• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧










危机四伏 剧照 NO.1危机四伏 剧照 NO.2危机四伏 剧照 NO.3危机四伏 剧照 NO.4危机四伏 剧照 NO.5危机四伏 剧照 NO.6危机四伏 剧照 NO.13危机四伏 剧照 NO.14危机四伏 剧照 NO.15危机四伏 剧照 NO.16危机四伏 剧照 NO.17危机四伏 剧照 NO.18危机四伏 剧照 NO.19危机四伏 剧照 NO.20


对于家庭主妇克莱尔(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)来说,家对她而言早已经不是温馨和安全的所在了。原来,最近家中发生了一些她无法解释的事情,亦出现了一些让她感到恐惧的影像,而当她向丈夫诺曼(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)发出求助信号的时候,诺曼并不相信妻子所说的那些听上去无比荒唐的话语。热播电视剧最新电影搞姬日常应急响应旺达在哪里?第一季费德勒 最后的12天破里拳荒诞外星迷三个智者欲望号列车(国语版)这届男团太难带了墙头马上人人都爱雷蒙德 第三季朗福勋爵冷战疑云第一季古墓荒斋西藏微纪录 第二季名校风暴第七季1921爱之病性瘾者的秘密四二八粤语爱情无线牵不要2021寂静夜武器种族传说WeWork兴衰史毒魔复仇1984征服钱海这里的黎明静悄悄2005


 1 ) 谎言背后不是鬼


 2 ) 《危机四伏》的婚外恋:摩羯 vs 天蝎





 3 ) 一步错,满盘皆落索

中国古语有云:一步错,满盘皆落索。哈里森 福特在这部影片里所扮演的正是这样的一个人。他表面是大学教授,为人师表。但事实上他一直陷入在父亲的阴影里,而且又步入了中年危机。生活对他而言就是有心无力。但这一切不足以成为他拥有外遇,又杀死情人,最后为掩饰罪行再欲杀妻行凶的罪恶。人就是这样,用一而再的错误来弥补最先前的小纰漏。另外,就是米歇尔.菲佛老了,很不忍心见到她眼角和颈下的皱纹。那时她是那么美丽。

 4 ) 多年相爱,不如谎言伤害




 5 ) 致命谎言


 6 ) 一个精神病患者怎样找到真相呢?

The rhythm of Robert Zemeckis’s movie is superb. Which gives the movies a lot of power and meaning. Rhythm in life is more than half of the meaning. Every moment of your life is an opportunity to enjoy the rhythm. Even the absolute mundane can be meaningful given the right rhythm.

Always remember: life is not about what we do, but how we do it. The purpose of life is to do things with a rhythm, not to necessarily accomplish certain things.

The story is essentially about how a woman seeks the truth about her past.

1. OPPORTUNITY is something happens to make the protagonist view everything from a different perspective.

2. CHANGE OF PLAN is when she takes initiative to seek the truth, including being forced to confront the truth by the husband. Just before POINT OF NO RETURN, she knows what is wrong by confronting with the neighbor.

3. At the POINT OF NO RETURN, she is reminded of her past and gets the identity of the ghost.

4. HIGH STAKES is when she goes to find the mother of the ghost and brings its hair home so that she can be hosted by the ghost. Then she remembers everything about her husband’s infidelity.

5. EVERYTHING IS LOST is when she has given up searching for the truth and burns the hair.

6. FINAL PUSH is when she brings the box from the lake and his husband shows who he really is.

Page 0Michelle in the tub, awakening from a bad dream.

Page 3Introduction of the daughter and the dog.

Page 4Introduction of the husband and the neighbor from afar arguing.

Page 5Sending the daughter to the university.

Page 6Couple alone in the bedroom. The perfect relationship. Sex competition with the neighbor.

Page 10Michelle alone in the house, looking at her old stuff, feeling overwhelmed, but doesn’t know why.

Page 13The wife next door is also crying and terrified of her husband, which worries Michelle so much that she asks Normal to check on the neighbor, who is also a professor. (THE EMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITY THAT CHANGES THE WAY THE PROTAGONIST LOOKS AT EVERYTHING.)

Page 15Discuss with Norman about her worry about wife next door.

Page 17Michelle finds a slipper with blood on it. Chat with her best friend who believes in psychic about her stress: a new house, sending daughter to college and also the car accident.

Page 19At night, Michelle spots suspicious activity of the neighbor carrying a body.

Page 21Something suspicious about the door. The dog also acts funny and she finds a body in the lake. (THE SERIES OF EVENTS MAKE THE PROTAGONIST CONNECT THE NEIGHBOR WITH THE GHOST)

Page 24The stereo is turned on by itself, which freaks her so much that she goes to see Normal in the office, where she overhears the drug that renders mammon immobile.

Page 26 Discussion about Normal’s finding about the new neighbor.

Page 27Weird door stuff again. This time it breaks the photo frame.

