

主演:Celine Evangelista,Erika Carlina,Samuel Rizal







  Finally, Anton fell in love and married Yuni, who was also his wife's friend, Nuri. Even though Yuni and Nuri had promised not to pursue each other's partners, Nuri decided to let go because she had experienced multiple miscarriages. In the end, Nuri felt disappointed because Anton did not fulfill his promise to be fair. Yuni started experiencing supernatural terror during her pregnancy, which made her fall ill and led to conflicts with Bude. This situation led Yuni to choose Nuri to take care of her while Anton was away. What will happen when the first and second wives are under the same roof? Yuni's mother realized the danger that could befall her child and future grandchildren, but it was too late. Will the supernatural terror against Yuni end or escalate further?一直思考刃牙是不是BL的少女的纪录鬼太郎诞生 咯咯咯之谜巴黎危机欲奴英雄本色国语版11eyes司马相如超危险保镖遇见卡帕纳足球老爹鬼玩人2013今夜林中无人入睡2武林怪兽国语孔雀圣使请动心非凡街头之王2008末日重启国语踩过界夺命黑金天国与地狱的美女我被困在同一天战地神探第八季阴影效应极速风云内心之光信条2020跳芭蕾舞的男孩雪镇疑杀第一季青春警事时间去哪儿了抢钱夫妻(粤语)阴阳错(国语版)哑娘花生酱三明治接战:甲乙战争欺诈圣手私奔B计划生死时速清宫秘史 清宮秘史秘杀名单在勃艮第的一年查莉成长日记 第一季荒野独居第七季

