• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:约翰·浩克斯,莫莉·帕克,科迪·林雷,Louise Brooks,Jonathon McClendon,Alexandra Doke






  THE PLAYROOM unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama: four children in their attic hideaway make up a fantastic story, while downstairs their parents weave a drunken intrigue of their own. In a lyrical but gripping dual narrative, the story of the children’s life intertwines with the story they make up about their life–until the two stories collide and the delicate family structure collapses.  The action plays out through the eyes of Maggie Cantwell, a tempestuous teenager who turns reality into a game and make-believe into a life-or-death undertaking. But Maggie is getting too old to believe in the tales she spins for the younger children. Before the night is over, she must confront the truth and make a terrible choice.  Emotionally riveting and surprisingly funny, THE PLAYROOM is the story of how Maggie and her siblings survive the most fateful night of their lives.热播电视剧最新电影演绎屋Re:act惊天大营救2024安娜的旅程鬼吹灯之龙岭迷窟2020捕猎游戏胜者即是正义稻草人忌日快乐2(国语版)心灵传输者很想很想你太空木偶历险记骨肉2021出土奇兵极盗者国语死亡乐章娟2015职场求爱记老盔有了新主人老炮儿(网络剧)重启咲良田 后篇伸冤人第二季布莱恩·约翰逊:漫长的承诺之路间谍过家家 第一季人来客往约定的梦幻岛破发点炊事班的故事255步

