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欲望都市 第一季





欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.1欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.2欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.3欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.4欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.5欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.6欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.13欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.14欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.15欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.16欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.17欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.18欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.19欲望都市  第一季 剧照 NO.20


欲望都市 第一季美剧免费高清在线观看全集。
  专栏作家凯莉(萨拉·杰西卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker 饰)、公关经理萨曼莎(金·卡特拉尔 Kim Cattrall 饰)、律师米兰达(辛西娅·尼克松 Cynthia Nixon 饰)还有理想主义者夏洛特(克里斯汀·戴维斯 Kristin Davis 饰)是生活在纽约曼哈顿中的四位时尚女性。她们之间有着坚固的友谊,却有着各自的个性。不同的性格带领她们走向不尽相同的生活方式,她们自知自己已不再年轻,周旋在各式男人身边寻找情欲。她们不过是想在那个忙碌且充满欲望诱惑的城市里,努力寻找自己的真爱。现实让她们一次次落空,借着友谊的力量继续向着自己的理想往前走。热播电视剧最新电影女神异闻录4陪我走下去目击者2006岁岁有余年孩子王1987最佳好友2心灵的救赎亲亲宝贝单程路热血男儿小男人汤姆摇滚正当年扑克王少女杀人犯的审判和宽恕藤球王法医秦明2清道夫拳坛风云僵尸吃人之午夜恐惧晴雅集 · 幕后纪录片Play Guide我的艺术拳击小子恋恋仙缘


 1 ) 欲望城市边看边写:悲悯秋天







洪晃给COSMO Girl总结了3F:fun、fearless、female,用她意思翻成中文就是250,“浑不论”(我不是很清楚这个意思,应该是北京土话吧),骚。COSMO Girl的代表人物是莱温斯基。

在SATC这部片集中四个女主人公,三个倒是都有这COSMO Girl特征,如何去得到男人,如何去得到钻贵男人,有些不切实际的钻贵,错过也许是珍珠或者金子吧。好像苏各拉底教导他的弟子如何找到好女人,而他们,都像那个第二个弟子,穿越过整个麦田寻找最大的那颗麦穗,而出田的时候,却两手空空。


我听说广州有条很有意思的路,叫淘金路,听这名字,就喜欢,是啊,赫本演的Holly也好,COSMO Girl也好,她也好,我也好,谁不是在这个世界上淘金呢,活的快乐些,没错吧![:]

 2 ) 欲望城市边看边写:纽约小木匠


 3 ) 性与爱,谁是谁的谁?

我喜欢的美剧《Sex And the City》讲诉的是四个熟透了的曼哈顿御姐之间的友情及她们在纽约这座欲望都市中寻找性与真爱的故事。





Samantha是“性爱分离”的身体力行者,但是当爱情来临,肉体的忠诚要求也会成为其爱情排他性的副产品。 人类的性活动具有多重意义和功能,生殖功能是最基本,愉悦的功能最普遍。进化心理学上对其的解释很有趣:大自然赋予性刺激以强烈的快感,是为了确保物种将精力花在生殖上,当能量在交配时释放,生物体就会获得最大的强化刺激。只是这种潜在的快感使性行为的刺激力量远远大于生殖需要,在非人类的的动物中,性行为的主要动机就是繁殖,而对于人类这种意志生物,性满足的意义则大为泛化(弗洛伊德更是将性驱力引入到对人类所有行为的动机解释当中)。避孕技术的发展为单纯的肉体欢愉的性带来了福音,由此原理简单的安全套也成为20世纪最伟大的发明之一。

性的另一个功能是表达爱。用弗洛伊德观点来看,爱情甚至从根本上来说就是一种性现象,它是性吸引力的产物。不过这种说法在日后的实践中被证明是错误的。爱与性之间,以目前的道德伦理来看应该是相依存的,但在事实上爱与性并不互为充分必要条件。无爱无婚姻条件下的性关系,甚至提供更大的性满足。爱可以催生性的发生,性的和谐也可以维持爱的稳定。爱会导致长期的关系,性却可以是一次性的,爱情引发的性结合,消除了人与人之间的隔离,达到真正的亲密无间。而无爱情基础的性爱,却只能达到暂时结合幻觉,关系双方的距离并没有缩小,陌生感仍会回来。性可以是爱的表达,爱却是性的幸福,性爱并非不可分离,只是我们社会当前的性规范似乎还不这样认为。 性,爱情,婚姻,生育之间呈现复杂的网状关系,“发生在婚姻里的以爱情为基础以生育为目的的性”在大概率价值观里曾被认为是最合理的,但道德标准会因时空和空间的不同而发生改变,并不存在放之四海皆准的性道德。性学研究的先驱金西指出未来性观念的发展趋势是:认可所有的性活动形式,无论其目标是什么,形式是什么,内容是什么,对象(包括性别)是什么,只要在生理上能够实行的,就没有什么不可以。(暴力方式下非自愿的性行为应该不在此列)国内著名学者李银河认为最合理、最符合人性的性道德有三种情况:一,无爱情也无婚姻关系的性,既不涉及爱情的排他性也不涉及婚姻的忠诚诺言;二,发生了爱情的性(注:如果恋爱双方约定性爱可以分开,在另一方知情同意的情况下,一方与第三者发生性关系应不受道德制约,因为这并没有伤害到爱情要求的忠诚。);三,婚姻关系当中的性(注:双方约定下的婚外性也应不牵涉道德问题(虽然目前来看这仍违背法律规定))。 另外,在对待性与爱的关系上,似乎存在着明显的性别差异。男性对性的态度比较开放随便,女性则更容易将爱与性划等号。荣格也曾说,好色,是男性的集体无意识,在这个问题上,公众一直存在严重的性别刻板印象,即男性比女性具有更强性欲且更享受性的过程,然而事实上,并没有研究证明男性更多的性要求是两性生理构造差异的结果。男权社会对两性的双重道德标准则是更可能的原因。性别社会化过程使男性更容易将发起性行为当作是一种性别特权,而女性更可能把性当作是一种承诺关系。同样,男性幻想与陌生女性发生性关系,而女性性幻想的对象往往是熟悉的伴侣。不过进化心理学对这种差异有另外一套颇具新意的解释,即男性与女性在性行为背后已进化出不同的策略,男性如果能找到配偶则可以在一年内进行无数次的生殖,生育一个后代他们只需要付出一茶匙的精子和几分钟的交配时间,而女性一年只能生育一次,并且要投入巨大的精力和时间去抚养后代。所以说,面对有限的卵资源,雄性需要尽可能多地与雌性交配以争对卵子的受精机会。因此男性天生就有追求多个性伴侣的冲动。(这种观点尚需进一步确证。) 回到开篇提到的Samantha身上来,故事的最终,不停追寻爱情的Carrie终于牵住了Mr.Big的手;女强人Miranda和小酒保Steve彻底接受了彼此,拥有了美满的家庭;贤妻良母型的Charlotte与异教徒harry有了小Baby,甜蜜而幸福。唯有Samantha带着一条小狗重新变回了一个人。 “I'm not the kind of woman who stays at home and waits for her man to come back.”不相信婚姻不喜欢小孩的Samantha最终还是选择不为爱人变成绝望主妇,而为自己继续做她落落大方的单身贵族,去过她原本想要的生活。 “I love you but I love me more.”当她与那个她陪伴了5年堪称完美的好莱坞小男友以这样一句话说再见的时候,我们知道那个独立、自信、善良、直白、勇敢、不做作、我行我素又自由自在,追求物质又超凡脱俗的Samantha回来了。 She is single but she is fabulous。 像Samantha这样不愿被束缚,不愿被限制,始终活得热情真实又快活完整的女人全世界挑不出几个。因为参不透快乐真谛的女人们始终不了解,原来不停的做爱,直到做不动的那一天,也是一种爱自己的方式。

