Dear Joe,
This is the hardest thing to do, why is this so hard. I mean you are me, or rather, you were me, so why does this feel impossible. There are things you need to know, light to shine into the darkness, truths to replace those lies. I know what has happened, and what is about to happen to you, and in this regard, you actually know more than me. There are still things I don’t know that you do, memories I have not yet remembered, and yet still weigh upon my mind. You’ll lock away these memories in the days to come, you’ll be trapped, pushed back and silenced, but you do it as the only way you see to survive. It’s taken me nearly 40 years to understand, although time continues to march forward, I continue to be anchored in the past, by you, to you and with you.
And as you repressed the memories of what happened to us, I trapped you, along with those terrible times, deep in the dark places in my mind. How awful it is to be locked inside, to be both the prisoner and jailer, how awful it is to not just be silenced in the present, but also to be the originator of that silence in the past.
It’s an incredible sacrifice you’re about to make, but you need to know that it was the right thing to do. And that, with time, you’re finally free. And as you recover, you even find your voice. Your sacrifice has saved me.
You are the fire that burns within, no longer with hatred and self-disgust, but with the need to share with others, and help lead guys like you to a better place. It was you that chose to keep living each day, it was you that chose to get out of bed. In short, you chose to live and to love, and in return, you chose to be loved.
Remember your superman sheets and curtains? Superman was your hero, he was not human, how many times did you feel like you were not human? You wanted so badly to be him, to be anyone other than you. You wanted to fight for truth and justice, he was your epic hero. Well, that’s exactly what you have become. You entered the battle of your life, and have gone on to use those tears, fears and pain, to reach out to and better understand other boys in pain, who struggle through their own epic battles, you became an advocate for youth, and fight, in a very real way for truth and justice.
I hope the strength you showed is rewarded with peace and contentment. Make no mistake, you’re the epic hero in the story of us.
#SLIFF 戏剧疗法作为一种成本高昂执行复杂的心理治疗范式,不过是为电影提供戏剧化的呈现。而心理创伤幸存者们的内心疗愈过程,在普遍意义上打动人心,才是电影所要表达的内核。
最后一封a letter to Joe写得太好了,瞬间升华纪录片
即使不意外依然震驚於那種創傷的巨大與恐怖, 這些人其實都已經建立起某種強悍的心理素質來面對了, 才能真的走在一起拍這紀錄片, 而彼此幫助為此努力都很令人動容, 拍出來的戲劇治療內容有些也很酷//不再為每個人的地獄刨根究底, 但更坦然地與之凝視, 既不正義也不絕望, 也許瞎忙一場又如何才是紀錄片的真實吧