The film is about a young female researcher whose life is in danger when she discovers the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer many years earlier. They haven't released it because that would destroy their chemotherapy drug sales. She must now escape and release the cure to world while the company tries to stop her.
热播电视剧最新电影竞速之王魔法学院之六大令牌天启 第一章艺术学院那些事儿目无王法 目無王法人间失格2010狗爷猫妈瞒骗第一季盂兰神功国语今夜林中无人入睡2欲罢不能:巴西篇第二季凤凰路双重预约笑匠黑色蛋糕第一季梵蒂冈录像带罗斯威尔第三季谎言的摇篮战地神探 第七季乐园影像凤归梧桐还魂2:光与影尼克病院第二季男孩与世界