 4 ) Sex and the City ost


"Shame"--Evelyn "Champagne" King
场景: Big and Carrie talk at a fashion show.

"Respect"--Aretha Franklin
场景: End 场景 - Carrie meets her friends at the movies.

"Cool As Kim Deal"--The Dandy Warhols
场景: Samantha, Carrie, and their two 20-something guys go to a club.

"Honey White"
场景: Carrie goes to the 20 something club to find Sam.

Under Paris Skies"--Joe 'Fingers' Carr
场景: Carrie walks in the park with a French architect.

"You & Me & the Bottle Makes 3 Tonight (Baby)"--Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
场景: End 场景 - Charlotte shows the girls a painting of herself.

"Good Lovin'"--The Young Rascals (The Rascals)
场景: Carrie starts to write a story on threesomes.

"Meant to Be"--Squirrel Nut Zippers
场景: end 场景 with Carrie and Big.

"When the Saints Go Marching In"
场景: Carrie describes the people who came to the wedding.

"That's the Way (I Like It)"--KC and the Sunshine Band
场景: "Two hours later, we were bored"

"Something's Got a Hold On Me"--Etta James
场景: The girls talk about Big and marriage at a cafe.

"Let Me Run Wild"--The Prissteens
场景: Samantha's party.

"Harlem Nocturne"--Martin Denny
场景: Samantha and James sleep together.

"Born to Be Alive"--Patrick Hernandez
场景: the 'Church of Disco' - after Carrie and Miranda go to church.

"No Regrets"--Ella Fitzgerald
场景: End 场景 - Carrie watches Big leave.




"Every Day Should Be a Holiday"--The Dandy Warhols
场景: Big comes over to say hi to Carrie and her date.

"Bombasteroid"--Four Piece Suit
场景: People on the street say what they can't say to friends and family, and Susan Sharon tells Carrie she left her husband.

"Dark Eyes/It Happened In Monterey"--Mallet Men/Eighty Drums Around the World
场景: Carrie gets roses delivered to her door; the girls have lunch.

"I'm Too Sexy"--Right Said Fred
场景: Samantha opens the closet to find a 'freak.'

"The Look of Love"--Billy May & his Orchestra
场景: Mitchell goes under Charlotte's sheets.

"Flight of the Bumblebee"--Rimsky-Korsakov
场景: Carrie searches David's apartment for something freaky.

"Como Ves"--Ozomatli
场景: Beginning 场景 (four girls dancing); later, Carrie drags her "single and fabulous ass home".

场景: Carrie gives a toast ("Here's to us without men").

"Cumbia de los Muertos"--Ozomatli
场景: Samantha dances with William.

"Bombasteroid"--Four Piece Suit
场景: Carrie, Stanford, and Stanford's boyfriend Nevin are at a club.

"Morning Mood"--Grieg
场景: "...an unfortunate oversight. The second time was just unfortunate."

"Just You, Just Me"--Katharine Whalen
场景: Carrie and Big go bowling.

"They Can't Take That Away From Me"
场景: Big and Carrie dance.

"Here Comes the Bride" (traditional)
场景: The two newlyweds enter.

"Dark Eyes"--Four Piece Suit
场景: End 场景 - bouquet toss.

"It Was a Very Good Year"--Frank Sinatra
场景: Big sings karaoke for Carrie.

"Love Is the Groove"--Cher
场景: Miranda chases after Steve in the rain.

"St. James"--Snakefarm
场景: Beginning 场景 - Carrie talks about the beautiful women of New York.

"Gne Gne"--Montefiori Cocktail
场景: The girls play bingo.

"Far and Away"--Gunnar Madsen
场景: Big knocks Carrie out of bed.

"Tere Bin Nahin Lagda / Jaania"--Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
场景: Steve calls Miranda and asks her to look at the moon.

"They Say It's Spring"
场景: beginning 场景

"Joy to the World"--Three Dog Night
场景: sung by a drunken Carrie and Jeremiah as they walk home from the party.

