color, the frames and the actor stance of the movie are really amazing, especially considering the limitness of the scene (mainly platform, woman's house, man's house and a few hallway and buildings).
The hue is somewhat close to the hue of a black and white film, but with some dim lighting mixed, which gives the whole movie a sense of holy and peace. The only obvious color of the whole movie is the color of the flags of the fascis, which is also what occupies the inner worlds of Italian people. Each frame can be taken as a drawing and the actor stance really indicate their relationship.
In the following plot, the woman is looking at the man from a distance, with the wall seperating them into two worlds. But the man attracts the woman, so she finally crossed the line.
The movie is certainly about war, but it is in general introduced in a pretty reserved way. Although the radio is playing all the time, only at some points will we be caught attention to the radio related to the war. For example after the sex, when they kiss each other.
The man and the woman, both feeling isolated, marginalized and discriminated by the whole world , coming to understand each other despite all the differences between them. As long as there is still standard and law of the stronger of any form, there will be the majority and the minority, and we cannot expect that we are always in the majority side. But as mankind. And that is the most cruel part of war, that people are forced to be the same, like the soliders, the children and the adults wearing the same uniform and we can barely notice their difference.
This is a special day for them. But tomorrow is another routine day, the woman still buried in housework, the man still not accepted by the whole society. As the light of the woman's home dim down, the woman's heart went into despair, and the future is nothing but darkness.
故事发生在1938年5月6日,这个日子无论是对罗马人民或是对平凡的家庭主妇安东尼泰(索菲娅·罗兰 Sophia Loren 饰)来说,都是不平凡的一天。当日,独裁者希特勒和墨索里尼来到罗马参加高峰会议,无限吹捧他们奉行的法西斯主义,在慷慨激昂的讲话的蛊惑人心的词语之中,整个城市陷入了一片疯狂的躁动。 然而,这狂热的一切似乎都和在家中洒扫整理的安东尼泰无关,此刻的她正陷于深深的忧郁之中,被困在枯燥的婚姻和苍白的生活内无法自拔。这时,她邂逅了新搬来的邻居加布瑞乐(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰),在极短的时间内,两人相知相恋,迸发出了巨大的激情,可黑夜过后,一切重归平静,仿佛什么都没有发生过。©豆瓣
修复后铅黄的色调渗透每个角落一如末日 不曾断绝的广播声时刻提醒着极权的在场 景深和长镜头在前半部分充当着两人来回迂走的显性标志 而在时间和空间的不断限制下由粗暴的特写拉开情感的闸门 超越一切的性爱之后世界被一分为二 犹如对政治的隐喻一般 被某种无法感知的力量困在原地 回归现实的同时亦是常态崩塌的开始
特殊的一天,对面六楼那位英俊的陌生人。三个火枪手。感人的色彩、运镜和质感。这栋建筑无论往下俯瞰还是往上爬到天台,都充满了层次美。SL和MM合作次数多到胜过老夫老妻了,怎么说MM说自己是个gay就跟“Il bell'Antonio-1960”里说自己不举一样简直无法服众!
8.5 纳粹政权阴云下,元首相聚的礼宾仪式广播声中,被迫害的同性恋者与被压垮的家庭主妇,两个不可能的角色相互找到短暂的依靠。流畅的调度下,泛黄的质感中,特殊的一天在镜头中静静流淌结束于平静离去后的默默收场,伴随着索菲亚罗兰与马斯楚安尼的完美表演带来一部静静流淌于心灵深处的电影。
20130507 "我單身" "要繳單身稅吧" "孤獨也是財產"/說不出有多喜歡這部,看完太難過了。/那些細緻的動作一直讓我想到Colin的A single man/寂寞的人都是一樣的,他們在這一天互相成全。
动我心弦,好像我最在乎的一切尽在其中。试想“文革”前夕,一位儿女们都做了红卫兵的母亲,在锣鼓喧天的游行日,广播里传来昂扬话语,她跟比邻而居的作家(木心式的人物)不期而遇,发生了意想不到的肌肤之亲。在这漫长又短暂的一天尽头,他跟着密探走了。// 大街上是高调的政治、历史性的时刻,室内是捕捉八哥、跳伦巴、磨咖啡、修电灯等琐琐碎碎。喜欢片子这严重失饱和的黄色调,这是历史上的一个“黄昏”,也是这两个年华渐老的男女的一个黄昏。晾衣天台上你退我进的游戏、言语肢体的冲突,始终在雪白的被单之间发生,它们拍着翅膀,如鸽子,飞不出这片天空。