Shortly before he is to wed, millionaire John Willis is visited by Dr. Harry S. Blair, a psychiatrist who informs him that years before he was married to Nancy, John's wife-to-be, and warns him that she is mentally unbalanced. Blair then relates the following story: After a whirlwind romance in Florida, Blair marries Nancy and starts a psychiatric practice in New York. One day, artist Norman Clyde comes to his office and tells him that an innocent man is about to be executed in Sing Sing Prison and that Nancy is the cause of his unjust incarceration. A distraught Clyde then explains himself to a curious Blair: Three years before, Clyde meets Nancy, whose maiden name was Monks, when she enrolls in his art class. The moody Clyde soon falls in love with Nancy's honest charm and beauty. Nancy, a secretary, introduces Clyde to her boss, millionaire Andrew Bonner, and persuades Bonner to showcase Clyde's paintings at one of his private showings. To Nancy's delight, Clyde's painting, a depiction of the tragic figure Cassandra for which she modeled, wins first prize at the showing. The evening is perfect until an expensive bracelet is stolen from a guest, and Clyde later finds it in Nancy's purse. After Clyde confronts a confused Nancy about the theft, she relates the following story to explain her behavior: As a young girl, Nancy lives with her housekeeper mother in the lavish Willis home and plays with Karen, the Willises' little daughter. Although Karen wants to invite Nancy to her upcoming birthday party, Mrs. Willis refuses to allow the lower-class Nancy to attend. A true friend, Karen promises to give Nancy one of the pins her guests are receiving. When Karen realizes there are no extra pins, however, she offers Nancy the beautiful locket she has just received from her mother. Nancy's subsequent joy is soon crushed when Mrs. Willis demands that she return the locket. Later, the locket is discovered missing, and Nancy is accused of theft. Although Nancy's mother soon finds the locket in Karen's dress, Mrs. Willis refuses to believe Nancy and forces her to "confess." The adult Nancy then admits to Clyde that this childhood humiliation caused her unconscious desire to steal the bracelet at the party. After a forgiving Clyde returns the bracelet anonymously, he and Nancy continue their romance until the next party at the Bonners'. Suspecting that the absent Nancy is spending the evening in Bonner's arms, Clyde leaves the party to look for her and sees her exiting Mrs. Bonner's bedroom just after two gunshots are fired. Bonner is found murdered, and Mrs. Bonner's diamond necklace, stolen. Although Nancy and Clyde are questioned, valet Myron Dexter is eventually found guilty and is sentenced to die. Clyde, however, strongly suspects Nancy, but she angrily maintains her innocence and leaves for Florida. Back in his office, Blair defends Nancy to Clyde but invites him to his house that evening. When confronted, Nancy denies everything and tells Blair that Clyde is merely jealous. The next day, Dexter is executed, and a guilt-ridden Clyde jumps from Blair's office window to his death. To avoid scandal, Blair and Nancy move to England, and after World War II breaks out, Blair volunteers his medical services, while Nancy becomes an ambulance driver. Expressing concern over Blair's health, Nancy insists that they take a vacation at Lord and Lady Wyndham's manor house. Just as they are leaving, Blair learns that one of Lady Wyndham's valuable jewels has been stolen. Blair suspects Nancy but is unable to prove anything until a bomb destroys their flat and reveals her cache of stolen jewels. Although confronted directly, Nancy continues to deny any guilt and divorces Blair after he suffers a nervous breakdown. Back in John's study, Blair, like Clyde before him, tries to convince John to abandon Nancy, who now uses the name Patton. John, however, believes Nancy when she tells him that Blair is still suffering from his breakdown. Moments before the wedding is to start, Nancy's future mother-in-law, the unsuspecting Mrs. Willis, gives her the same locket that she once took away, and tells her that it is a precious family heirloom. The locket causes Nancy to be overcome with guilt, and she collapses at the altar in hysterics. As Nancy is later taken away to an institution, John sadly realizes the truth of Blair's story, but determines to see Nancy through her crisis.
哥本哈根2014晚安,母亲搏击迷城碧玉簪霹雳宝座特种兵王2使命抉择设计迈阿密第一季常跟你左右正义联盟与红白黑黄:超级英雄和猎人(上)舒适农场月上昆仑巴黎惊梦请以你的名字呼唤我隘谷甜蜜的复仇Racionais MC's:来自圣保罗街头的嘻哈传奇早安,维罗妮卡第三季深夜的超自然公务员教头发威国语十三号仓库第五季你还好吗2019月球陷阱:地球危机一串珍珠唐山大地震2013无耻家庭之无耻堂艾薇和豆豆:芭蕾必修课此时此地之间巴黎圣母院1939流浪猫鲍勃2:鲍勃的礼物(国语版)莎乐美生死豪情猛龙怪客3还债寻找神话之岛我是谁2015金陵之夜紫玉金砂武林外传话剧燕2020乡村爱情花甲大人转男孩莺燕桃李幸福59厘米之夜天使日暮之歌传说
层层回环 直到结尾 也留了许多想象空间。
对Laraine Day的厌恶又加深一层,她一脸无辜装傻白甜的时候让人瘆得慌。闪回套闪回的结构挺花哨的,是适合精神分析的好片。可怜艺术家和心理医生都被逼疯,所谓惯偷永远都不会改邪归正。
Chinese box式結構。不同敘事者的三層閃回。簡單卻未必可信的童年傷痕歸因。Laraine Day的純真演繹功不可沒!
chinese box 三层嵌套故事 看似一个开放的结局其实是确定的美好的结局 femme fatale形象并未贯彻而是被美化地接受似乎也可以看成是这部影片对这样一个话题的观点
今天課堂用作精神分析的片子,潛意識與戀物癖,雖然是很低級的閃回套閃回的敘事,但人家是1946年的片子,絕對要給贊!盜夢空間也不過是高科版的夢套夢而已罷~(而作為一個慣常入戲的非邏輯女性觀者,倒是愛上那句臺詞:If you want sth, badly enough, you will get it some day.)
Laraine Day是电影的亮点