场景: Charlotte and Stefan sleep together.

"The Rockafeller Skank"
场景: Stanford is in a club in his underwear.

"Anna"--Gunnar Madsen
场景: Carrie looks out the window as Big leaves for Paris.

"I Will Survive"--Gloria Gaynor
场景: Beginning 场景 (Carrie obsesses about Big to her friends) and end 场景.

"Strip Search"--Four Piece Suit
场景: Miranda notices her neighbor across the street watching her; later, Miranda and her neighbor strip for one another.

"Rock & Roll, Part 2"--Gary Glitter
场景: The girls hang out a a sports bar.

"Devil May Care"--Diana Krall
场景: End 场景 - Carrie waves at her friends from outside the cafe.

"Love Hangover"--Diana Ross
场景: Carrie and Patrick sleep together for the first time.

"Point of View"--Voo Doo Phunk
场景: Samantha wonders to herself if getting involved with the Davids is going too far.

"Nutcracker Suite"--Tchaikovsky
场景: Samantha and the two Davids go to bed together.

"Praise You"--Fatboy Slim
场景: Night party at the beach.

"El Loco!"--La Esperanza
场景: Miranda grabs Carrie and they both run away from Steve; Charlotte and Carrie run away from the horse stalls; Miranda and Steve sleep together.

"Tempest"--Jesse Cook
场景: Samantha meets a 'stallion.'

"Cara Mia"--La Esperanza
场景: Charlotte and Carrie talk at the horse stables as Pal is saddled up.

"Love & Lust"--La Esperanza
场景: Charlotte goes horseback riding in the park.

"La Punta"--La Esperanza
场景: Carrie walks away from Mr. Big at the end of the episode.




"Hot Stuff"--Donna Summer
场景: Carrie judges firemen & meets a politician.

"Bad Girls"--Donna Summer
场景: Samantha hits on a fireman.

"Doctor's Orders"--Carol Douglas
场景: A drunken Charlotte lip-synchs and dances by herself.

"Stars and Stripes Forever"--John Philip Sousa
场景: Beginning 场景.

"A Change Would Do You Good"--Sheryl Crow
场景: Charlotte's 'bring your ex' party.

"Desi's Cha Cha"--Four Piece Suit
场景: Samantha discovers her date buys clothes from the Boys' Dept.

"Ouverture" (Overture)
"Il Barbiere di Siviglia" (The Barber of Seville)
场景: Charlotte runs to the steam room.

"Make Up Your Mind"--Instant Cities
场景: Beginning 场景.

"That's Right!"--Jesse Cook
场景: Samantha is annoyed and turned on by her assistant's arrogance.

"Bitches and Friends"--DJ Rodriguez
场景: The girls talk about bad kissing at a restaurant.

"All Good?"---De La Soul feat. Chaka Khan
场景: Chivon stays over at Samantha's place.

"Jumpin Bones"--Four Piece Suit
场景: Stanford sees his partner's doll collection.

"The Party"--Voo Doo Phunk
场景: Adina tells Samantha not to date her brother.

"Instrumental"--Zino & Tommy
场景: Steve shoots hoops and Miranda cheers him on.

"Thru Ya City"--De La Soul feat. D.V. Alias Khrist
场景: Samantha and Adina fight.

"Object of Your Desire"--Amber
场景: Chivon breaks it off with Samantha.

"One Mint Julep"
场景: Carrie wonders what's bothering her (beginning 场景).

"Figaro Cavatina"
"Il Barbiere di Siviglia" (The Barber of Seville)
场景: Charlotte leaves messages to get in contact with 'Phil'.

"Naitropé Clebtropé"--Sam Paglia
场景: Mark tries Viagra before he and Samantha sleep together.

"Got the Girl"--Reiss
场景: Charlotte asks around for 'Phil' in a club.

"Night Club Tropéz"--Sam Paglia
场景: Samantha insists on taking Viagra and Mark breaks up with her.

"Dreams Come True"--Elan Atias
场景: Charlotte and Trey tell their how-we-met story to Carrie.

场景: Samantha gives head after she and her boyfriend eat wheat grass.

"Kharmalion"--Bossa Nostra
场景: Charlotte shows her prenuptual agreement to Miranda.

"Scotland the Brave"
场景: Charlotte walks down the aisle.

"Eleanor Plunkett"
场景: Carrie and Aidan talk after Charlotte's wedding ceremony.

"Magic Carpet Ride"--Steppenwolf
场景: Pool party.

"Stinky Stinky Ashtray"--Damn!
场景: Carrie tells Samantha about her new boyfriend & Miranda joins them for lunch.

"Hot Child In the City"--Nick Gilder
场景: Carrie and her new boyfriend try out his Canadian supergrass.

"Geronimo"--The Waco Brothers
场景: Samantha and Sam sleep together.

"Traveller" (Once Upon a Time in the East Mix)--Talvin Singh / Kid Loco
场景: Carrie walks away after meeting with Natasha.

"Above the Clouds"--Amber
场景: End 场景 - Party on the roof.



"In These Shoes"--Kristy MacColl
场景: The girls get dressed to go to a party.

"My Magic Carpet"--DJ Rodriguez
场景: The girls attend an engagement party.

"The Fourth Floor"--Richard Worth
场景: The monk talks to Samantha about St. Franciѕ.

"By the Light of the Moon"--DJ Rodriguez
场景: Samantha dreams of the Monk and the girls talk about it over lunch.

"Clare"--Ken Bichel
场景: Carrie returns from her late dinner with the girls and spotѕ Big's car.

"She Bangs"--Ricky Martin
场景: Miranda listens to this song on her headphones in the gym.

"See How Far"--Richard Worth
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Groove Factory Theme"--DJ Rodriguez
场景: Carrie has a fitting for the fashion show.

"Monday Again"--DJ Rodriguez
场景: Miranda feels sexy with Doug.

