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这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.1这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.2这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.3这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.4这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.5这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.6这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.13这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.14这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.15这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.16这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.17这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.18这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.19这个杀手将有难 剧照 NO.20



  布兰克(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)是一名经验丰富的职业杀手,效忠于组织,深得上司的信赖与重用。然而,成日里躲躲藏藏打打杀杀的生活令布兰克感到十分疲惫,产生了金盆洗手的念头,可是,他所签署的合同却并不允许他有此想法。
  这一次,布兰克的目标人物竟然生活在他的老家底特律,在那里,布兰克和曾经的女友德比(明妮·德里弗 Minnie Driver 饰)重逢了,这场意外的重逢让两人之间再度擦出了火花。之后,布兰克意外遭到袭击,凶徒是他的同行格罗希尔(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd 饰),更让布兰克感到吃惊的是,他和格罗希尔所要刺杀的人,正是德比的父亲。

热播电视剧最新电影女孩的钓鱼慢活我是古巴黑色大丽花2006中国:变革故事半城明媚半城雨第二季刹那的光辉亡命徒探长薇拉第七季神探忠犬欢乐南极厨圣诞恋情:小提琴之弦Circuit Breakers昼与夜流言蜚语2005神偷谍影逃狱兄弟2 (粤语版)人妖打排球轰天炮2大决战之淮海战役无限重生爱情公寓3不再沉默吹玻璃的人德国之爱雪国列车(剧版)第四季


 1 ) 有关电影原声

配乐无疑是这部电影的亮点!听到不少令人激动的音乐,所以特地去查了一下。资料来自WIKI。 电影音乐的编曲人是Joe Strummer。这部是是库叔制作公司的电影,他最爱的乐队The Clash的歌不能少,有两首他们的歌, "Rudie Can't Fail" 以及他们翻唱Willi Williams的 "Armagideon Time"。 除了The Clash,电影原声表现出一种80年代流行的朋克摇滚,新浪潮,ska(源于牙买加的流行舞音乐)的混合体,比如Violent Femmes, Echo & the Bunnymen, The Specials, The Jam, The Cure, Siouxsie 和the Banshees。 电影原声在美国Billboard 200上达到过排名31的好成绩,这个真是棒。所以本来只有Volume 1,榜单成绩这么好也就release了Volume 2。 第一首听出的歌是Live and Let Die,枪花的声音很有标识性。这首是翻唱保罗麦卡特尼的Live and Let Die,原版的也很不错。还有就是Under Pressure,电影收录的是David Bowie和Queen合作的版本,绝对经典。 虾米上有这张专辑http://www.xiami.com/album/541565?spm=a1z1s.3061781.226669510.8.tibPKI,可惜只有Volume 1。 需要表明的是电影的有一些歌曲并没有收录在原声里面。 原声列表: Volume 1 "Blister in the Sun" (Violent Femmes) – 2:08 "Rudie Can't Fail" (The Clash) – 3:31 "Mirror In The Bathroom" (English Beat) – 3:09 "Under Pressure" (David Bowie and Queen) – 4:03 "I Can See Clearly Now" (Johnny Nash) – 2:46 "Live and Let Die" (Guns N' Roses) – 3:02 "We Care a Lot" (Faith No More) – 4:03 "Pressure Drop" (The Specials) – 4:18 "Absolute Beginners" (The Jam) – 2:50 "Armagideon Time" (The Clash) – 3:53 "El Matador" (Los Fabulosos Cadillacs) – 4:34 "Let My Love Open the Door (E. Cola Mix)" (Pete Townshend) – 4:58 "Blister 2000" (Violent Femmes) – 2:58 Volume 2 "A Message to You, Rudy" (The Specials) – 2:53 "Cities in Dust" (Siouxsie and the Banshees) – 3:49 "The Killing Moon" (Echo & the Bunnymen) – 5:44 "Monkey Gone to Heaven" (Pixies) – 2:56 "Lorca's Novena" (The Pogues) – 4:35 "Go!" (Tones on Tail) – 2:32 "Let it Whip" (Dazz Band) – 4:24 "The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight" (Dominatrix) – 3:40 "War Cry" (Joe Strummer) – 5:58 "White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)" (Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel) – 7:24 "Take on Me" (a-ha) – 3:46 "You're Wondering Now" (The Specials) – 2:37

