Hailing from Netflix Mexico, the Spanish-language film follows the titular band two decades after they topped the charts. Now they are back to reclaim their pop throne, but the music world has changed and they have to battle rival groups and make it all over again in a world they barely understand. Meanwhile, the lead singer of the Technoboys has a hidden reasons for wanting to...
热播电视剧最新电影别来敲门触不到的肌肤雾凇轻摇青梅竹马打铜锣、补锅1965小超人梦大海寺长灯歌幕后黑手死亡之王红楼梦第二部:黛玉葬花破裂2021凤临阁屠门镇之破茧之子大群第一季尖峰对决之古墓神兵冷血动物爵士歌手4400 第一季型色男女安娜2020变种DNA 2致命拜访魔国志2