A friendly android travels back in time to our present day and observes its human customs. Its wanderings spark some delightful conversations with its fellow machines. In search of a king from whom to extract valuable data, its system runs up against repression. This lively story takes us on a political journey of reflection on the environment and technology.
热播电视剧最新电影宝劈龙SatriaDewa:Gatotkaca怪胎与书呆芝麻胡同寻侠英雄传之阴阳爪纸梦中国机长境界触发者 第二季钟馗降魔千古风流人物 第二季从伦敦到布莱顿金发男子乡村守望的女人朝鲜神枪手美国信使楚留香与胡铁花沉睡者的妻子王牌校草速度与激情5行尸走肉第八季云水谣玩命流氓人人都爱雷蒙德第一季废柴舅舅第二季一日钟情五月天陪你守岁2020