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  擅長在作品中處理人與人的親密感的濱口,以四小時的長度捕捉日常與非日常之間。劇場裡的青年男女為了創作與生存而鬥爭。濱口藉由一個又一個長鏡頭追逐舞台劇的排演過程,耐心等候必然的衝突與 張力,既展現了攝影機暴力的本質,同時 思考「在鏡頭前面演出」是怎麼回事。現實與虛構巧妙交錯,舞台上下的衝突與暴 力,哪一邊才是真實的人生。热播电视剧最新电影我把老师缩小了第七日的奇迹活跳尸2麦多斯小姐我叫布鲁斯女孩的战地滑板课三一四侦探团好孩子2024最后的武林2铁砂掌现在启示录


 1 ) 亲密治疗


 2 ) 人生因性爱而更美好



感觉Helen在裸戏时面带微笑中却流露出一种极不情愿的申请,或许是她本身就那个表情。Helen Hunt是继Meg Ryan之后在电影里全裸的(过气)女星。但Helen Hunt勇气可嘉,也因此片获得奥斯卡提名。




 3 ) 转载 Meet the Real Sex Surrogate Portrayed by Helen Hunt in 'The Sessions'





One of my favorite movies of the year is The Sessions, based on the true story of sex surrogate Cheryl Cohen Greene and her work with Berkeley-based poet and journalist Mark O'Brien, who was confined to an iron lung after contracting polio at age 6. The story is riveting, and comprises the first chapter of Cheryl's memoir, An Intimate Life: Sex, Love, and My Journey as a Surrogate Partner.

For forty years, Cheryl has worked in a career that has helped so many people, yet is greatly misunderstood. Here's what she had to say about her life as a sex surrogate:

Lois Alter Mark: I absolutely loved The Sessions, and thought it was such a beautiful and important story that can really open people's minds. How accurate is the movie and what message do you hope viewers will come away with after seeing it?

Cheryl Cohen Greene: Overall, I'm pleased with the level of accuracy in the movie. Of course, there are some things that the film couldn't show because of time limitations, but they really gave an accurate depiction of my work with Mark. The part about Mark and I falling in love was an exception. I would say we fell in like and we shared some very intense, loving moments. We stayed friends for years.

I hope people will come away understanding how important sexuality is for everyone, including people with disabilities. They have the same needs and desires as those of us who don't live with a physical disability. Additionally, I hope people will have a better sense of who surrogate partners are and the services we provide. We offer people the education and experience that can help them move forward in their lives from a more secure, more knowledgeable place.

LAM: Helen Hunt gives a beautiful performance that has deservedly been nominated for an Academy Award. How did it feel to watch her portray you? Did she have any specific questions before she started? What kind of advice did you give her?

CCG: It was incredible! Helen observed me very closely. She herself has said that I'm a louder person than she is, but I really felt she got my energy into her portrayal. She asked a lot about how I work with people and the range of clients I have. We discussed my work with Mark and how I encouraged him to give me feedback. Once, I read the script to her in my own voice so she could get my Boston accent. She also invited me to her home and I demonstrated sensual touch, an exercise I do with clients, on her partner -- fully clothed. Much of what you see with Helen and John in the movie comes directly from my work with Mark. I did bring a mirror to our sessions so Mark could see himself, and I did touch him in much the same way Helen did.

LAM: Because the movie focuses on just one of your clients, I found it fascinating to read your memoir afterwards. You have lived a very rich life, in a world most people have no idea even exists!

CCG: Thank you. I agree! I've been very fortunate.

LAM: It seems that the biggest misconception about surrogates is that they're no different than prostitutes. The movie and your book clearly show how off-base that perception is. I love that you say you're more like Julia Child than Xavier Hollander, and you compare seeing a surrogate to going to culinary school. Can you explain that a little?

CCG: Well, if you go to a prostitute it's like going to a restaurant. You choose what you want for the menu, you eat and hopefully have a good meal, and then you pay accordingly. If you have a good experience, maybe you'll return or refer friends to them. With a surrogate, it's more like going to culinary school. You learn the recipes, you learn your way around the kitchen, and then you go back to your life equipped with new skills and knowledge. I've yet to find a better metaphor for explaining the difference.

