Dutch immigrant, Harry deLeyer, journeyed to the United States after World War II and developed a transformative relationship with a broken down Amish plow horse he rescued off a slaughter truck bound for the glue factory. Harry paid eighty dollars for the horse and named him Snowman. In less than two years, Harry & Snowman went on to win the triple crown of show jumping, beating the nations blue bloods and they became famous and traveled around the world together. Their chance meeting at a Pennsylvania horse auction saved them both and crafted a friendship that lasted a lifetime. Eighty-six year old Harry tells their Cinderella love story firsthand, as he continues to train on today's show jumping circuit.
热播电视剧最新电影第二次拥抱逆阳之境圣剑地狱犬2024我心换你心九鼎谜踪恐怖的研究赎罪我知女人心南卡纳我的野蛮女友泰版星地大碰撞第一枪剧场版 假面骑士电王 大爷,诞生!黑色孤儿第三季冷酷无情 冰咖啡毒杀案SPEC完结篇:渐之篇风尘三侠之红拂女辽远的乡村好事行龙出售救世主RAILWAYS 给不能传达爱的大人们御用牙1972一触即发钟汉良版喋血战士亿万第三季皇家赌船我怎么看不了 这部电影呢 我找了好多网站就是没有这部电影 郁闷死了 !我怎么看不了 这部电影呢 我找了好多网站就是没有这部电影 郁闷死了 !我怎么看不了 这部电影呢 我找了好多网站就是没有这部电影 郁闷死了 !我怎么看不了 这部电影呢 我找了好多网站就是没有这部电影 郁闷死了 !我怎么看不了 这部电影呢 我找了好多网站就是没有这部电影 郁闷死了 !
一半时间眼含热泪 snowman会完成harry的一切要求 这是马的报恩 马是人类最好的朋友和队友 没有之一
马真是非常有灵性的动物,而snowman更是如同神话。尤其喜欢他家小孩子们跟snowman一起玩耍、游水、戏水、跳水的那些影像纪录。snowman是真实存在的Albert Lamorisse电影里的“白鬃马”。