• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
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类型:电影地区:美国 / 英国语言:英语 / 波尼语 /年份:1990


与狼共舞 剧照 NO.1与狼共舞 剧照 NO.2与狼共舞 剧照 NO.3与狼共舞 剧照 NO.4与狼共舞 剧照 NO.5与狼共舞 剧照 NO.6与狼共舞 剧照 NO.13与狼共舞 剧照 NO.14与狼共舞 剧照 NO.15与狼共舞 剧照 NO.16与狼共舞 剧照 NO.17与狼共舞 剧照 NO.18与狼共舞 剧照 NO.19与狼共舞 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 现实总是残酷的

看了《与狼共舞》之后不知道是什么滋味,想哭哭不出来,大概这就是所谓的复杂吧。   电影里有许多东西是美好的。电影的第一部分便向我们证明了人与人之间、人与动物之间、人与自然之间要做到“融合”,并非十分艰难的事情。   想到曾经谈到某种特异功能:只要心里想着什么,对方便知道了。主持人随后解释:这样的能力在人类还不会用语言交流的时候便存在了,并且这是非常重要的一种交流的能力。但是这种能力在出现了语言之后便消失了。突然之间觉得异常感动。《与狼共舞》所说的融合,就是这样的融合。人与人之间语言不通,但是他们的心灵相通。人与动物,人与自然之间亦是如此。这实在是一派美好的景象。   而现实是残酷的。这句话实在不假。不断的战争,无休止的掠夺,流不完的鲜血摆明了那样的美好景象只不过是一个梦境。在世界存在的某一天起,一种情感油然而生——仇恨。人们对仇恨如此牢记在心,日积月累,一代传一代。后来的人们对仇恨如此盲从,如此笃定,硬是认为这是合乎所以的,没有道理可循的。仇恨越来越大,像乌云一样笼罩天空,无处不在。

 2 ) A simple story, a great movie

  The movie Dances with Wolves is an extremely well written story about a veteran of the civil war who is trying to get on with his life. During the story Lieutenant Dunbar is trying to get past all of the savage actions that he was forced to proceed with during the most terrible war America has ever witnessed. He is shipped out to an abandoned post on the frontier where he is supposed to be fighting the Indians but instead he decides to make friends with them. He decides to be friends with them because he is tired of fighting. In the end he becomes one of the tribe and has a nice wife who was also adopted by the tribe. In the end all he wanted is to live freely and peacefully. This is one of the best written books that I have read in a long time, it keeps the readers interest which can be a very hard task at times.

  The director depicts Dunbar as a strong human character, who despite his surrounding circumstances, has lived productively and organized his week-days. Later he becomes friends with an Indian tribe and soon he finds his love. My favorite part of the movie is the development of the main character, because the audience are gradually introduced to a dynamic, handsome individual with a strong soul. When I watch the movie I learned about the life and traditions of Native Americans.

  The movie illustrates how important it is to change one's identity in order to survive in a different culture. The overall tone of the story is encouraging. This is an honest tale that describes relationships between an American soldier and Native Americans. The Comanche, a Native American tribe, is depicted here as real people. We gain access to the life of the main character through his intimate thoughts and feelings.

  What's most impressive about the film is how realistic it is. The world of the Native Americans comes to elegant life with incredible detail. Moreover, its leisurely pace, the subtitles, the wide-open spaces, the landscapes ... the physical aspects alone of this movie were enough to turn my head completely around. To say nothing of the score, the photography, the writing, the characters, the acting, and Kevin Costner's lovely, skillful, controlled direction.

  Anyway, I like the movie which makes me smile, laugh and sometimes want to cry.

 3 ) Could you dance with me, Mr. Wolf ?