LAM: The world was a very different place when you originally started this career. How did you get into it and what does it take to be good at this job?

CCG: It takes compassion and empathy -- not sympathy, but empathy. It also takes having a very good intuitive sense. Surrogates have a process that we follow, but as the work progressives, it really becomes more individualized and it's important for the surrogate to be able to pick up subtle cues from the client.

I got into because it was meant to be! I had a sexually repressive childhood in which I was taught to believe that sex was dirty and wrong, but also that you were supposed to save it for the one you love. When I was pregnant with my first child, I went into therapy because I wanted my children to have a different and better experience from the one I had. In the process of working on myself, I really had to confront all of the shame and guilt I had about my sexuality. I was eventually able to work through it and free myself of it, even though it was intense. That made me believe that this was possible for others, too, and I wanted to help people not just overcome negative feelings about sexuality, but become more accepting and happy as sexual beings.

LAM: Although sex is all over the place now and it seems like there's a no-holds-barred attitude, the number of surrogates has actually decreased since you started. Why is that? What have been the biggest changes you've seen in our sexual culture over the past 40 years?

CCG: The biggest challenge has always been people's shame and guilt. In the sixties and seventies, people were rejecting that and trying to redefine their attitudes about sex. When AIDS happened, people became understandably scared and surrogates were no exception. A lot of them left the field. Those of us who stayed thought it was frightening too. We made a real effort to understand safer sex and to become condom positive. Most of our clients are low risk because they haven't had a lot of sex, but there was still a certain amount of risk that we faced. We had to have a new dialogue. Before AIDS, we asked if a client wanted to use a condom; now, it's taken as a given that he will, and if he refuses, we won't have intercourse. Surrogates became better sex educators because we had to be much better informed. We were up against something much more serious than syphilis and gonorrhea.

There are only about 50 trained surrogates in the U.S. now. That number was up to around 200 in the seventies. We're trying to find young men and women to come into the field and I hope the movie will spark interest in the profession.

LAM: What's the most difficult part of being a surrogate?

CCG: The most difficult part is probably to not continue to be a surrogate when you're with your partner. We're trained to be highly aware of what the client does and feels. Surrogacy is highly client-centric and the surrogate has to be closely attuned to her client. Sex with a partner is a much more shared experience and you don't want to find yourself becoming a spectator or losing touch with your own body. It took a while for me to learn not to be a surrogate all the time.

LAM: What's the scariest part?

CCG: I don't really find anything scary about my work. People are often surprised to hear that. There have only been very few instances where I felt scared with a client. One I detail in An Intimate Life. The other was with a man who had a lot of unresolved anger at his ex-wife, whom I apparently looked like. All my clients are screened by the referring therapist and it's appropriate for them to be working with me. In truth, surrogacy is, at least initially, probably way scarier for them than it ever is for me.

LAM: You are a breast cancer survivor, and you underwent a mastectomy in 2006. How did that affect your own body image as well as your practice?

CCG: It threw me for a loop at first, but I knew instantly that I didn't want to stop working. I had to learn a new dialogue about my body. I found myself trying to come to grips with the loss of a friend. I loved my breast. I loved the sensation I had in my nipple and it happens that the breast I had removed was the more sensitive of the two. I took a philosophical attitude. I had both breasts at one time in my life, and I enjoyed them, but to be alive was more important.

LAM: How has being a surrogate affected your personal relationships?

CCG: I think I have richer personal relationships because of my work. Who I am and what I do is so different than what others do. I have fabulous friends and a loving husband, and my work has helped me be more empathetic and compassionate with all of them.

LAM: You're 68 years old now and are still working. What's been the most rewarding part of your career? What do you see for the future?

