1 ) 割开了,还能愈合的,大概就是亲情了吧
2 ) God,I still got a long way to go
well,I guess this is really hard for gay people to tell the truth to those they love the best.We just don't want to hurt them.When they seem to get hurt because of what we do or who we are,we escape,we run away from the truth and the feeling we keep so deeply in our heart.
Once I talked to my dad about gay issue and he thought that they do nothing but blowjob and anal sex.what could I say to him then?He understands nothing about being gay and this is probably the last thing in the whole world he wants to know of.
We just can't be understood.
It's the saddest thing in the world.
3 ) tolerance.
it's more a story about PFLAG than a lesbian puppy love story.
i really like Mrs. Wascott ,and Jane's mother is played by "Samatha" as in Sex and the City ?
BTW, Taylor is quite my type...
some fleeting pieces of my mind:
1)usually, u won't and can't die after ur bubbly first love has been dashed.but, u are changed, forever.
there is no way back.u r a different person ---which, is not necessarily a bad thing.
2)coming to terms with urself & what is true is the first step 4 everyone who loves differently.
it's damn hard , and yes, it takes time -- maybe a lot ,if u shall take one step forward then one back..
that's totally normal.still, u've got to do it.what matters is u must force ur true self into a corner,stare it down and really see ur own true color.then, no matter what ,try,try as if ur very life is hanging uopn it, to Accept ,instead of frantically painting it "normal".
3)4 oneself, ackowledge -- accept -- annouce/conceal
the bottom line for me is u can accept it urself.as to whether or not to come out, it is up to u.
and think twice before u do.it's not cowardice but prudence.
and in the meantime, better urself in any and every way.
4) when u do decide to come out, say,firstly and most importantly, to ur parents, be wise about the timing if u've got choice over it.
independence is a must, both financially and psychologically.
5) unless u r 100% sure, cut-and-dried sort of gay, in the current Chinese society, better straighten up , if u can.
however, it's always worth for a true love, which happens only once-in-a-lifetime.(and i'm talking about u,if u happen to see it, my Magpie~)
6)love ur parents, no matter what.
be nice to them.
but in my dictionary, fidel piety isn't synonymous with brainless obedience.
i'll try and fight for what i see as my happiness,with both sense & sensibility.
7) i never meant to hurt those two, my own and ur mom.
sorry.but sorry doesn't mean i won't do it again.
4 U , as long as u allow me to , a thousand times over.
4 ) follow your heart
《情系我心》讲述的是一个16岁的女孩Jane的情感自我认知过程,在学校她遇到了改变她一生的女孩Talyor。说改变她一生,或许不太准确,因为Talyor的出现只是让她得以认知自我的一个诱因而已,Jane爱上了Talyor,两人亲吻的一幕被处于青少年叛逆期的弟弟窥视到,并恶作剧般的宣扬出去,于是,父母的疑问接踵而来。正如其他父母一样,他们把这一“荒唐”的行为归结于孩子的好奇。在经历了迷惑、彷徨、恐惧、担忧、自我否定等一系列心理过程后,她向父母出柜了,换来的是父母的愤怒和失望。出于母爱的天性,她的妈妈开始“劝说”Jane,希望以此来纠正她的“错误行为”。当然,最初的控制措施较为强烈,24小时的监护,并且禁止Jane出门。但这些都在青春期的叛逆情绪下土崩瓦解,父母甚至打算把她送到寄读学校,然而这一切却因为Jane的班主任Ms scotte的秘密峰回路转。无疑,编剧在此处给整个故事增添了看似无关紧要,实则是力挽狂澜的一笔,正是因为Scotte顶着可能被学校董事会开除且身败名裂的危险去劝说Jane的父母,才终于让Jane的父母在愤怒和激动的情绪中平静下来,并且尝试去了解女儿的内心世界。故事情节到了这里,主线似乎在发生转变,从最初女儿彷徨、纠结的情绪,改弦更张,成功转移到了母亲情感的挣扎,整个过渡没有一丝矫揉造作。从这点看来,les情结在本片只是一个引子,剧情的重点是两个人情感挣扎的历程。
5 ) Love differently
Can't imagine what I would do and feel if I am lasbine. Or what if my child is. It's right, sometimes, it's not you don't love your lasbine daughter or gay son, it's just because you are concerning that your child would live a harder life than what you have to. For gay, this world is really not a nice place, if coming into, just trying to make his/her life easier. Love differently, they still are the same person.
影片的结局,正如片名一般,每个人都应该遵从自己内心的情感 (女主角颜还不错,虽然是个老片子但是全程看下来都很舒服)
妈妈很漂亮 爸爸很帅
It makes me wanna come out to my parents... But I think my mum is worse than Jane's mum. I will... think about it.
很正面很积极的探讨出柜问题,定位很明确,印象最深的是三次对话场景,珍和JIM的对话,和老师的谈话,最后和妈妈的谈话,都非常的正能量,整体很温暖的感觉,就像结尾,家人的包容,朋友的包容 社会的包容是我们最希望和最想看到的,每个人都有拥有幸福的权利,不论她爱的是谁,你的理解和支持也是他们最大勇气吧
it's goddamn good and fun to watch!
最后出现的PFLAG让人觉得亲切 @2020-04-12 11:50:47
我是冲着Ellen Muth看的,在DEAD LIKE ME里多好玩的。
哈哈 全片第一眼到最后都是喜欢那个老师 哈哈哈小时候看OC也是喜欢她 演Masa的妈妈的那位 又再次看到RuPaul 哈哈 真的是很喜欢客串蕾丝边电影了 剧情挺深刻的 算是很好地表达了家人挣扎的过程 虽然结局有点太乐观了
Jane 太单纯了 感觉Taylor要负很大责任 walcott是个好老师 妈妈有一段挺讨厌的 不过也挺不容易啊 恩 这电影可以拿给他们的父母当教学片呵呵 其他还好 就是哭的和纠结的剧情太多了 SO