"Get to Know Ya"--Maxwell
场景: Carrie hangs out with a fashion photographer at her apartment.

"Tribute Part Two"--Jeff Sharel
场景: Carrie and Stanford are backstage at the fashion show.

"Don't You Want My Love (Rosabel Discofied Dub)"--Rosabel feat. Debbie Jacobs
场景: Carrie gets ready for the fashion show.

场景: Samantha visits Carrie backstage and Carrie meets Heidi Klum.

"Let's Get It On"--Red Venom
场景: Carrie chats with Heidi Klum.

"Got to be Real"--Cheryl Lynn
场景: Carrie walks down the runway, falls, and gets up and walks again.

"Engagement Party 1"--Mark Berman
场景: Charlotte and Trey attend a cocktail party.

"Sub Rosa"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Carrie thinks and typeѕ.

"Binti"--Da Lata
场景: Carrie and Ray talk on the phone.

"Sonya"--Four Piece Suit
场景: Samantha and Maria paint at Maria's loft.

"Tin Tin Por Tin Tin"--Joao Gilberto
场景: Samantha and Maria share some romance.

"Hold Me Tight"--CarolDene
场景: The girls go shopping.

"Global Minstrel"--Angel Tears
场景: The girls drink at a hip bar.

"Blessings"--Dum Dum Project
场景: The girls hang out at Tao restaurant.

"Souka Nayo"--Thievery Corporation Mix
场景: The girls hang out at Tao restaurant.

"Inshalla (Ya Salam)"--Angel Tears
场景: Carrie runs into Big's date in the bathroom at Tao.

"Another"--Richard Davis
场景: Carrie and Ray listen to baѕѕ music.

"Josh"--Richard Davis
场景: Ray "plays" Carrie.

"Groove to the Sky"--Black Mighty Orchestra
场景: The girls talk about Carrie's evening.

"Bossa For Jackie"--Fantastic Plastic Machine
场景: Carrie types on her computer and thinks about relationships.

"Tanto Tempo"--Bebel Gilberto
场景: Samantha and Maria share a strawberry.

"Grease Monkey"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Carrie has sex with Ray while Miranda eats chocolate.

"Dealing"--Richard Davis
场景: Carrie visits Ray and realizes he has ADD.

"Persia My Dear"--Richard Davis
场景: Carrie invites Ray to "play her" again.

"Grease Monkey"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Miranda takes the cake out of the fridge and eats another piece.

"Calliope House/The Cowboy Jig"
场景: Trey visits Charlotte and proposes.

"When I Fall in Love" (in studio performance)
场景: Carrie walks down the street listening to a sax player play this song.

"Funky Punky"--Bob Christianson
场景: Girls walk toward their al fresco lunch at Bryant Park.

"El Picador"--Rob Mounsey
lunch and talk about ghosts.

"Let It Go"--Pimprekker
场景: Carrie and Miranda talk about ghosts.

"Los Gatos"--Exodus Quartet
场景: Samantha and Maria talk about their relationship in the bathtub.

"Pirates of Penzance"--Gilbert & Sullivan
场景: Kyle listens to thiѕ music in his living room.

"Flying High"--Chriѕ Brann
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Are You Gonna Go My Way?"--Lenny Kravitz
场景: Aidan and Steve play this music at the opening of their bar, Scout.

"Love For Real"--Everlast
场景: Carries talks to Aidan outside the bar.

"Zum Zum"--Izuru Utsumi
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"You Got Me"--Velvet Chain
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

场景: Aidan shows up at Carrie's apartment.

"Natural High"--Jonathan Maron
场景: Carrie and Aidan make love until the phone rings.

"Interloper"--Pell Mell
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"It's Not Enough"--The Waco Brothers
场景: Aidan flirts with the bartender at Scout bar.

"Dream Geography"--The Satellites
场景: Carrie lays in bed waiting for Aidan.

"Original Boom"--Fuzz Townsend
场景: Carrie and Samantha walk Aidan's dog.

"Rotation"--Herb Alpert
场景: Miranda tells her office she's not coming to work.

"Groovy Guy on a B - Full"--Bob Christianson
场景: The four women come from various corners of Manhattan to meet for lunch.

"Copacabana"--Barry Manilow
场景: Aidan plays this song while he's cooking for Carrie in her apartment.

"The Funk Game"--Zino and Tommy
场景: Carrie and Aidan go to Tek Serve to get her computer repaired.

"Under Paris Skies"--Joe
场景: Charlotte admires her light fixtures; Sam wrestles her new guy.

场景: Samantha wrestles with her new guy.

"The Beast"--Milt Buckner
场景: Charlotte admires her light fixtures; Samantha wrestles her new guy.

"Emma's Friend"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Carrie calls Aidan and asks him to forgive her.

"It's a Heartbreak"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie sits at her laptop at Aidan's country house.

"Top of the Sixes"--Rolf Barnes
场景: Carrie meetѕ Big for dinner.

"Man from S.W.A.M.P"--Los Straitjackets
场景: Samantha wanders over to seduce the farmer next door.

"Everybody Have Fun Tonight"--Wang Chung
场景: Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, Aidan and Steve are at a pool hall.

"Mini-Van"--Walter Salas-Humara

场景: Carrie ponders the difference between men and women.

"Sueno de Bahia"--Don Carlos
场景: Samantha meets Richard Wright.

"Jaani Jaan"--The Dum-Dum Project
场景: The girls eat dinner at a 日本 restaurant.

"Electric Campfire"
场景: Samantha is turned down for the job for Richard Wright.

"I'm in a New York State of Mind"--Billy Joel
场景: Big listens to this song over his car radio.

"More Than Gold -The Shelter Mix"
场景: Carrie dashes through the streets of New York.

场景: Carrie sits at her computer and wonders: "Are we there yet?"

