5. Samson and Delilah were the Brangelina of the Bible.
首先,Brangelina这个词很有意思,Bragelina是因好莱坞超级巨星Brad Pitt和Angelina Jolie的恋爱而产生的合成词,成为2005年世界第二红的新词条,于是顺理成章的这个词也就代表了某种爱情(观)。
这里大致就是说“Samson & Delilah之恋可以说是圣经中的Brangelina恋”。
《圣经·士师传》中Samson and Delilah的故事大致是这样:
所以 "Samson and Delilah" 可以作“背叛之恋”来理解,这即使用在 "Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie" 的事例上也不算是很离题。
以 "Samson and Delilah" 为题材的电影有多部,最为出名的便是1949年Cecil B. DeMille执导的版本,中译名为《霸王妖姬》,这是耗资巨大、场景奢华的彩色历史剧时代开端的里程碑之作。本作荣获1950年第23届奥斯卡最佳彩色片艺术指导和最佳彩色片服装设计。
"Samson and Delilah",作为TSCC第二季首集的片名以及第二季揭幕曲名,寓意不言而喻,直接影射了反叛军头子John Connor与终结者Cameron Phillips(这名字...TSCC是不是受过PHILIPS的赞助)这段“人机恋”发展的可能性,以及过程中随时的不可承受背叛之重。
(在这里实在要赞赏一下Cameron的饰演者Summer Glau同学在S201中的表现,看来这天生就有点木纳感的姑娘演机器人果然是相当的合适。)
4. Shirley Manson is so the new Johnny Cash.
在上一季TSCC Season Finale "What He Beheld" 中出现过Johnny Cash的一曲"The Man Comes Around",而这次Season Premiere开幕的歌曲,就是前面提到的"Samson and Delilah",演唱者为Shirley Manson,以此作为对应。
Johnny Cash这位2003年去逝的乡村摇滚大拿,详细请见:
http://pulp.bluecircus.net/archives/006920.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_CashShirley Manson这位四十好几的大妈级人物,除了献唱外,还挑了新一季中的反派大梁——于是,T-1000终于出现了!!!
(另及,官方的说法,据说Shirley Manson饰演的Catherine Weaver其实是T1000特别版——T1001……)
Shirley Manson详细:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirley_Manson"Samson and Delilah"作曲者为三十多年前去逝的Reverend Gary Davis,TSCC的配乐师Bear McCreary(也是BSG的配乐)此次对该曲进行的重新编曲。McCreary对此道简直轻车熟路,Battlestar Galactica 第四季Season Finale的All Along the Watchtower,就是小熊同志对Bob Dylan的重演绎。
不过在官方BLOG中按照Josh Friedman的说词是:
When you watch the opening act you will of course note that it is not Bruce Springsteen singing the song but the lovely and ridiculously talented Shirley Manson with a new version of the song composed by the lovely and ridiculously talented Bear McCreary.
Josh Friedman的口气也实在是非常的lovely非常的ridiculously——总之,这首"Samson and Delilah"到底是新是旧还是旧瓶新装,还得有才之士来辨认,我一文盲就不在此妄下断论了。
Reverend Gary Davis详细:
http://en.wikilib.com/wiki/Gary_Davis以下摘录的就是在TSCC执行制片Josh Friedman的提议下才得以让我们见到的这首插曲的歌词,歌词就是把"Samson and Delilah"的故事重新复习了一遍:
"Samson and Delilah"
Composed by the Rev. Gary Davis.?
Performed by Shirley Manson
Arranged and Produced by Bear McCreary.
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
I'd burn this whole building down.
Delilah was a woman she was fine and fair,
She had good looks and coal black hair,
Delilah she gained ground on Samson's mind,
When he saw this woman she looked so fine,
Delilah she climbed up on Samson's knee,
Said Tell me where your strength lies if you please,
Then she spoke so kind and she talked so fair,
Until Samson said "Delilah Cut off my hair".
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
I'd burn this building down.
We've all read about old Samson as far back as birth,
He was the strongest man that ever lived on earth,
One day while Samson's walking walking along,
Looked down on the ground and saw an old jawbone,
And he stretched out his arms and his chains broke like thread,
When he got to move ten thousand men was dead.
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
I'd burn this whole building down.
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
I'd burn this building down.
Now Samson and the lion got entwined in a fight,
And Samson he jumped up and took on the lion's might,
You will know just how a lion would kill a man with his paws,
Well Samson got his hands up 'round that lion's jaws,
And he ripped the beast and killed him dead,
And the bees made honey in the lion's head.
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
I'd burn this whole building down.
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
I'd burn this building down.
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
If I had my way,
I'd burn this whole building down.
3. Six vehicles were completely destroyed in the making of this episode!
2. Famous last words: “We’ll see…”
James Ellison:I'll never do the devil's work.
Cromartie:We'll see…
这是S201最后终结者与被放大假的FBI探员之间的一段对话。之前Cromartie放了James Ellison一马。这段对话比较销魂。同时这也预告了James和Cromartie在第二季中可能形成的某种关系,对手,但也不排除James会加入反派的阵营。
1. Use the bathroom before the show starts.
不过,我的感觉是,TSCC其它都尚可,就是动作场面弱了点,不能令人形成某种明快的节奏感,让人印象深刻。这方面我马上想到的例子是渡边信一郎的《Cowboy Bebop》,能达到那种程度,即使成不了经典,也肯定会更加的赏心悦目。
PS.最后再次大力推荐插曲"Samson and Delilah",不出意外的话此曲将收录于TSCC第一张OST中。
http://fox.com/blogs/terminator/观影成疾|Motion Fever:
http://www.mtime.com/my/motionfever/blog/1445671/ 第一季5星,第二季2星,两季被砍。一般来说一部剧集不管它有几季水准不会相差太大,但终结者外传是个例外。第一季堪称完美,首先卡司强大,场面特效均佳。其次故事性很强,此起彼伏连贯有序,特别是在每集集末会来上一段富有哲理的莎拉画外音,我真是爱死这画外音了,很酷又很有思想。
is riley some whore of blowing her boss? WE NEED THE THIRD SEASON~!
s1 9eps(2007);s2 22eps(2008)。
summer glau超萌~