今年开始追脱口秀和单口 囧扣 柯南 肥伦…然后有几集路叔客串 注意到他(第一次听他讲狗吃巧克力那里时我还不知道他是谁
昨日才开始看他的show 喜欢 让我笑着笑着突然停下来 嘴角还保持上扬的弧度 但完全又是另一种感觉
然后看到开头图那里 完全愣了又倒回去重看 不清楚他是在想什么 我那时突然满满的丧 截屏 企图画出那种复杂
后面又是接着笑笑笑 (说实话我不确定到底是不是这一集 写到这里我突然有些恐慌 NM
can't help laughing every time hearing Louis imitates others's speech with gay voice. He knows people would think this way and yet he deny and forbid people to laugh for this, which is more hilarious. Though I don't really like him at first sight, but he get my attention from the 'food chain' part, then 'dating' part, and wow me at the ending with "of course, but maybe" part, of course his funny face makes it even laughable. Comedians are adorable cause you won't feel jealous of them even though you see them reap wealth, fame and status. This is because they earn this through showing you how miserable their lives are, so as to make you laugh and feel better. The ending of "of course, but maybe" part worth the rating of 9.0. you guys are so funny.
到后面就有点run dry了,但对于膝盖来说依然是箭雨.......
of course, of course, of course, but maybe…
Of Course I should be studying. But Maybe, just maybe, life is better when you watch Oh My God and laugh out loud and jerk off afterward...
跟Hilarious质量不相上下,of course…but maybe…一段太牛逼。Louis太擅长把熟悉的东西陌生化了,句句戳破伪装,撕掉最后一层遮羞布
but maybe....
Dynamo! Cynicism and Scepticism 101. The murder and 'Of courses, but maybe' jokes were a bit sensationalist but in every way genuinely perceptive and inspiring. However, such a one-sidedly positive comment may itself be at odds with the spirit of cynicism. LOL.
我觉得Louis CK大概是一辈子健康不起来了, 因为他的段子已经离不开他的体型了.
oh my god