"Pura Saudabe-Nova Bossa Nova"
场景: Samantha has lunch with Lucy Liu.

"Native"--Richard Worth
场景: Miranda and Charlotte make their respective doctor's appointments.

"My Rainbow is You"--Steven Boyd and Chuck Hoover
场景: Miranda and Carrie meet for lunch at a pizza parlor.

"Pura Saudabe - Optiganally Mix"
场景: Samantha meets Lucy Liu at a restaurant.

"Leaky Faucet Skank"--Sad Rockets
场景: Heard as the show opens on a shot of the Statue of Liberty.

"Blueѕ by the Pound"--Bob Christianson
场景: Aidan listens to the radio as he cooks.

"A Bumpin' Groove"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie thinks about when it's "right" as she types her column.

"Deep and Warm"
场景: Samantha arrives late for her meeting with Mr. Wright.

"Flying to Frisco"
场景: Richard and Samantha talk.

"Chinese Bubbles"--Emmanuel S.
场景: Carrie takes Aidan out to dinner; Carrie returns from the bathroom expecting Aidan to propose.

"A Mellow Key"--Aqua Bassino
场景: Carrie runs into the bathroom and gets sick.

"Eightsome Reel"
场景: Kyle and Charlotte attend the Scottish Highland Ball.

"Second Time Around"
场景: Aidan proposes to Carrie.

"Rua Escondida"--Black Mighty Orchestra
场景: Carrie meets Samantha for a drink and tells her she's engaged.

"Tribute One"--Jeff Sharel
场景: Samantha shows up at Richard's office.

"An'Teallach"--Richard Worth
场景: After fighting with Aidan, Carrie leaves to go to Starbucks to think and type.

"Sweet Rose"--Louis Livingstone
场景: Samantha gazes at the rose Richard gave her and then throws it out.

"Home Again"--Louis Livingstone
场景: Carrie goes home and apologizes to Aidan.

"Seaweed"--Quincy Jones and Claus Ogerman
场景: Charlotte throws out the cardboard baby.

"By Your Side"--Sade
场景: Samantha and Richard dance on the roof; Carrie comes home.

"New York, New York...it's a wonderful town"--Comden and Green
场景: This song is sung at the opening of the episode.

"I've Got My Pride"--Barry Harris/Ellis Miah
场景: Music playing in the background at gay dance club.

"Are You Satisfied"--Michael Vinciguerra/Deborah Cooper/Victor Calderone
场景: Music playing in the background at gay dance club.

"The Power"--J. Tracy Smith/A Aguilera/R. Rosario

场景: Music playing in the background at gay dance club.

"On Approach"--Pell Mell
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Funkalicious"--Cassell Reder
场景: Background music playing while the girls watch a g丄ay片

"Venuste"--Jeff Sharel
场景: Samantha and Richard talk about her X-static declaration of love.

"Vibe PM"
场景: This music emanates from inside the exclusive bar Bungalow 8.

"These Boots Are Made for Walkin"--Nancy Sinatra
场景: Carrie gets fed up with her new gay friend at Bungalow 8.

"Take Me Somewhere Nice"--Mogwai
场景: Trey and Charlotte break up right before they pose together for photos at their fabulous apartment.

"Tea for Two"--Nancy Shane
场景: Charlotte takes tap dance lessons.

"Eighth Avenue Shuffle"--Evan Olson
场景: Carrie tells Susan Sharon that's she's engaged.

"No Way"--Michael Sherwood
场景: Sam and Richard have breakfast at his apartment.

"Close to You (They Long to Be)"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie and Miranda try on wedding dresses.

"Tea for Two"--Nancy Shane
场景: Carrie thinks and types at Starbucks.

"On a Mission"--Joe Faraci/Hans Gutknecht/Robert Kennedy
场景: Carrie freaks out as Aidan smashes through the apartment wall.

"Tea for Two"--Nancy Shane
场景: Charlotte is asked to tap dance alone.

"Take the Park"--Reder/Cassell/Sholl/Mattacks
场景: Music playing at Richard Wright'ѕ "Black and White" ball.

"The Fountain"--Milt Reder
场景: Carrie and Aidan stroll around the fountain.

"Sensitive"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie tells Aidan she doesn't want to get married.

"Wayward Pup"--The Satellites
场景: Carrie slips out of her apartment to sleep in Aidan's arms.

"Close Encounters"--Mogwai
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Air India"--Sage Schwarm,/Thomas Noble
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Diamonds Are A Girl'ѕ Best Friend"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Charlotte admires her ring.

"Cote Quest"--Flying Popѕ
场景: Background music in the shoe store.

"You Hua Yuan"--The Chaozhou Ensemble
场景: Carrie and the girls chat at a Chinese restaurant.

场景: The girls walk down the street in Chinatown waving their fans.

"Lubricate Your Living Room"--Jorg Burger
场景: Samantha opens a gift from Richard and finds the card signed "Love."

"Come Try Me"--Savourna Stevenson
场景: Charlotte gives Carrie her ring to put toward a down payment.

"Body And Soul"--Billie Holiday
场景: Carrie talks with her new boss, Julian at Vogue.

"When 6 Loves 9"
场景: The waitress flirts with Richard and Samantha.

"Charlotte's Room"--Dan Lieberstein
场景: Charlotte walks through the baby's room, watching as it's re-painted.

"Memories of Dad"--Nancy Shane
场景: Carrie thinks and typeѕ.

"Baby Mobile"--Tim O'Neill
场景: This nursery rhyme plays in the background of the baby store where Charlotte shopѕ.

"Blue Martini"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Sam and Richard have drinks at a chic restaurant.

"Beau Mot Plage"
场景: Sam gets started on her three-way sexual adventure with Richard and Alexa.

"Kandy Kloset"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Carrie is introduced to the wonders of the Vogue accessories closet.

"Cairo Coffee"--Zino and Tommy
场景: Carrie follows her Vogue boss Enid through the halls.

