There were those nights when u got home, and there's no one to call and there's no vodka left to drink. And u got nothing on TV apart from those stupid informercials. U'r stuck with urself. And that's what they mean when they say the word terror. Because all I wanted was to be wrapped up in somebody's arms. Anybody's arms. Even a stranger's. I hate being alone. But when I am, I look into the mirror and I tell myself something that Audrey Hepburn once said.
I believe in pink. I believe that laughter is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing. Kissing a lot. I believe in being strong even when everything around u seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. And I believe that tmr is another day. And I believe in miracles.
I believe in miracles. U know that works every single time.
3 ) 【轉帖】百老匯風流記 She's Funny That Way
去年 (2014)威尼斯影展充滿著一片百老匯熱,競賽片「鳥人」把百老匯台前幕後的戲劇張力拉到極至勇奪奧斯卡; 兩部以百老匯做背景的正式觀摩片 (與陳可辛「親愛的」同一單元)也先後在台映演,相對於《百老匯熟男日記》的老演員壓抑辯証,歐文威爾森領銜的《百老匯風流記》 (She's funny that way)則是春光明媚、輕鬆諧趣、而且處處點綴經典電影、老牌明星等戲劇風景。
電影的開頭假若是懸念與故事最純粹的開胃,電影的結尾就該是主題與情感最巔峰的飽足,客串演出則像這桌饗宴的甜品,僅供點綴;假若甜品突然成了主菜,還叫客串嗎?如果主菜令人吃得不開心,我們又該不該以僅供點綴的源由來替廚師開脫?《百老匯風流記》(She's Funny That Way )以一部在求愛與失愛間翻騰的喜劇之姿,將這顆彩蛋放在結尾嚇死觀眾,是驚訝卻不是驚喜,偏偏喜感正是也該是喜劇真正的王道。
我就喜欢这种矫揉造作的文艺片。“I believe in pink. I believe that laughter is the best calorie burner. I belive in kissing. Kissing a lot. I believe in being strong. Even when everything around you seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. And I believe that tomorrow is another day. And I believe in miracles!”看到这里我大哭一场。
Hooker-turned-actress, the subject is so chewed-up that becomes stale.
我就喜欢这种矫揉造作的文艺片。“I believe in pink. I believe that laughter is the best calorie burner. I belive in kissing. Kissing a lot. I believe in being strong. Even when everything around you seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. And I believe that tomorrow is another day. And I believe in miracles!”看到这里我大哭一场。
“喂松鼠坚果。”“你感到快乐的地方,就是属于你的地方”。 向《蒂芙尼的早餐》致敬,兼职应召女郎的不入流女演员就是21世纪的霍莉,她相信粉色,她相信奇迹。片尾第一枚彩蛋给出了该片的灵感来源:刘别谦的老电影《克鲁妮·布朗》。
Squirrels to the nuts !混乱而精彩的多角人物关系喜剧!千真万确不是Woody Allen 拍的。非常容易被忽视的佳作。
只能说卡司太吸引人了...看到Excutive Producer中有Wes Anderson明白为何通片色调异常,剧情跟配乐上则很有伍迪艾伦的感觉。餐厅那段很棒酒店跟最后彩排则觉得不是很过瘾咯...3星