 2 ) 浪漫 暴力 喜剧



Marty: Debi's house.
Paul: Kinda crept up on you, didn't it?
Marty: No, you drove us here.
Paul: [pause] Yep.
Marcella: You know, when you started getting invited to your ten year high school reunion, time is catching up.
Martin Q. Blank: Are you talking about a sense of my own mortality or a fear of death?
Marcella: Well, I never really thought about it quite like that.
Martin Q. Blank: Did you go to yours?
Marcella: Yes, I did. It was just as if everyone had swelled.
[Talking to his psychiatrist about going to his high school reunion]
Marty: They all have husbands and wives and children and houses and dogs, and, you know, they've all made themselves a part of something and they can talk about what they do. What am I gonna say? "I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How've you been?"
Marty: This your Beamer?
Paul: Yeah.
Marty: In Detroit? That's sacrilege!
Mr. Grocer: After we do your job, we're gonna do another job.
Marty: Tell me about it.
Mr. Grocer: Like I'm gonna put a bullet hole in your fuckin' forehead, and I'm gonna fuck the brain hole!
Debi: Some people say forgive and forget. Nah, I don't know. I say forget about forgiving and just accept. And... get the hell out of town.
[repeated line]
Marty: If I show up at your door, chances are you did something to bring me there.
[to her son]
Mary Blank: You're a handsome devil. What's your name?
[to Debi's father, while fleeing from Grocer]
Marty: I was hired to kill you. But I'm not going to. It's either because I'm in love with your daughter or I have a newfound respect for life.
[In pursuing car]
Mr. Grocer: That punk's either in love with that guy's daughter or he's got a newfound respect for life.
Martin Q. Blank: You must've done some *naughty* shit there, Bart.
[flips dossier over to him]
Martin Q. Blank: There's a contract out on your life. Believe me. I was hired to kill you, but I'm not going to do it. It's either because I'm in love with your daughter or because I have a newfound respect for life.
Mr. Grocer: [following in van] That punk is either in love with that guy's daughter or he has a newfound respect for life.
Mr. Newberry: [after reading contract/dossier] My whole life!
Martin Q. Blank: Hopefully not.
Martin Q. Blank: Oh, the reason I called... Could you find out who else is in town? I've made two spooks and a goon already, so if they've double-booked the job, and/or they're going to kill me, I'd like to know. If you could find that out, that'd be great.
[Martin gives Debi a bouquet of flowers]
Debi: I'll go put these in some rubbing alcohol.
McCullers: You got any ideas how you wanna wax this guy?
Steve: Can't you just say 'kill'? Ya always gotta romanticize it.
Dr. Oatman: Martin, I'm emotionally involved with you.
Marty: How are you emotionally involved with me?
Dr. Oatman: I'm afraid of you.
Marty: You're afraid of me.
Dr. Oatman: And that constitutes an emotional involvement, and it would be unethical for me to work with you under those circumstances.
Marty: You don't know my cat. It's very demanding.
Debi: "It"? You don't know if it's a boy or a girl?
Marty: I respect its privacy.
Debi: So, is there a Mrs. Mysterio?
Martin Q. Blank: No, but I do have a very nice cat?
Debi: Not the same.
Martin Q. Blank: Well, you don't know my cat, it's very demanding.
Debi: It? You don't know if it's a boy or girl?
Martin Q. Blank: I respect its privacy.
Paul: I've got to get something off my chest. Have you been home to see the old house?
Martin Q. Blank: Yeah. Torn down in the name of convenience.
Paul: Yeah, I brokered the deal
Martin Q. Blank: Oh, wow. Wow.
Paul: I tried to get a family there, but Ultimart made the best offer.
Martin Q. Blank: Well, thank you for profiting on my childhood.
Marty: Why are you so interested in me going to my high school reunion?
Marcella: I just find it amusing that you came from somewhere.
Mr. Newberry: What have you been doing with your life?
Marty: Uh... professional killer.
Mr. Newberry: Oh! Good for you, it's a... growth industry.
Debi: You know what you need?
Marty: What?
Debi: Shakabuku.
Marty: You wanna tell me what that means?
Debi: It's a swift, spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever.
Marty: Oh, that'd be good. I think.
Martin Q. Blank: [Leaving a message on Dr. Oatman's machine] Dr. Oatman, please pick up, pick up! It's Martin Blank! I, I'm standing where my, uh, living room was and it's not here because my house is gone and it's an Ultimart! You can never go home again, Oatman... but I guess you can shop there.