CCG: I'm going to continue my surrogacy practice for as long as I can. I love the idea of having a public platform and being able to do more education. One thing I would absolutely love to do is to serve as a sex educator for parents. How parents address sexuality has a huge impact on kids, and I'd like to make sure it's a positive one. I'd love to help give parents the knowledge and tools they need to raise happy and healthy kids.

 4 ) the love poem for no one particularly. It is just love feeling

no words to say. Just excerpt from his poem.

Let me touch you with my words For my hands Lie limp as empty gloves. Let my words stroke your hair. Slide down your back and tickle your belly. For my hands. Light and free-flying as bricks. Ignore my wishes and stubbornly refuse to carry out my quietest desires. Let my words enter your mind. Bearing torches. Admit them willingly into your being. So they may caress you gently,within.

 5 ) 《亲密治疗》







 6 ) 性爱的美好在于改变一个人,伟大在于改变人的一生。

20230130•大年初九•私人顶级电影院观影之《亲密治疗》 《亲密治疗》是军军2023年到电影院看的第8部电影,也是到私人电影院观看的第74部电影,同时也是2016年以来到电影院观赏的第585部电影。 这部电影讲的是1988年,美国的马克38岁了,还是一个处男。同时他也是一个二流情诗诗人,生活周刊特约记者,小时候,因为没有得到良好的医疗保障,而患上了骨髓灰质炎,造成了高位截瘫和重症小儿麻痹患者。为了维持自己的生命,奥·布莱恩使用了体外呼吸机辅助呼吸,以维持自己的生命。38岁的时候,奥·布莱恩决定要找一个性治疗师,来结束自己的处男生涯,从而把自己变成一个男人。 饰演马克的约翰哈克斯奉献了奥斯卡影帝级别的演技!完全靠面部微表情来表演,上一次我们欣赏到这种超难度演技的还是07年的《潜水钟与蝴蝶》吧。有一场戏是马克的第一次性治疗,他躺在门口由助理按下门铃,是另一位好心的残疾女孩愿意出借自己的公寓给马克提供性治疗的场地。在门铃响起到应答的几秒钟之内,有一个大特写,他鼻翼轻轻颤抖,眨眼速度加快,嘴角抽搐,连睫毛和瞳孔都是戏份。相信还在讨论《1942》和《少年派的奇幻漂流》哪组人马饿得比较狠的影迷们,在看了《亲密治疗》里约翰哈克斯的表演之后都可以彻底闭嘴了。那嶙峋的肋骨以及肌肉的萎缩感、僵硬感根本就是瘫痪了三年以上的躯体才会有的,连专业医生都唬的过。虽然约翰哈克斯在接受媒体采访的时候谦逊表示,只是在拍摄前半年控制饮食并在日常锻炼中去除了肌肉训练的部分。一位对待无论大小的每一个角色全力以赴的优秀演员,永远值得脱帽致敬。比如他每周去教堂听神的话,“我当然信仰上帝啊,不然我这么凄惨,总要有个谁能让我怪罪吧!” 约翰哈克斯塑造的马克,幽默又磊落,他困惑时困惑,伤情时伤情。对待周围的人善意温和,永远去爱。虽然身有残疾,人格却比我们正常人要完善许多。上帝果真对照自己的形象塑造的马克,在残破的肉身里隐隐向外散发神的光辉,很暖。也许是影史上最可爱的神父,他认为性是圣经中最严肃的事情之一,还在听了马克的告解之后开玩笑:“性嘛,上帝参与的最多了,哪怕是不信神的人在高潮时也Oh God叫个没完啊。”在马克第一次性经历之后,这位神父哥们绑着花头巾拎着半打啤酒直接上门来和马克一起庆祝。 除此之外,还有酷酷的亚洲女助理,推着马克淘二手衣服店,在他第一次性治疗之前迅速从包里掏出古龙水对着他咔咔一阵猛喷,企图用香味助阵;墨西哥大叔保姆,鼓励马克去尝试,认为“性被过高评价又是生活必需品”;性治疗师莎若的丈夫,偷偷拆了马克寄来的情诗,第二天又郑重向妻子道歉……甚至是咖啡馆的服务员,把一杯拿铁小心的放在马克的脑袋旁边,调整好吸管的位置,他并没有表现对这位特殊的客人表现出惊讶,只是提醒:“咖啡用吸管喝可能会有点烫,最好再等一下。” 精彩台词: 我想炒掉她(女护工琼), 我不喜欢她的眼神。 性辅导师和普通技女有区别吗? 摸了这一边就要摸另一边,这是规则。 我喜欢这规则。 别说啥天主教诅咒了,那是因为我的身材惹火让你情难自禁! 他焦虑的根源在于他的父母和宗教。 她尿尿的声音让我很兴奋。 等她回来,我已经雄赳赳了。 我希望你也有高潮。 “我分享得太多了么?” “无所谓,我已经习惯了!” (多么有爱的牧师) 我想请你喝咖啡。 我一般不在下课的时间和客户接触。 你要去德国? 那可是唯一一个禁止幽默的国家。 我就是要让别人看到我们在一起, 他们会奇怪一个残疾人也能把到妹。 本片根据真实故事改编,男主人公就是图9的布莱恩。1996年,华裔电影人虞琳敏为奥·布莱恩拍摄了一部纪录片《马克·奥布莱恩的生活和工作》,记录了奥·布莱恩带着呼吸机工作生活的故事,而且她还在片中讨论了残疾人士的性生活等等内容。这部纪录短片一经推出就获得了满堂喝彩,尤其是片中奥·布莱恩对自己身体的戏谑的插科打诨,乐观积极的精神,感染了很多人。在1997年的奥斯卡上,这部电影获得了奥斯卡的最佳纪录短片奖。 这部纪录片之后,奥·布莱恩几乎成为了美国残疾人士的榜样,尤其是他那种乐观面对生活、无视身体障碍的精神在一段时间内,成为了最具美国式精神的榜样。三年之后,也就是在1999年,奥·布莱恩因为长期的身体衰弱而去世,享年49岁。 因为有了谢尔这个性爱导师,马克·欧布莱恩从男孩变成了男人,他的人生才得以完美,才得以充实。就算最后走了,也没有遗憾。 性爱,很美好,很伟大。美好在于改变一个人,伟大在于改变人的一生。 豆瓣评分7.6分, 我给8.3分,我心目中的2023年度观影十大佳片。 影片中他写的诗打动了女人, “让我用我的文字触摸你,因为我无用的手就像一双空手套 让我的文字抓住你的头发,滑过你的后背,挠挠你的肚子,从我的双手,轻盈自由的飞行 忽略我所有的梦想,固执的拒绝,完成我最安静的欲望 让我的文字进入你的心灵,埋葬火把,带领他们进入你的身体 于是他们温柔的,存在于你的身体里”


