◎Episode 1:
●As I grow older, I pay less attention on what men say, I just watch what they do.【Andrew·Carnegie】
●A men is known by the silence he keeps.【Oliver·Herford】
●Evil is always devising more corrosive misery through man’s restless need to exact revenge out of his hate.【Ralph·Steadman】
●If you win,say nothing. If you lose, say less.【Paul Brown】
●Behavior is the mirror, in which everyone shows their true image.【Goethe】
●One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others.【Lewis·Carroll】
●Body and soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment for they are one and indivisible. Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies.【Dr. Jeff Miller】
●When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals.He has the nerve and he has the knowledge.【Arthur Conan Doyle】
●I become insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.【Edgar·Allan·Poe】
●Show me your garden, and I shall tell you what you are.【Alfred·Austin】
●Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teather.【Chinese proverb】
●The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your own riches but to reveal to him his own.
●You never find yourself until you face the truth.【Pearl Bailey】
●玻尔·贝利:面对现实才可认清自我。【美国黑人歌星 电影女演员】
●I am not afraid death, it’s the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life.【Giraudoux】
●It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.【Frederick·Douglass】●弗雷德里克·道格拉斯:培养强大的孩子,要比修复破碎的成人容易。【美国社会改革家 政治家 作家】
●A great deal of talent is lost to the world for the want of a litter courage.【Sydney Smith】
●The mystery of human existence, lies not in just staying alive but in finding something to live for.【Fyodor Dostoevsky】
●Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.【William Shakespeare】
●Love is our true destiny, we do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone, we find it with another.【Thomas Merton】
●托马斯·默顿:命中注定我们相爱,我们不该独自找寻生命的意义,而应陪伴彼此一起找寻。【美国天主教修士 诗人 多产的著作家】
●I have never yet heard of a murderer who was not afraid of a ghost.【John Philpot Curran】
●约翰·菲尔波特·克伦:从未有杀人犯,不惧怕鬼魂。【18世纪爱尔兰政治家 演说家】
●The doctrine of the immortality of the soul has more threat than comfort.【Mason Cooley】
●Deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
●Love never dies a natural death, it dies of blindness and errors and betrayals, it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishing.【Anais Nin】
●The tragedy of this world is that no one is happy, whether stuck in a time of pain or joy.【Alan Lightman】
●阿兰·莱德曼:这个世界的悲剧在于没有人是快乐的,无论是陷在痛苦还是快乐的时光里。 【美国心理学家】
●The world breaks everyone, and afterward,many are stronger at the broken places.【Ernest Hemingway】
●Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.【Charles Caleb Colton】
●查尔斯·卡莱布·科尔顿:模仿是最诚挚的赞美。【英国传教士 作家】
●All acts performed in the world begin in the imagination.【Barbara Grizzuti Harrison】
●I can resist anything except temptation.【Oscar Wilde】
●I am dead, only vengeance can restore me.【Terry Goodkind】
●For darkness restore what light cannot repair.【Joseph Brodsky】
●A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen.【Edward De Bono】
●There is no present or future, only the past happening over and over again now.【Eugene O’neill】
●Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?【Alfred, Lord Tennyson】
●阿佛列·丁尼生男爵未醒的梦既是真实,那我们是否亦活在梦中?【第一代丁尼生男爵 英国著名诗人】
●I will not say do not weep for not all tears are an evil.【J·R·R Tolkien】
●J·R·R·托尔金:我不会阻止哭泣,因流泪并不都是罪。【英国作家 诗人 文献学家】
●Children are educated by what the grownup is and not by his talk.【Carl Jung】
●卡尔·荣格:儿童的教养源自成人的修为而非说教。【瑞典心理学家 精神分析医师】
●Alone. All alone. Nobody but nobody, can make it out here alone. 【Maya Angelou】
●玛雅·安杰罗:独自,完全由自己。没有人,没有任何人,能独自在这里找到灵魂的居所。【美国著名黑人诗人 作家】
●We are not the same persons this years at last, nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love the changed person.
●我们和我们所爱的人,都已今非昔比。若改变的我们,还能爱着改变了的对方那会是多么幸福的契机。【英国现代小说家 剧作家】
●Rarely do members of the same family grow up under the same roof.【Richard Bach】
●Cruel is the strife of brothers.【Aristotle】
●The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.【Richard Bach】
脑残粉模式自动打出五星╭( ̄m ̄*)╮
把emily姐姐还给我!Q A Q
最终boss这么牛逼,黑客+生化学家+溜门撬锁 无所不通,但怎么就把自己玩死了……这不科学……可惜了施特劳斯,难得出次外勤,就这么挂了……