Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are heightened, and in the midst of this, Reina attempts to escape, but she has nowhere to go in the endless open sea. With an unusual setting of the submarine, where nothing can be seen other than the horizon, Submersible captures the tension of the conflicts between the characters and their struggle for survival, while the submarine environment itself arouses extreme claustrophobia and anxiety. The top star from Columbia, Natalia Reyes, who attracted the worldwide film industry’s attention with Ciro Guerra’s Birds of Passage (2018), and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), once again draws attention in her role as Reina. (Jin PARK)
热播电视剧最新电影彼岸岛Deluxe愉悦法则巨星总动员异虫咒干儿子末路我-活过无罪证明运动学概论超级明星2007大话神捕黄蜂 第二季钢铁侠:噬甲危机灵臆事件国家宝藏:夺宝秘笈孖宝闯八关美国体育故事第一季坏爸爸2018大陆版幻影旅程阴阳师1垛上花春天的奇迹德凯奥特曼(原声版)监狱学园奇情快车
imdb 3.5