1 ) 生命如屋
A surprisingly good movie about family relationships.
男女主角都是实力派著名演员。连配角都是明日之星: 扮演儿子的海登·克里斯滕森因本片获得了金球奖最佳男配角提名,后来又出演过"Shattered Glass", "Jumper", "New York, I Love You";扮演邻居的Jena Malone (“Into the Wild”)后来出演《傲慢与偏见》中的Lydia,给人留下了深刻印象。
评分:8 out of 10
2 ) 「Quotes」
「Everything about you is my business. What you smoke, what you sniff, what you swallow, it's all my business.
I've been using since I was 12! You're also unbelievably stupid, you know that? You didn't give a shit about anything I did up until now!
Well, I'll apologize for everything but today! Today I give a shit!」
「You know the great thing, though? It's that change can be so constant that you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't know that your life is better or worse until it is. Or it can just blow you away, make you something different in an instant. It happened to me. Build this house with me.」
「Do I still Love you? Absolutely. There is not a doubt in my mind. Through all my anger, my ego. I was always faithful in my Love for you. That I made you doubt it, that is the great mistake of a Life full of mistakes. The truth doesn't set us free, Robin. I can tell you I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it and all that does, the only thing, is remind us... that Love is not enough. Not even close.」
「Sometimes things happen for a reason. You know, something bad to force something good.」
「You know you were dying from the start?
We're all dying from the start. I just got moved to the head of the line.」
「You selfish fuck. Having me here, trying to get me to like you?
No, Sam. I wasn't trying to get you to like me. I was trying to get you to love me.
Well, congratulations. 'Cause you fucking pulled it off!」
「I always thought of myself as a house. I was always what I lived in. It didn't need to be big. It didn't even need to be beautiful. It just needed to be mine. I became what I was meant to be. I built myself a life. I built myself a house.」
「With every crash of every wave, I hear something now. I never listened before. I'm on the edge of a cliff, listening. Almost finished. If you were a house, Sam, this is where you would want to be built, on rock, facing the sea. Listening. Listening.」
3 ) Gone gone for ever down
There is a river called THE RIVER OF NO RETURN
Sometimes it's peaceful and sometimes wild and free!
Love is a trav'ler on THE RIVER OF NO RETURN
Swept on for ever to be lost in the stormy sea
I lost my love on the river and for ever my heart will yearn
Gone gone for ever down THE RIVER OF NO RETURN
在纽约的暴雨闪电中, 有人欣慰拥抱, 有人绝望亲吻, 有人在雨中独行。
我喜欢Woody Allen的眼神, 真挚而又无奈, 我们会走近, 也会离开, 会前行, 也会停留,在美好或绝望情感中真实地活着。
心理学家Willam James这么写过:
“we must let our feelings go, and pay no regard to them whatever. To wrestle with a bad feeling only pins our attention on it, and keeps it still fastened in the mind: whereas, if we act as if from some better feeling, the old bad feeling soon folds its tent like an Arab, and silently steals away.“
他是想说情感不是本质不变的, 而心中的信念才是,我们可以改变自己的生活来改变情感.
最近读的两本充满激情的“商业"书 (37signals 写的Rework, Seth Godin写的Linchpin), 充满了这样的想法: 像一个人一样去改变世界, 改变自己。
Life is a river of no return. But who cares. 我们在乎的只是去体会和改变, 以自己的想法。
4 ) 我们的信仰
5 ) 有关亲情的梦怎样做都是美的
6 ) 希望一切都可以重建
房屋般的人生 “Life As a House”
从悬崖边, 跳入海浪中漂流,在最虚弱的时刻渴望抚摸,
在海边的山顶上, 面朝大海, 自己动手重建自己的房屋和家庭。
在生命最后的日子里, 找回真情和快乐。
阳光海水般美丽的电影,让我想起那部古老的电影 "温柔的怜悯" (Tender Mercies),
随着年纪渐长 看到至亲因病逝世这样的故事 就忍不住老泪纵横袅~~~~~同时,觉得很写意是~~~~有一所房子 建在岩石上 面朝大海 随意飙尿~~~~~
Everything happens for a reason,and love ur mom and dad isn't enough,u have to make them know,maybe just one hug。
On rock,facing the sea,lisent.
▤「I always thought of myself as a house. I was always what I lived in. It didn't need to be big. It didn't even need to be beautiful. It just needed to be mine. I became what I was meant to be. I built myself a life. I built myself a house.」
hayden was born to play whiny boys
好嫩的海登,还有进取号船长,还有某吸血鬼电视剧主角,好可爱的拉布拉多 ~故事挺好~
7.5/10;被表演提升了整体质量的电影。A cliché,但完全可以为了Kline的表演再看一遍,他甚至把一些cheesy台词演绎得幽默而真诚。KST也很美,为了男女主角这片值得一看。喜欢亲情煽情片的不容错过= =