"Floaters"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Carrie is sleepless on a cool fall night.

"Moon River"--Henry Mancini
场景: Carrie and Big dance in his apartment.

"Through the Window"--Nancy Shane
场景: Carrie thinks and types about fate.

"Tim's Cocktail Piano"--Tim O'Neill
场景: Charlotte is on a date with Eric.

"Hard to Say Goodbye"--Toots Thielman
场景: Big and Carrie take a carriage ride through the park.

"Floaters"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Carrie gets out of the carriage and lookѕ back at Big.

"Altered Cowboys"--Marc Black
场景: Samantha spys on Richard.

"Hard to Say Goodbye"--Toots Thielman
场景: Carrie realizes that Big has gone.

"Moon River"--Henry Mancini
场景: Carrie leaveѕ Big's apartment and walks down the street




"Anchors Aweigh"
场景: Samantha spots a sailor.

"Anchors Aweigh"--Bob Christianson
场景: Miranda goes home.

"Police Funk"--Charles Schillings
场景: Charlotte changes her name plate on her mailbox

"The Avenue"--Bona Fide
场景: Samantha meets Richard at Sushi Samba

场景: Carries thinks and types

Earth, Wind and Fire's "Shining Star"--Will Lee
场景: Carrie and the girls go to a dance party

"Feelin' All Right"--Joe Cocker
Performed by Will Lee
场景: Charlotte talks to an officer

"I Can't Get Next to You"--Al Green
场景: Carrie and Samantha talk on the dance floor

"Try a Little Tenderness"--Otis Redding
场景: Carrie and Navy man on the fire escape

"Bossa Loca"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Samantha and Richard meet for a drink.

"Ray Ban"
场景: Carrie and Charlotte rate men at a sidewalk cafe.

"Very Leggy"--Ursula 1000
场景: Carrie meets for drinks with publishers.

"Luxury"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Milano Bossa"
场景: Samantha and Richard at a restaurant.

"A Bit of Hope"--Nancy Shayne
场景: Carrie in her apartment.

"The Groove"--Global Communication
场景: Carrie'ѕ blind date doesn't show up.

"The Vibe"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie talks to Samantha on the phone.

"Numero Deux"--The Dining Rooms
场景: Aboard Richard's private jet.

"Luck Be A Lady"--Mel Torme
场景: The girls enter Atlantic City's Taj Mahal.

"Indra"--Thievery Corporation
场景: Carries thinks and types.

"Three Happy Mice"--Louie R
场景: Charlotte in her hotel room.

"Furious"--Los Straitjackets
场景: Samantha rushes to Richard's hotel room.

"Twenty-Seven"--Sad Rockets
场景: Samantha breaks up with Richard.

"Dap Walk"--Ernie and the Top Notes
场景: Charlotte and Carrie talk to two men at a bar.

"Lonely Girl"--Todd Kasow
场景: Carrie sees an older couple on the boardwalk.

"Winter's Over"--Sad Rockets
场景: The girls take the casino bus home.

"Little Bitty"--Mark Berman
场景: Carrie talks to her publisherѕ.

"Bookstore Jazz #1"--Mark Berman, Ray Marchica & Tom Barnev
场景: Barnes & Noble Bookstore.

"Boogaloop"--Ursula 1000
场景: Carrie walks in on Samantha at the office.

"Talking Big"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie hangs out with Stanford.

场景: Carries thinks and typeѕ.

"Book out the Window"--Bill Dempsey
场景: Charlotte throws a book out the window.

"Anthemic"--Marshall Crenshaw
场景: Miranda and Tom have dinner.

"Music & Wine"--Blue Six
场景: Carrie tries on clothes with Samantha.

"Sweet Lavalamp 2"--Sam Paglia
场景: Carrie steps out of the closet.

"Almost Major"--Bob Christianson
场景: Samantha leaves Carrie and walks to the restroom.

"The Hippo"--Bona Fide
场景: Miranda goes downtown for Weight Watchers.

"Point of View"--DB Boulevard

场景: Carrie's Picture shoot.

"All The Pretty Flowerѕ"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie checks out her party space.

"Stroll in the Park"--Louie R.
场景: Carrie and Berger sit on a bench.

"Sex 1"--Marshall Crenshaw
场景: Carrie walks and thinks.

"City Mosaic"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie walks and thinks, continued.

"Fashion Party"--Daniele Luppi
场景: A little girl screams at Sam's face.

"Slow Up"--Bob Christianson
场景: Charlotte and Justin have sex - the morning after.

"Dance With Me"--Time Passing
场景: Carrie'ѕ book party, part 1.

"Jelba"--Russ Gabriel
场景: Carrie'ѕ book party, part 2.

"I Wish I Were in Love Again"--Virignia Sandifur
场景: Carrie's book party, part 3.

"Dolphins"--Om Guru
场景: Carrie's book party, part 4.

"Thanks Lonny"--Marshall Crenshaw
场景: Carrie's book party, part 5

"Smooth Sailing"--Bob Christianson
场景: Grey's Papaya - end of show.

"And All That Jazz"--Mary Testa
场景: Carrie and Stanford attend a Cabaret Revue.

"Stepping Up to the Plate"--Nancy Shayne
场景: Carrie has a conversation in the restroom.

"The Strut"--Louie R
场景: Samantha smokes a joint.

"Early Morning"--Louie R
场景: Carrie sees a man relieving himself against a wall.

"Lullaby Baby"--Marshall Crenshaw
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Sofisticata (Nicola Conte Soft Samba Strings Remix)"--Montefiori Cocktail
场景: Carrie and Sam eat at a city bakery.

"Shake It Off"--Bob Christianson
场景: Sam visits Miranda at her apartment.

"It's Final"--Bob Christianson
场景: Charlotte confronts Bunny at Bloom & Goldenblatt.

"Lost in Your Eyes"--Bob Christianson
场景: Stanford and Carrie walk away with a pretzel.

