Cheolsoo, who is also a loner, can't the ability to save by oneself. Cheolsoo, now an adult, is living alone. As first social life, He began life(the Adult world) at gay host bar "JUNGLE" as an apprentice. As time goes on, The world treated him harshly, also ruined him gradually. This is a story about gay host bar, shedding a more humane light on the hosts and focusing on their stories.
杀瓜热烈之夏我的孩子我的家拯救女兵司徒慧最美的时候遇见你2014重装警察2022年中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会爱情小说时光尽头的恋人虎将蓝色的眼泪双世宠妃第一季流言第二季疯狂的酒店谣言2024求生极乐号蒙哥法律与秩序:组织犯罪 第三季帕特内尔五号特工组风景扑朔迷离迷城(2010)孩子们都很好连环追击仙境谋杀案与好莱坞秘史火线追凶之血色刀锋厨房之旅文斯小子 第一季手机人生保姆的私密日记秋叶原@DEEP鸡皮疙瘩钱之所在堪萨斯情仇1996彩券王牌对王牌功夫小蝇传奇海盗船长黑胡子(上)里奥追踪心动顺风车西藏小子国语