[after his secretary pissed him off]
Marty: Marcella... you know what I do for a living.
Martin Q. Blank: Don't you think that maybe you're just upset because I told you what I do for a living, and you got upset and *you're* letting it interfere with *our* dynamic?
Dr. Oatman: Whoa. Martin. You didn't tell me what you did for a living...
Martin Q. Blank: Yes, I did!
Dr. Oatman: You didn't tell me what you did for a living for *four* sessions. *Then* you told me. And I said, "I don't want to work with you any more." And yet, you come back each week at the same time. That's a difficulty for me. On top of that, if you've committed a crime or you're thinking about committing a crime, I have to tell the authorities.
Martin Q. Blank: I know the law, okay? But I don't want to be withholding; I'm very serious about this process.
Martin Q. Blank: And I know where you live.
Dr. Oatman: Oh, now see? That wasn't a nice thing to say; that wasn't designed to make me feel good. That's a... kind of a... not too subtle intimidation, and I, uh, get filled with anxiety when you talk about something like that.
Martin Q. Blank: Come on, come on. I was just kidding, all right? The thought never crossed my mind.
Dr. Oatman: You did think of it, Martin! You thought it, and then you said it. And now, I'm left with the aftermath of that, thinking I gotta be creative in a really interesting way or Martin's gonna blow my brains out! You're holding me hostage. That's not right.
[After Marty tells Debi he kills people for a living]
Debi: You don't get it! You don't get to have me!
Marty: You're overreacting!
Marty: What are you doing here?
Ultimart Carl: I'm doing a double shift. What does it look like?
Marty: How long have you worked here?
Ultimart Carl: A couple months.
Marty: Is the manager here? Do you have a supervisor?
Ultimart Carl: No. They--
Marty: [Interrupting] How long have they worked here?
Ultimart Carl: I'm not tellin' you.
Marty: Yeah? Where do you live?
Ultimart Carl: I'm not tellin' you that, either.
Marty: Where does your manager live? Who-- I used to-- Where-- W-what are you doing here?
Ultimart Carl: I work here.
Marty: What are you doing here?
Ultimart Carl: I work here.
Marty: And how long have you worked here?
Ultimart Carl: Only a couple months.
Marty: All right, all right. What's done is done. Just forget about the whole thing.
Marty: [after shooting a guy three times and bashing his head in with a skillet] Debi, I'm in love with you! And I know we can make this relationship work.
Martin Q. Blank: Do you *really* believe that there's some stored up conflict that exists between us? There *is* no us. *We* don't exist. So who do you wanna hit, man? It's not me. Now whaddya wanna do here, man?
Bob: [Pulls out a folded up piece of paper]
Martin Q. Blank: I don't know what that is.
Bob: These are my words.
Martin Q. Blank: It's a poem? See, that's the problem... express yourself, Bob! Go for it.
Bob: "When I feel... quiet... when... I feel... blue..."
Martin Q. Blank: You know, I think that is *terrific*, what you have right there. Really, I liked it, a lot. I wouldn't sell the dealership or anything but, I'm tellin' ya... it's intense!
Bob: There's... more.
Martin Q. Blank: Okay, would ya mind, just skip to the end.
Bob: To... the very end? "For a while."
Martin Q. Blank: Whew. That's good man.
Bob: "For a while."
Martin Q. Blank: That's excellent!
Bob: You wanna do some blow?
Martin Q. Blank: No I don't.
Bob: [Hugs Martin]
Bob: Real smart. C'mon. Let's see how smart you are with my foot up your ass!
[Repeated line]
Marty: It's not me.
Victim: Whatever I'm doing you don't like... I'll stop doing it.
Marty: It's not me.
Debi: You're a psychopath.
Marty: No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for *money*. It's a *job*. That didn't come out right.
Mr. Grocer: Workers of the world, unite!
Mr. Grocer: [singing] I'll be comin' around the mountain when I come / I'll be comin' around the mountain when I come / I'll be blowin' your fuckin' head off / I'll be blowin' your fuckin' head off / I'll be whackin' your fuckin' mind out when I come.
Paul: Hey Jenny Slater. Hey Jenny Slater. Hey Jenny Slater.
Marty: I'm a professional killer.
Paul: Do you have to do postgraduate work for that?
Amy: Where ya been these last ten years?
Debi: Yeah, where ya been, "Marv"?
Amy: Ya look great!
Martin Q. Blank: Thanks. I work at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Amy: Ya do not!