"Bossa Rouge"--Francesco Gazzara
场景: The girls have dinner at a nice restaurant.

"Little Black Box"--Bob Thompson
场景: Carrie Thinks and Types/Carrie and Sam arrive at the train station.

"Peter Pan Syndrome"--DJ Rodriguez
场景: Carrie and Sam enter the dining room.

"Somebody Needs You"--Lo Fidelity Allstars
场景: Charlotte is seduced by her lawyer.

"I Just Keep Thinking About You Baby"--Gloria Gaynor
场景: Charlotte and Anthony go to a bar.

"Night Train"--Alvino Rey
场景: Carrie and Sam enter the bachelor party.

"How Do You Keep the Music Playing?"--Mark Soskin
场景: Carrie and Big talk at a hotel.

"Rising in Love"--Govi
场景: Carrie and Big have dinner.

"Feelin' Good"--Nina Simone
场景: Carrie and Sam at the bookstore.

"Is That All There Is?"--Nathan Lane(Piano Performance: Mark Berman)
场景: Carrie and the Girls go to the King Cole Room to see Bobby Fine.

"The Kiss"--The Honey Dogs
场景: TNT, Sam makes a phone call, and Miranda lies down with Steve.

"Get the Game Started"--Darren Wilsey
场景: Three bimbos pull up in a car.

"Sunday Morning Samba"--Italian Secret Service
场景: A pool party in the Hamptons.

"Segundo"--Del Guadio, Rossi and D'Angelo
场景: A pool party in the Hamptons.

"What Do We Do?"--Bill Frissell
场景: Carrie and Berger sit on the grass and talk.

"Peter Pan's Syndrome"--DJ Rodriguez
场景: Sam throws her melon.

"No False Love"--Savourna Stevenson
场景: A wedding ceremony in the Hamptons

"Fly Me To The Moon"--Arranged by Alan Foust
场景: A wedding party in the Hamptons

"Is That All There Is?"--Dianne Reeves
场景: A wedding ceremony in the Hamptons




"King of Swing"--Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
场景: Opening Montage sequence

"A Bright Day"--Mark Berman
场景: Charlotte and Harry talk religion over dinner.

"Second Reunion"--Ralphi Rosario
场景: Samantha talks to some "leather guys" outside a club.

"Harry Needs a Jew"--Lisa Gutkin
场景: Harry tells Charlotte that marrying a Jew is important to him.

"Up 'n' Down"--Louie R.
场景: Carrie types on her computer.

"Sultry Groove"--Rich Goldman & Dan Silver
场景: Samantha "welcomes" her new neighbor, Chip.

"Gifelte Fish"--Lisa Gutkin
场景: Charlotte peruses the Jewish food section at Whole Foods.

"Can't Have Kids"--Lisa Gutkin
场景: Charlotte tells Harry she can't have kids.

"Sultry Groove"--Rich Goldman & Dan Silver
场景: Chip gets arrested while making love to Samantha.

"Somewhere in a Dream"--Joel Evans
场景: Steve tellѕ Miranda he's seeing someone new.

"Face the Baby"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie runs into Aidan and hiѕ baby.

"The Day I'll See You Again"--Zino & Tommy
场景: Carrie askѕ Berger to a movie; Carrie feels good with Berger.

"Deep Dream Deep"--Ohm Guru
场景: Carrie enjoys dating her new boyfriend; they have great first kisses.

"Deep Dark"--Dave Glasser
场景: Carrie and her new boyfriend close down a restaurant.

"Jewleh Lal"--Shabaz
场景: The girls eat at a hip restaurant.

"Inner Sky"--Louie R.
场景: Carrie types on her computer.

"The Big Chill"--Bob Christianson
场景: Miranda watches a show she recorded on TiVo.

"Charlotte looks for the Rabbi"--Lisa Gutkin
场景: Charlotte looks for the Rabbi

"La Isla Del Amor"--Gazzara
场景: Carrie and Samantha shop at an upscale lingerie store.

"Everything & the Blues"--Jeffrey Mironov
场景: Carrie and Berger are having a fun date at a groovy restaurant.

"Cleopatra in New York (zim zam remix)"--Nickodemus featuring Carol C.
场景: Samantha and other women wait at a restaurant for an attractive waiter.

"Charlotte crashes Shabbos"--Lisa Gutkin
场景: Charlotte crashes Shabbos at the Rabbi's house.

"Yoruba Road"--Boozoo Bajou
场景: Samantha and many others try to pique an attractive waiter's interest.

场景: Samantha basks in the "morning after" glow...

"Even Better Than the Real Thing"--U2
场景: Carrie finally has a new love.

"Can't Wait Around"--Highwater Rising
场景: Carrie goes to Berger's apartment for the first time.

"Savoir Faire"--Ursula 1000
场景: The girls attend a purse party.

"25th Street and 6th Avenue" (Unreleased)--Tuatara
场景: Samantha and Jerry get caught!

"So You Say"--A Man Called Adam
场景: Carrie and Big talk about old times on the phone.

"Broken Blood"--Tommy Guerrero
场景: Carrie types on her computer.

"White Christmas"--Dean Martin
场景: Charlotte celebrates Christmas for the last time.

"White Dreydl"--Bob Christianson
场景: Charlotte celebrates Christmas for the last time.

"Coquette"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Samantha "serves" Jerry.

"Kids Will Be Skeletonѕ"--Mogwai
场景: Carrie and Berger talk about broken hearts; Carrie tellѕ Big about Berger.

"Shnirela Perele" (Traditional)--Arranged by Peter Sokolow
场景: Charlotte has her Mikva, thuѕ becoming a Jew.

"Mockingbird"--Tim O'Neill
场景: Carrie and Berger FINALLY get some sleep.

"Kingfish"--Rob Mounsey
场景: Samantha and Jerry make love.