Page 29Michelle sees the car leaving and she goes to visit the neighbor again, only to be greeted by the cold and evasive husband.

Page 32Michelle’s peeping on the husband is spotted by the neighbor. This is definitely a drastic behavior for somebody like Michelle. (CHANGE OF PLAN AS THE PROTAGONIST TAKES INITIATIVE TO LOOK FOR THE ANSWERS)

Page 33Going to dinner with Normal. Crossing the bridge. (Get the audience used to the idea of cell phone reception.)

Page 35Talking about how they meet and Michelle’s back story. Also the haunting stuff Michelle has been experiencing. The husband is forcing Michelle to face her fear directly.

Page 38Michelle finds a mysterious key under the floor after fixing the picture frame. But she couldn’t find where to use it.

Page 40Michelle finds a ghost in the tub water. And she goes to see a shrink.

Page 43Heeding the shrink’s advice, Michelle gets a wiji board in order to communicate with the ghost. (CONNECTING WITH THE GHOST IS THE CONTINUITY OF CONNECTING WITH THE NEIGHBOR)

Page 50After her friend left, the ghost again tries to communicate with her and telling her initials on the computer, which is the same as the neighbor.

Page 51Michelle goes to see his husband in the office again, which makes the husband angry.

Page 52Michelle confronts the neighbor in the university only to find out that she is completely wrong about who the ghost is.

Page 54Michelle admits to the shrink that she was wrong.

Page 55Neighbor Mary comes to visit Michelle to apologize the wrong impression she gave her and all the misunderstanding has been resolved.

Page 58On the party, an old lady friend reminded her about how she got into the car accident a year ago. (It is the EMOTIONAL POINT OF NO RETURN because she starts to remember her past and she starts to investigate her own past instead of the neighbor.)

Page 60The picture frame is broken again and the article on the back of the picture tells her about a missing girl. And she is able to find the exact identity of the ghost. (PHYSICAL POINT OF NO RETURN AS THERE IS NO WAY THAT SHE IS GOING TO STOP INVESTIGATING NOW. YOU CAN JUST SEE FROM HER EYES THAT SHE KNOWS THAT SHE IS RIGHT.)

Page 62Discussion with the husband about her new finding. Although her husband is skeptical, she is sure about herself.

Page 63Michelle goes to visit the missing girl’s mother.

Page 66Michelle steals the girl’s hair from her room.

Page 68Michelle’s eyes turn green and starts to seduce Norman.

Page 72Michelle loses the hair and begins to remember how she finds Norman having an affair with the girl and how she got into the car accident.

Page 75Michelle talks about the truth of the past with her best friend.

Page 77Michelle finds out Normal being electrocuted in the bathtub after coming home. She thought it was her fault to bring all this because she brought the hair home.

Page 79Normal confesses to her about his infidelity.

Page 83Normal calls an expert to investigate on the ghost until he sees Michelle goes to the lake.

Page 86Normal rescues her from the lake, where Michelle sees a box. They burn the hair.

Page 88Michelle starts playing music again and she can feel that the ghost is gone. Normal pleads with Michelle, who forgives him. They go sailing to let the audience get used to the idea that they have a boat. (EVERYTHING IS LOST FOR THE PROTAGONIST BECAUSE SHE HAS GIVEN UP SEEKING THE TRUTH)

Page 90Taking a bath, only to find the key again, which leads her to Adamant, where she sees that the key is to a box that she saw in the lake.

Page 93Michelle gets the box from the lake, only to find the necklace of the ghost.

Page 94Normal tells Michelle how the girl died and asks for her forgiveness. But she insists on calling the police.

Page 100Normal drugs Michelle and tries to drown her in the tub when she finds out that he didn’t call.

Page 106Normal hits his head when he sees the ghost when he tries to take the necklace off Michelle’s neck.

Page 110Michelle saves herself and regains mobility just before she is drowned in the bath tub.

Page 116Michelle gets out of the house, drives the car with the boat and runs. At the middle of the bridge, she calls the police once she gets signal until she is attacked by Normal.

Page 120Normal tries to drown Michelle again only to be pulled down by the ghost that was struck out by the boat stick.



  • annie妖
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  • sthlost
  • 很差


  • LoudCrazyHeart
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  • 文泽尔
  • 推荐


  • 火娃
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  • niaoooo
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  • 萬徳褔
  • 力荐


  • 李湘
  • 推荐

7.0/10 分。节奏缓慢,所有的精彩都在最后十分钟。。。

  • Lonely
  • 推荐


  • 谢谢你们的鱼
  • 较差


  • xi as usual
  • 推荐


  • 长袜子
  • 推荐


  • prasava
  • 推荐


  • 亢龙无悔
  • 力荐


  • 苏枋
  • 还行


  • 陈德柱
  • 还行


  • 火龙果不耐受者
  • 还行


  • 不酸的橘子精
  • 推荐

居然还惦记上人家女儿了 禽兽阿

  • 蚂蚁没问题
  • 还行


  • Froy
  • 力荐