索菲亚·科波拉将执导新片《触礁》(On the Rocks),比尔·莫瑞、拉什达·琼斯主演,这将是苹果和A24合作的第一部电影,下月开拍。
First thing first, let me finally get it off my chest, what has on earth happened to Oscar-nominated director Sofia Coppola’s once-rosy career? After contentiously copping Venice’s Golden Lion with SOMEWHERE (2010), a film many finds meritless of such honor, her subsequent offers are met with muted reception at best, even Cannes’ BEST DIRECTOR trophy for THE BEGUILED (2017) doesn’t amount to nothing. Now her seventh feature ON THE ROCKS arrives, reunited with Bill Murray, and further surveys the “father issue” extended from SOMEWHERE, does that bode well?
Unfortunately, the movie will not alter much of her stagnated status quo, it is well-shot (those landscape and cityscape shots are too enthralling for the movie's tepid story), but the whole fuss about a woman’s suspicion of her husband’s infidelity unfolds without any modicum of novelty. Rashida Jones plays Laura Keane, wife of Dean (Wayans), an entrepreneurial upstart, they have two young girls and Laura is cornily stuck in a writer’s block, as her time is chiefly allotted to child-rearing, while Dean frequently hops on business trips as the high-flying breadwinner.
Reaching 40, Laura becomes insecure of her sex appeal and suspects Dean is having an affair with his younger, voluptuous co-worker Fiona (Henwick), unwisely, instead of leveling with her significant other of her sixth sense-driven conjuncture (that would end the movie in 2 minutes), she resorts to the counsel from her father Felix (Murray), a hardened playboy, who left her mother years ago and cast unsolved scars in its aftermath. So the initial cutesy father-daughter binding episodes soon devolve into the dual play of Felix’s faintly haughty mansplaining and Laura’s incessant self-denial with a mild protestation of vexation, which will tediously run out of stream down the line.
The rub is, neither Laura or Felix is an interesting character to begin with, which comes quite a shock to Yours Truly, because Coppola used to be rather adroit in molding her characters with nuances and niceties. But here, all three chief players are showered in the pervasive uppity New York chic, which cannot abate the triteness derived from the facts that they are so clichéd and oblivious from the rest of the world, for instance, Laura cannot even sustain small talk with an elderly woman in a posh party she attends with Felix, and can barely bear with a fellow quibbling mother (Slate).
When Laura finally gives Felix a piece of her mind, Jones acts more like a galled baby than a disaffected, long-suffered sophisticate Laura is designed to be, she is fighting a losing battle before she can finish her sentences, and Murray’s resigned response “why aren’t you funny anymore?” is even more grating, paternalism dies hard, to Felix, a daughter’s paramount asset is fun-inducing, and Murray is in excellent form, unfazed, debonair, persistently gets his own way, though his grand deportment is critically undercut by Felix's repugnant characterization.
Laura never stands a chance to better herself as an independent individual, in the end, she is just passed from one man to another, with the symbolic watch switch, that message doesn’t quite swim with our current tide of woman-empowerment. Sofia, being a female and a member of the Coppola Dynasty, has been wearing a Teflon armor for too long, and the “father issue” she tries to come to terms with is more personal and regressive than we can give its credits for. Since many other budding women directors are finally thick on the ground, perhaps it is high time that we look elsewhere for the next auteur-to-be from the distaff side.
referential entries: Coppola’s SOMEWHERE (2010, 6.6/10); LOST IN TRANSLATION (2003, 8.8/10).
This is it,这个影片的全部,就是科波拉女士想要说的东西,但是鉴于新时代流媒体与苹果公司的介入,对她的创作到底有没有受到些许的影响,我不敢说……不过,火候相对以往,确实是差点意思!!
Are we returning to another inane plotline of a picture-perfect bourgeois family (in NYC, which elevates the notion to its own standard) safe sailing through a marital misunderstanding? And the WOMAN has to apologize for her suspicion to save the marriage? I thought Sofia could do better and offer something deeper than just the young, affluent couple in their Soho apartment with their beautiful caramel-colored kids. The characters all felt a bit forced and cliched, which ultimately leads to their untrustworthy presence and our failed sympathy for the marriage's potential imploding. I felt so silly for even thinking that there would be a milestone in mending the father-daughter relationship. The proof that Dean has not been cheating is enough proof for Laura to bark back at her dad for putting ideas in her head? Please, her guts tell her the same, at least own the truth and ask your husband
1) Why did you give me fancy cookware as a birthday gift (even if it is part of a joke)?
2) Why do you keep asking how's the writing going as if you would like a progress report?
Here is some food for thought - If Dean has been perfectly innocent and such a model husband to provide for the family, then why did he delete all of Fiona's texts?
索菲亚·科波拉的新电影《触礁》(On the Rocks)应该是她的作品中最清汤寡水的一部,虽然先天条件仍然超好,她自己编剧、执导,Bill Murray主演。科波拉对喜剧演员Bill Murray情有独钟,大致相当于在自己杰出的父亲之外又一位心有灵犀的年长男性。十几年前两人合作过《迷失在东京》,前几年还拍过一个圣诞特别节目,现在是第三次主要合作。
故事中曼哈顿SOHO的年轻妈妈Laura担心丈夫出轨,她首先寻求Bill Murray扮演的父亲Felix的帮助。打小的时候父亲就告诉女儿,“不要向任何男生交心,直到结婚你都是我的女儿,结婚以后也还是。”挑战在于父亲一生保持着系统性出轨的习惯,女儿找他咨询有点像找江洋大盗请教防范小偷的经验。
中年危机,在搭上个古怪精灵的老爸,世界就翻天了。 比尔·默瑞这个老戏骨就演绎了这样的老父亲,有意思。中年危机,在搭上个古怪精灵的老爸,世界就翻天了。 比尔·默瑞这个老戏骨就演绎了这样的老父亲,有意思。中年危机,在搭上个古怪精灵的老爸,世界就翻天了。 比尔·默瑞这个老戏骨就演绎了这样的老父亲,有意思。中年危机,在搭上个古怪精灵的老爸,世界就翻天了。 比尔·默瑞这个老戏骨就演绎了这样的老父亲,有意思。
请问bill murray为什么不是我爸爸
Tasteless binary content but Bill Murray is real cute
每次看sofia coppola的片之前:好像有点意思,看完后:以后不太想看她片了。
一种富婆努力在生活中找点烦恼因为没有冲突没办法写剧本然鹅生活实在是太美满了所以真的没啥烦恼的即视感。哎。可能是羡慕使我丑陋吧。🤔 另外节奏巨差,前面一小时和最后半小时完全割裂。
这个剧本很好啊,轻盈,但每个人物都有完整的传记,互相微妙的需要与被需要的张力也很细腻;当然尤其是父女之间咯,终于又有一个细腻的父女故事,他们相处的vibe我也很有共鸣,最安心又总想逃开(总有各种耿耿于怀的过去…科波拉的剧本总是结尾有点单薄,不能推着故事再上一程,这次以反高潮的方式也还可以接受吧。女主的表演弱了点。What happened to you? You used to be fun.
可以部分弥补Bill Murray没演过Woody Allen电影的遗憾了。
It must be very nice to be you. 真正的明星并不需要act而是需要be,比尔莫瑞正是这如此。没有他整个影片就是一个令人无法忍受的上流社会的没事找事、无病呻吟
Ahhh~Sofia Coppola最好的作品都是为Bill Murray写的(奥斯卡最佳男配预警