Martin Q. Blank: I do! I sell biscuits and gravy all over the Southland.
Amy: You're so funny.
Debi: He's a funny guy.
Amy: What do you do?
Marty: I work at Kentucky Fried Chicken. I sell biscuits and gravy all over the Southlands.
Waitress: What do you want in your omelette, sir?
Marty: Nothing in the omelette, nothing at all.
Waitress: Well, that's not technically an omelette.
Marty: Look, I don't want to get into a semantic argument, I just want the protein.
Dr. Oatman: Don't kill anybody for a few days. See what it feels like.
Martin Q. Blank: Alright, I'll give it a shot.
Dr. Oatman: No, don't give it a shot! Don't shoot anything!
Debi: Where are all the good men dead, in the heart or in the head?
Mr. Newberry: Did I have you figured wrong?
Marty: I don't know - I mean I hope so.
Mr. Newberry: I visualised you in a haze as one of those slackster, flannel-wearing, coffee-house misanthropes I've been seeing in Newsweek.
Marty: No no no, I went the other road. Six figures, doing business with leadpipe cruelty, mercenery sensibility. You know... sports, sex, no real relationships. How about you - how have the years been treating you?
Mr. Newberry: Well you know me Martin - still the same old sell-out, exploiting the oppressed...
Marty: Sure.
Mr. Newberry: Ah what a piece of work is man, how noble... oh fuck it, let's have a drink and forget the whole damn thing.
Mr. Grocer: This is Durazac 15, kid. It makes Prozac seem like de-caf latte.
Marty: I don't do that stuff anymore.
Mr. Grocer: Don't say "do it," because I don't "do it," I *ingest* it, on orders of my neurophysiologist. This stuff is legal. In five years they'll be putting it in the water for citizens, just like fluoride.
Kevin McCullers: Man, why don't we just do his job, so we can do our job and get the fuck out of here?
Steve: What do you mean, "do his job?" What am I, a cold-blooded killer? I'm not a cold-blooded killer.
Kevin McCullers: Now, wait a minute...
Steve: No, you wait a minute. You want to kill the good guy but not be the bad guy. Doesn't work like that. You have to wait until the bad guy kills the good guy, then when you kill the bad guy, you're the good guy.
Kevin McCullers: So - just to clarify - if we do his job we're the bad guys, and if we do our job we're the good guys.
Steve: Yes.
Kevin McCullers: That's... great.
Marty: Oatman? Don't hang up. Listen, I didn't kill anyone - except some guy tried to kill me, so if I see that guy again, I'm definitely gonna kill him, but I'm not going to kill anybody else. I'm on my way to the reunion now with Debi, but I'm just a little nervous, and I'd like to do a phoner.
Dr. Oatman: O.K., repeat after me. "I am at home with the me. I am rooted in the me who is on this adventure."
Marty: I am at home with the me, I am rooted in the me who is on this adventure.
Dr. Oatman: Good. Now take a deep breath, and realize that this is me breathing.
Marty: Wait, I'm confused. Do you want me to say it or do you want me to realize it?
Dr. Oatman: What?
Marty: About the breathing.
Dr. Oatman: Say it.
Marty: This is me breathing.
Dr. Oatman: Good, now keep doing that for about twenty minutes.
Marty: Listen, I got to go.
Dr. Oatman: O.K. Keep it up. Don't kill anybody.
Marty: Right!
[Hangs up]
Marcella: Sir, I'm really beginning to worry about your safety.
Marty: Look, I got to go.
Marcella: Yeah, we all got to go sometime, sir, but we can choose when.
Marty: No one chooses when.
Marty: A thousand innocent people get killed every day! But a millionaire's pet gets detonated, and you're marked for life.
[Practicing in a mirror before his high school reunion]
Marty: Hi. I'm, uh, I'm a pet psychiatrist. I sell couch insurance. Mm-hmm, and I - and I test-market positive thinking. I lead a weekend men's group, we specialize in ritual killings. Yeah, you look great! God, yeah! Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you? Hi, I'm Martin Blank, you remember me? I'm not married, I don't have any kids, and I'd blow your head off if someone paid me enough.
Marcella: You can take care of business and stop by Grosse Pointe for your reunion...
Marty: Look, Sgt. Pepper, I really need you to shut up about that.
Marcella: Sir, it's out of my hands. The gods want you to go back home and they want to delete someone while you're there.
Marty: I was sitting there alone on prom night, in a goddamn rented tuxedo, and my whole life flashed before my eyes. And I realized finally, and for the first time, that I wanted to kill somebody. So I figured since I loved you so much, it'd be a good idea if I didn't see you anymore.
