1 ) “I've been blessed.I'll play as long as I can get away with it.” (学习笔记)
【英文表达】 go into hibernation 进入冬眠(形容乐队暂停活动一段时间) be itching to do sth. 心痒痒想做某件事 be steeped in...被浸润在(某种环境中) Billi had more edge on it for me - have more edge=more interesting/exciting 吸引力/有趣 hit is like bombshell - 形容某人迅速蹿红 Guitar scale length/flat neck/width of the nut
That's basically my lifeline - 那基本是我生活的全部内容/生命线 inventory book 存货清单薄
“The way the man hit us. I'm still recovering" 大概类似于 mind-blowing for a long time. ”incredible devil-may-care attitude" 一副老子最屌/管你鸟事的态度 (呃&&) “I’m taking the full deck here" 所有的家当都在这儿了
把老旧电台磁带里听到的蓝调做些调整(Juke it up , sped it up-成了早期摇滚
Our puritanical mission was to turn other people on to the blues......(what we later achieved was) far beyond the agenda. puritanical mission清教徒式的的传教 It's a crowning glory to ....至高无上的荣耀 fathom out 弄清楚
boogie pianist 摇滚钢琴家 Keith形容自己在创作的时候像一个antenna, 要做的是reveiving - transmitting 想起《莫扎特传》里提到莫扎特作曲的时候觉得自己不是在作曲,只是写下上帝告诉他的旋律。 You are not looking for it. The melody just comes to you.
longhorn 长角牛/音乐探测器 razzle-dazzle 狂欢喧闹 crucible 坩埚/考验 - be put in the crucible 经受考验
一组同义: fiddle about 虚度光阴无所事事 at a loose end 无所事事;闲着
lament 挽歌;恸哭;哀痛之情
break into the ritual of music (没想好怎么翻)
Keith got a guitar valvet(吉他男仆?。。大概指专门保管吉他的助手) mellotron电子琴
reggae瑞格舞 come to a natural gasper (乐队)自然而然的暂停休息
persona 人物角色 ventriloquist口技表演者 you eyeball each other(eyeball名作动,仔细打量。很形象哦)
dopey:呆笨的 提到美国乡村音乐,Keith说some of them are dopey. But sometimes the dopeist song would have the best melody. There was a certain edge on certain guys. (主要是说Gram Parsons吧哈哈)
【Chuck Berry和滚石的组建】 about how the Stones get started, Keith recalled:
I got on my morning train to go to art school. I happened to hit the carriage that Mick had just gotten into, and I hadn't seen him(指Chuck Berry,Mick揣着的唱片)in years. And then I noticed, (it was) tucked under his arm, like this ,was..... Mick: Oh, you, get out of here. (嘿,说的就是你呢,谁让你进来的。出去! 傲娇脸) Keith(指唱片):where you got them, man ? Come here!"(哇噢,你从哪儿搞来的Chuck唱片?来来来给哥瞧一眼...) (Keith continues to recall) You know I thought I was the only other guy in the southeast England that even knew anything about this stuff, you know...(没想到碰到了灵魂伴侣哈哈哈)By the time we got off the train, we've made a deal, you know. I'm gonna......And that's how the Stones hooked.(我们就是这么勾搭上的2333) Because of these very two records. And that's it.
【Music to Keith】: For me, music is like the center of everything. It's something that binds people together through centuries, through millennium.It's undefinable.And nobody's ever going to have the answer to it, but it's great fun exploring.
【The Bottom line of the Blues】 It's not about whether the black or white are to play . One question: do you have a bad time in life? If not, just keep living.
【他说的几句我很喜欢】 You cannot buy a persona. You can either make it up or you can be it.
.......this is what rock and roll is about. You feel like you're levitating.
I'm not getting old.I'm evolving.
Life is a funny thing, you know. And nobody wants to get old, but they don't wanna die young either. You just gotta follow this thing down the path. You know.
I've been blessed. I'll play as long as I can get away with it.
附录: 【Keith提到的所有相关音乐人】 Saral Vaughan Ella Fitzgerald Billie Holiday Elvis Jim Hall Robert Johnson Jimmy Reed Chuck Berry Muddy Water(所有蓝调/摇滚相关纪录片里都必须要提一提的大佬QvQ) Howlin Wolf (同上QvQ) Bo Diddley Buddy Guy Ian Stewart Buddy Holly Otis Redding Partner Wagoner Johnny Cash(哇——) Hank Williams Willie Nelson Merle Haggard Luther Perkins Gram Parsons(哇——) Gregory Isaacs Bob Marley Jimmy Cliff Waddy Wachtel Ronnie Wood
看到Tom Waits和Keith Richards的片段 感动了
可以配着自传看,谈音乐影响和创作,Tom Waits也有出场还说了挺多话。Keith现在的指关节都是肿的,老态龙钟可还完全是年轻人意气。喜欢和Buddy Guy打桌球那一段
太帅气了 Keith在车里跟女歌迷说hi baby简直迷死人
巧了,crosseyed heart发行的时候我刚好买了。coolest 老倌 ever❤️
“I'm not getting old, I'm evolving” 确实是的,Keith是个很好的音乐家!
We had a bad time