1 ) 美国鼠谭1
somewhere out there由童声的Fievel Mousekewitz 和Tanya Mousekewitz 唱起来才最好听,尤其是高音上不去的时候,太可爱拉
2 ) I see <An American Tail>
Today our English Listening and Speaking course professor Mr.Krigline play a movie which called <An American Tail> for us. During watching the movie, I have thought more than what the movie wants to tell us.
It's obvious that the movie shows the history of immigration to the United States. People from all over the world moved to American about 19th century. It is a combination of fear, hope, policy, and persistence. But, it is not the thing I want to discuss with you. Considering the complex historical and political reasons, it is not easy to study as a science student (though I am learning economic courses in college). There are so many characters obviously represent some complicated people or power in history, but I never care about these(oops, Never say never).
I will explain what I am thinking into two parts: the cats and the English studying.
In the first part, I am going to talk about the cats in the movie. As far as I am concerned, the cats in the movie represented a series of things in the real world, but we can call them 'fear' together. For example, fear from European, fear from invaders, fear from a completely different new lives … and so on. I prefer they were nobles from Europe(or where the immigrants came). Poor people in their motherland were treated unfairly and they had no choice but move to America. Because America is a country full of liberty and democracy, even poor people have power to decide what their lives will be like. So the rats(immigrants) thought 'there are no cats(nobles) in America'.
But it was not true. To be realistic, we can find that European cats are quite different from American cats. European cats are invaders while American cats are native nobles. American citizens have to beat only European cats considering that American cats are also a part of themselves. The rats could evict European cats to other countries, but they had to accept American cats. When the rats accepted American cats and got fair with them they could make democracy come true.
In the second part, I'll show you the commons between the adventure of Fievel and our English studying. Considering how Fievel victory the difficulties, we find it quite same as our English studying. Because in Chinese environment it's week to get so many advanced information, we need to learn English to know more about the world. And their are some many things get in the way of English studying. At first, we don't have 'hope', we always say, it is too difficult to learn English, or I can never learn English well. But at the time when Fievel arrived America, the French pigeon told him to never say never, and hope the best, work the rest. While we are learning English, we are becoming braver and braver, smarter and smarter.
Then, we can change English learning into English studying. We will no longer say what we can say but what we want to say. At the end of the movie, the fat French pigeon said, you will see more America, I think he meant, we can see not only wider but also deeper about America when we have a better command of English.
So this movie also interacted me to study English.
So much for the movie. So much for the night. I deeply love it.
明明是儿童动画,却充满了政治叙事,而且很多意图都相当明显,不过有意思的是对美国梦表面上看是讽刺,看到后面发现是先抑后扬- -里面居然还点到了great awakening。。不过毕竟是动画片,很多东西点到为止。
james horner的音乐太好听了,听哭。仿佛想到童年。
Plot Keywords: Cat | Russian | Mouse | Hanukkah | Cat Versus Mouse
小孩子看這部電影、未必明白當中的政治隱喻與代表。美蘇冷戰、美國夢、對自由的響往、但當到了理想中的烏托邦卻見到世界是污穢不堪、烏托邦(那個無貓的世界)、根本並不存在、自由世界亦有階級之爭、有扮老鼠的貓。 片裡的老鼠就好像中國人一樣、以為去到香港就有自由、結果還是被困囚牢。
哇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~somewhere out there, beneath the pale moon light
Some~where~ out~there~ (唱)
somewhere out there~~~
7.0.充满了政治隐喻的伪童话片。对心怀美国梦漂洋过海来到美利坚的移民潮的讽刺堪称入木三分,但最后还是顺从动画片的普遍规律来了个happy ending(毕竟要照顾到小朋友),没有深入挖掘。画面的精良、插曲的动听自不必说。
2019年纽约 在Greenwich的一家叫Marie‘s Crisis Café的酒吧 第一次听到所有人伴着钢琴声齐唱的那首Somewhere Out There 我当时整个人都懵了 怎么会有这么好听的歌 我问旁边喝酒的大哥 他说这首歌出自一部电影叫An American Tail 是80年代最有名的动画片之一 斯皮尔伯格监制 也是Amblin出品的第一部Animation 像是那个年代的zootopia 借小老鼠Fievel(也是斯导爷爷的名字)找寻亲人隐喻美苏关系 追寻美国梦的那代移民历史 美国没有猫 遍地都是奶酪 其实美国人小时候看的片跟我们也没啥区别 都是带着意识形态的爱国主义教育片 但是当两只小老鼠用奶声奶气的嗓音在月光下唱起这首歌 我的心都融化了 感谢James Horner
當時老爸看到這個的時候,冷笑道:“這是美國的宣傳片嗎?”嗯。。。Somewhere Out There挺好聽的~