[We hear a car pulling in]
Marty: They're right behind us. So I was in the Gulf last year, I was doing this thing anyway. And I came up over this dune, and I saw the ocean... and it was on fire. The whole thing, on fire, and it was beautiful. So I just sat there and watched it, and that's when I realized there might be a meaning to life, you know, like an organic power that connects all living things, God, Yahweh, I dunno.
[Marty shoots two rounds through the door, taking out the thug behind it]
Debi: Everybody's coming back to take stock of their lives. You know what I say? Leave your livestock alone.
Ken McCullard: I do divorce mainly, some property, some personal injury.
Marty: They all seem kinda related.
Marty: I'm sorry if I fucked up your life.
Debi: It's not over yet.
Mr. Grocer: Hey, if you're lookin' for a father figure I'll give you a spankin'!
Mr. Grocer: Easy there Chief, I don't see Hollow-Point Wound Care on the menu.
Marty: Why are you in Detroit? Redwings need a new goon?
Bob: I'm drawing a complete... Blank.
Debi: I should have worn a skirt.
Marty: I should have brought my gun.
Debi: What was that?
Marty: Should be fun!
Debi: You're a fucking *psycho*.
Marty: Don't rush to judgment on something like that until all the facts are in.
Debi: Okay. So. You're back... a decade late, and... you're on some sort of therapeutic assignment, and you want to sort things out with me. So the question now becomes, do I allow you access to me or... do I call security?
Marty: I don't think that'd be a good idea.
Debi: Next caller, you're on the air.
Nathaniel: Debbie? Man, it's Nathaniel. Uh, I don't hear any real remorse, dude, I mean, like, I don't think I'd let him back into your life. And dude, I'd make him wear that prom dress!
Paul: Okay, well, I'll see you at the "I've peaked and I'm kidding myself" party.
Debi: How come you never learned that it was wrong? That there are certain things you do not do, you do not do in a civilized society?
Marty: Which civilizations are we talking about?
Debi: Oh, shut up!
Marty: I mean, history...
Debi: Shut up!
Steve: Tell you what, why don't I take the weekend off and *you* kill him, since you two are so close?
Marty: What about those two guys in a Caprice Classic outside? The word is you turned two Governments on me, you turncoat.
Mr. Grocer: Me?
Marty: You.
Mr. Grocer: Go G?
Marty: Yes.
Mr. Grocer: On you?
Marty: Yes.
Mr. Grocer: Never.
Marcella: Don't hang up! Wait! Did ya' read yesterday's offer?
Marty: Hold on a minute.
Marcella: It's in French. It's a Greenpeace boat. It'd be so easy.
Marty: No way! I have scruples.
Marcella: Sir, they're very unhappy.
Martin Q. Blank: I'm very unhappy.
Marcella: It was supposed to look like a heart attack! He was supposed to die in his sleep!
Martin Q. Blank: Well, he moved.
Debi: If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's, well, broken.
Marcella: As a graduate of the class of 1986, you are someone special. Remember, there's nowhere you can go that you haven't learned how to go in time. Whatever the hell that means.
Arlene: [about the nametags she's made for the reunion] I had the yearbook pictures put on so everybody knows who everybody was!
Martin Q. Blank: A special torture!
[the Ultimart has just been blown up]
Martin Q. Blank: Are you all right?
Ultimart Carl: No, I'm not all right!
Martin Q. Blank: Take it easy.
Ultimart Carl: I'm hurt... I'm pissed... gotta find a new job!
Mr. Grocer: Look at that! Empty!
Mr. Grocer: [Marty and Grocer are shooting eachother] Comrade! Comrade!
Marty: What?
Mr. Grocer: Why don't you just join the union, we'll go upstairs together and cap daddy!
Marty: This union, there's gonna be meetings?
Mr. Grocer: Of course!
Marty: No meetings.
[They continue shooting]
Paul: [after Jenny Slater has been dismissive towards him] I was just trying to get a little validation for my life. I guess I came up a bit SHORT!
Marty: [at the end of a running gun battle] You don't need to answer right now, but Debi, will you marry me?
Mr. Newberry: [pokes his head up from the bathtub] You got my blessing!
Debi: What is this I'm feeling? Is it pain? Panic? Hunger? Am I hungry? Who's hungry?
Mr. Newberry: Design Division wants me dead over a leaky sunroof and you want to kill me because of *that*?
Martin Q. Blank: It's *not* me! Why does everyone always think it's personal?

