1 ) “ Winter’s End ” (Patrick Kenny, 2005)
1906年6月,长岛蚝湾。38岁的移民Mary Mallon得到许可,为度假中的银行家工作。时至夏末秋初,主人家中6人相继患病。1907年6月15日,医学期刊发表了卫生工程师 George Soper 接受委托长期观察得到的结果,确定华伦家厨娘为伤寒病原携带者,“an Irish woman......tall, heavy, single. She seemed to be in perfect health.” 这说的就是“伤寒玛丽”。之前已有感染甚至死亡病例。现在大家知道氯霉素和高卡饮食疗法,当时采取隔离措施。反正公众给吓住了,积极研究防护技术,日新月异勇无止境。“Ice Age 2”里的腐食动物都晓得提醒旅行者, “Do not leave your children unattended. Unattended children will be eaten”。以后Mallon一直在实验室洗瓶子。
记忆里的一天,微凉有光,密云不雨。第一次看见伯格曼摄于1996年的“Persona”。效力令人没法呼吸。It was my very first spring break, in Chicago, at Gene Siskel Film Center. 九点钟加映场次可以离座选择,无论学生抑或游客。一边门口招贴说有2004年的捷克电影“Silný kafe”;走过头,另一边字幕打出“Winter’s End”。我以为爱尔兰够远了。“将终,无曾痛恼”。按理说。事实是大师1968年又拍了“Skammen”-- 哪里能看到呢?
“Teamgeist”。2006年新设计。“…attempt to keep up with the ball's chaotic flight path.”(plus.maths.org)又德国。这回玩真的。“运行的稳定性和精准度”? “Fevernova”在时,联想公司还没改名呢。
散场走出来,亮堂堂的红色线路地铁站真真正正就在戏院门前。There sure people care about bringing losers back to track, for the public, no need to take the risk.
严重怀疑夏娃诱惑的尹理事,“都说了快乐着,I’m a happy man.”
Did this fellow actually just came out saying that?
Drop it,也许并非必要。嶙峋流觞,烧到annealing,十指紧扣横隔膜,无论球场车顶事故人群。想上颚骨如穹隆,如“法言义疏”中狄牙般喊,
(“Hochzeit zu dritt, Eine”,2005)
“默契”回事,用不着真燃一只犀牛角罢?Chopin和Liszt都能合拍波兰民歌Op. 74, No. 12 -- 温存,弱磁。那时1837年,大家还在玩发明电报,发现叶绿素,考察土星环隙和画任意角三等分以圆规与直尺——无可能的,至少P. L. Wantzel意见。
Deep down Kilkenny the forests,
there lives Ben and Jack
They’re friends,
and the family of Rose’s
they went a concert together,
Jack get lost......
摄影师 Jack 临死前叫小菜一碟, a tiny thing they remembered together, that’s how the other noticed,that's how the other brought the one back.
故事发生在都柏林附近。 Killing is just for the blood retaining. Finally they got back to live, back to the McDonald's, to his and his families. 陌生城市里没地儿可去,不然谁耐心窝在暗黑戏院面对荧幕挨至揭蛊?之前影片完全没有提示 Ben 身为家常小馆掌勺的。“Keep It Simple and Straight”, 也许佳肴不必非得拿菌类,至于具体,
“Recipe? You don’t need a recipe, you don’t get sick.”(“Kissing Jessica Stein”,2001)
当然,“…one of the preferred methods for solving the problem (many-body) is simply to ignore it.” --Answers.com
“Go to bed, or you’ll fall asleep on the desk. ”
“Please let me see......what if he is there unconscious or anything?”
“It’s not allowed my friend. You can’t break into private property.”