现在想看个90分钟的电影如此之难,以至于都不太习惯这片的开门见山了。/ 马克等着治疗师进门的那一段,John Hawkes 演得真好!/ 来生一定要上加州伯克莱念大学 / 我才知道不是所有男的都可以自然勃起

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“不用聊太多,我就是想和你一起出现在公共场合。” 我们都没有期待,但人生就是这么神奇。49年来,他爱与被爱,残疾一生,却倾尽所有去爱人……年度最佳歪脖子电影。

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三位一体的女性是三种治愈方式,先后给予患者初恋、性爱与真爱的自我成长。肉体虽触不可及,但以文字替代双手,用身体填充灵魂,了解自身并达成心灵与肉体的统一。治疗师与患者共浴,移情与反移情是水,这种微妙关系也反映在静止的观众与活动的电影之间。John Hawkes连提名都没获真是可惜……

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7.5分。整部电影里通篇都是在谈性爱,情色,而且尺度也大到了露三点,但看下来却丝毫没有猥琐,淫荡的感觉。反倒有一种轻轻的触动。整部电影拍得如春天午后的阳光,晒在身上带来丝丝暖意,但又不会让人热得难受。相比Helen Hunt,我倒更喜欢John Hawkes,没能获得奥斯卡提名有些可惜了。

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