 4 ) 关于文明与野蛮的悖论


 5 ) 丑恶归根结底是欲望

现实是残酷的。这句话实在不假。不断的战争,无休止的掠夺,流不完的鲜血摆明了那样的美好景象只不过是一个梦境。在世界存在的某一天起,一种情感油然而生——仇恨。人们对仇恨如此牢记在心,日积月累,一代传一代。后来的人们对仇恨如此盲从,如此笃定,硬是认为这是合乎所以的,没有道理可循的。仇恨越来越大,像乌云一样笼罩天空,无处不在。 为什么呢?为什么现实注定是残酷的,美丽的梦境注定只是一个梦境呢?因为世间充满了仇恨。可是又为什么充满世界的是仇恨而不是宽容、理解、关爱、照顾呢? 我想,是因为欲望。 记得一个纪录片中所说的,原子弹的威力极为强大,而原理却极其简单。仅仅只需靠两个普通的大学生和几本基本原理书就能自制一颗危害力极强的原子弹。“人类终于制造出毁灭自我的武器。”为什么往往丑恶的东西更容易得到,而美好的东西却似乎极难呢?我想这也许是上帝考验人类的手段,又或者这恰好证明了人类的丑陋——如果人类把花在发明原子弹的时间和精力花在环境保护和人文关怀上,这个世界又会美好多少呢?可是,到底为什么人类总是要做这样的自取其辱、自寻毁灭的事情呢?我想,还是因为人类无可遏制的欲望。 是欲望,让我们的行为动词中出现了抢夺、侮辱、残害、欺骗……是欲望,让我们的情感世界中出现了仇恨、嫉妒、冷漠、虚荣……是欲望,让我们的发展过程中充斥着战争、武器、暴力、不和谐……是欲望。一切一切的丑恶归根结底是欲望。

 6 ) pro-culture relativism

when you come across the term “a native American”, I just wonder, what kind of image will you form in your mind? Feather headdresses, exposed chest, a spear in his hand. And what kind of cognition will you have? cruel, bloody, primitive, animal, beast.
Well, I have to admit that I used to depict American Indians in that way. But I have overcome these biases and corrected my opinion about the aboriginals and the white since I watched the film dance with wolves.

Dances with wolves, directed and starred by Kevin Costner, is a 1990 epic film which is set in US civil war in the mid-19 century. A United States Lieutenant John Dunbar travels to the American Frontier to find a military post. There he is supposed to fight against the Indians whereas he tries to make friends with them because of loneliness and tiredness of battle. They visit each other once in a while and their communication is quite difficult because of language barrier. Later, with the help of a white woman who is taken by the Sioux tribe as a young orphan, Dunbar establishes a rapport with the tribe’s medicine man called kicking bird. As he stays with these Indians, he finds himself drawn to the lifestyle and customs of the tribe. So he helps them locate a migrating herd of buffalo and defends the settlement against a Pawnee raiding party, which eventually makes him a hero and accepted as a full member of the tribe with a new name, dance with wolves. Peaceful life ends when the white men appear on the prairie. Dunbar is arrested by the reinforcing army troops as a deserter and later rescued by warriors from the tribe. At the end of the story, Dunbar decides to leave the tribe with his wife, in order to protect the rest and find a resolution to the white-Indian conflict.

The story itself is a touching one, but it’s not the most impressive part of the film to me. It is the depiction of the tribe, the representation of the aboriginal culture and the comparison between the white men’ behavior and the Indians’ one that leave a deep impression on me. Viewing from the director’s perspective, the Indian tribe was not as primitive as we thought, and the Native Americans were not as cruel and stupid as we learned from textbooks. They had their own culture, unique but not that inferior. They had their own ethic, exotic but harmless. Just as dance with wolves himself said in the film: “I have never known people so eager to laugh, so devoted to family, so dedicated to each other. And the only word came to mind was harmony.” Ironically, whenever and wherever the acknowledged civilized and educated white men appear, there are always wars, battles, lies and conflicts, either at the beginning of the film or the end of the story. The director’s brave and honest presentation of the racial conflict backs us to question: whether different cultures can be equally valuable? Even if not, is it humanitarian to slaughter in the name of progress?

It entertains. It educates. It provokes and persuades, moves and motivates. That’s the attraction of Dance with wolves.



  • 力荐

看完它,我知道了与狼共舞 是一个很美的名字!

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