This is also a political documentary, but even goes further than Jai Bhim Comrade in terms of taking film as a kind of political act. As Jai Bhim Comrade is a film about the oppressed, the director of This is not a film is the oppressed. He made this film because he was sentenced to a 6-year-imprisonment and a 20-year-ban by the Iranian government,he was under house-arrest during the bail-out. Shooting himself at home is itself a political resistance.
This film is also reflexively about the authenticity of film / documentary. What is real and what is fictitious? At the first part of the film, Panahi set the camera himself probably on a tripod, framing how he had breakfast and talked in phone. He found it problematic as he was “pretending” to be “natural” in front of the camera like a CCTV. He always borne the consciousness of himself directing and acting as long as he did this. Panahi thought it was like lying to the viewers, so he called a friend to his place and took the place of a director. He used his own work Ayneh (1997) to explain the issue of reality and fiction as shown and confused in film. He also tried to talk about his “next” work (if only he was allowed to make it) in front of the camera, but he stopped soon, saying “If we can talk a film, why make a film?”
I think Ayneh as as example, and the rest of this house-arrest film are kind of responding his own question. There is so many things out of control about a film. Ayneh is a child film, the little actress suddenly refused acting during the filming, and she just headed back home. Pahahi just followed her and made that process a part of the film. For the the production of a documentary, it is apparent that unexpected incidents always occur. The pet lizard in his house walked and climbed around, the neighbor suddenly knocked the door and asked Panahi to look after her little dog, and the coincident appearance of a young dustman are moments that were out of control, but these moments have enriched the contents of the film. Actually the political oppression is also out of control from the point of view of Panahi; and Panahi was out of control in the government's eyes. This is not a film has shown how letting things out of control can be a kind of political resistance.
正如你想象,一个几乎是被囚禁在家的人的生活注定是平淡得如白开水一般,帕纳西能拍的无非是与朋友电话聊天的内容以及对着镜头的自言自语,不过在这短短的几十分钟内却有几个镜头将我狠狠击中。第一个镜头是在帕纳西与律师通话后。帕纳西在电话中询问申诉的结果,他的律师告诉他20年的禁拍处罚可以减免,但由于法官批驳,6年的监禁可能减但不能免。在帕纳西多次与律师确认后他接受了不得不坐牢的事实,他感谢律师为他做的一切并挂了电话。他抬起头,对着镜头苦笑,眼镜后面那双疲惫的双眼一览无遗。他说这一切让他想起自己的那部《谁能带我回家》。《谁能带我回家》叙述了一个打着石膏的小女孩放学后久等等不到接她的妈妈,最后决定独自找路回家的故事。影片中扮演那个小女孩的小演员Mina Mohammad Khani曾在演到一半时突然决定退出,她歇斯底里地叫着“我不拍了”并要求剧组让她离开。她讨厌这个角色,她讨厌这一切,因为她总是在扮演与她真实身份不同的人。她明明找得到回家的路,但剧组却让她表现出找不着路的样子。她想做她自己,她想逃离出这个被别人强加在自己身上的角色,一个傀儡般任人摆弄的陌生人。帕纳西对着镜头感叹现在的他和Mina没有任何的区别。他是一个才华横溢的导演,他的灵感永不枯竭。可他现在却不得不呆在家里扮演一个陌生人,一个被政府控制着,什么都不能做人。Mina还可以对着剧组发脾气,宣泄自己的不满,而面对蛮不讲理的集权政府,帕纳西能做的唯有苦笑。从他疲惫的双眼中读到的只有无尽的痛楚和无奈。
#观影手记# 1225 广电总局当然恶心,但一味抱怨审片制度的中国导演真该看看伊朗同行做了些什么。
🏠🎥 好棒的结尾。w/S&L
what's the point of getting a Master degree, we won't find a job anyway.