 3 ) 非常非常可爱的杀手片


 4 ) 这个杀手很另类

又是一部Spooky的片子,所有的角色都有些神神叨叨的(Blank的那个女朋友倒还算正常),蛮好,倒是延续了John Cusack一向不走寻常路线的风格。看的时候始终为Blank捏一把汗:被女友看到杀人的时候为他担心;发现暗杀对象居然是女友老爸的时候还是为他担心。本来以为终归少不了一场心理挣扎的戏,不知是我没理解透这部电影,还是人家美国人想像力够丰富,“砰!砰!砰!”n枪后,顺利解决坏人,于是我们的另类杀手终于抱得美人归,赢得了最终的胜利。



  • LoudCrazyHeart
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  • 好样的
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  • 月下孤影
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女主真的太丑了太丑了太丑了啊!!!!!!??????ridiculous,但是screen play writer真的好厉害,佩服这种话多的

  • 提姆
  • 还行

配乐听到的就有clash, GNR, echoes and bunnymen, the cure, siouxie&banshees其他记不到了,库萨克家的人貌似演了好几个角色【重点全错

  • 提壶
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  • 轰洪哄烘🚌
  • 力荐

年初是谁在ig或者微博说喜欢John Cusack这几部电影来着?印象中是周耀辉或者于逸尧(或者黄伟文或者林阿P)为什么现在完全找不到痕迹?你知道那答案快提示我…

  • Paktin
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学校Film Society,意外人多的午夜场。非常浪漫可爱的怀旧喜剧!笑点有点电波感,一本正经地胡说八道那种的好笑。音乐真是金曲串烧,后半场后排直接跟着哼唱了起来。整部电影怀旧的氛围我超级喜欢,男女主角托着下巴在舞池边看台上说话的时候真是好甜好浪漫,这样酷酷傻傻,有点书卷气的杀手(库叔的脸哇)谁不爱呢!

  • 胡披萨
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  • 七宝
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  • P-nutButterFry
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可爱的反传统杀手言情剧,和07年本金斯利的You Kill Me很相似,同样的黑色幽默和闷骚劲儿,不过有着“尴尬脸”的约翰库萨克明显更加出彩。

  • 谢谢你们的鱼
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  • scatter!
  • 较差

这个才应该是这个杀手不太冷吧!so in love with John Cusack!

  • 大红苹果
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  • bayer04
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nice, just for the reunion

  • lmp
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五星给我Lead 305的4篇大paper

  • 力荐


  • 米先生
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  • ZLY
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  • 南south
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  • 番茄杀人狂
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