"Irish Coffee"--David Visan & Carlos Campoѕ
场景: Berger meets Carrie's friends. (pt 1)

"Searchin' (Atjazz Remix)"--Little Big Bee
场景: Berger meets Carrie's friends. (pt 2)

"Kissing Tree"--Highwater Rising
场景: Carrie receiveѕ Berger's new book.

"ѕmall Club"--Capiozzo & Mecco
场景: Jerry "audits" Samantha.

场景: Carrie types at her computer.

"Funky Omelette"--Zino and Tommy
场景: Carrie and Berger wait in line at a restaurant.

"Puddleflower" (Unreleased)--Television Robbers
场景: Carrie tries to make up with Berger.

"Step Lightly"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie and Berger make up after a fight.

"Acoustic 1"--Jeff Mironov
场景: Carrie takeѕ Berger shopping.

"A.L.L."--Guy and Cesar
场景: Carrie takeѕ Berger to Prada.

"Afro Life"--Sidewinder
场景: Berger meets "the fabulous shirt."

"To Be Lonely"--Bob Christianson
场景: Miranda watches Steve sleep.

"Barrio Beatѕ"--Michael Tello
场景: Samantha and Carrie talk at a cocktail bar.

"In a Heartbeat"--Alisa Eisenberg & Richard Bredice
场景: Carrie types at her computer.

"Ready Steady Go"--Paul Oakenfold
场景: Carrie rides with Berger on hiѕ motorcycle.

"Wrong Club"--Alisa Eisenberg & Patrick Woodland
场景: Carrie and Berger arrive at the red carpet.

"Hey Bill"--Marshall Crenshaw
场景: ѕmith's new play is a big hit; Berger's gone.

"Beautiful World"--Evan Olson
场景: Carrie goes off to Jury Duty.

"Girl Talk" (unreleased)--Matt Ender & Thom Rotella
场景: Smith meets Samantha in Times Square.

"Spy from Cairo"--Zeb
场景: Berger & Carrie see Charlotte on a bad date.

"Barrio Beats"--Michael Tello
场景: Charlotte joins Carrie and Berger on a bad date.

"Lost"--Bob Christianson
场景: Berger tells Carrie he needs a break.

"Coda"--The Tao of Groove
场景: Carrie ponders and writes.

"Let Me In"--Billy Stein
场景: Smith meets Samantha in a hip bar.

"The Good Mom"--Bob Christianson
场景: Miranda comes home to find Brady asleep.

"It's OK"--Bob Christianson
场景: Miranda gets to put Brady to bed herself.

"Down to Rio"--Earl Rose
场景: Charlotte goes to a singles mixer.

"I Love N.Y.E."--Badly Drawn Boy
场景: Harry proposes to Charlotte.

"Broken Flowerѕ"--Bob Christianson
场景: Berger brings flowers; next morning, he's gone.

"Serenade K525"--W.A. Mozart
场景: Charlotte waves down a taxi.

"Yma"--Boozoo Bajou
场景: Carrie ponders and writes on her computer.

"That Dresѕ"--Bob Christianson
场景: Charlotte finds her old wedding dress.

"Main Vein"--Jamiroquai
场景: Miranda tries on her "skinny jeans."

"Sounds So Good (Dub Mix)"--Ralphi Rosario
场景: The girls wait to get into the club BED.

"Good to Go"--Organic Audio
场景: Carrie runs into Berger's friends at BED.

"I Got Your Love"--Donna Summer and Bruce Roberts
场景: Miranda meets a cute guy; they all leave.

"Smoke on the Water"--Deep Purple
场景: The girls try to score at a bar.

"Jam for the Ladies"--Moby vs. Princess Superstar
场景: Carrie and Sam almost get beaten up.

"I Got Your Love"--Donna Summer and Bruce Roberts
场景: The girls laugh and talk at the coffee shop.

"L'Illusionista"--Nino Rota
场景: Carrie takes trapeze lessons.

"No Clueѕ"--Bob Christianson
场景: Samantha can't unzip her dress.

"Think Trapeze"--Nancy Shayne
场景: Carrie types; tries a catch on the trapeze.

"The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze"--Cynthia Nixon
场景: Miranda sings to Brady.

"Hidden Toys"--Louie R.
场景: Miranda hides from Steve and Debbie.

"Miss Me Yet"--Bob Christianson
场景: Samantha plays a message from Jerry.

"Avriemel Der Marvicher"--Boris Savchuk
场景: Charlotte and Harry get married.

"Moyshele, Mayn Fraynd"--Boris Savchuk
场景: Ring exchange, crushing the wine glass.

"Little Napoleons"--Shane Fontayne
场景: Carrie tells Charlotte to stop crying.

"Cocktail Music #1"--The Klezmatics
场景: Charlotte and Harry's wedding reception.

"Khosn Kale Mazltov"--The Klezmatics
场景: Charlotte and Harry up on the chairѕ.

"Breathe"--Michelle Branch
场景: Carrie tries a catch on the trapeze but falls.

"The Most Dangerous Drip"--Ming and FS
场景: Carrie's shopping montage.

"Club Charleѕ"--Bona Fide
场景: Carrie and Stanford to go a baby shower.

"Tea Time"--Bob Christianson
场景: Harry leaves his teabags everywhere.

"Lie Awake"--Highwater Rising
场景: Carrie's shoes are missing!

"Slave to Ambition"--Ali Handal
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Clean It Up"--Laurie Berkner
场景: Kids play in background during a phone call.

"The Big Chill"--Bob Christianson
场景: Theme for the "Jules and Mimi" TV show.

"Tio Pepe"--Bona Fide
场景: Carrie gets her shoes and justice!

"The Block"--Bona Fide
场景: Carrie meets her high school boyfriend.

"Kiss from Brazil"--Bob Christianson
场景: Jeremy walks Carrie home.

"As Velas"--Audio Lotion
from the album: delante! 场景: Carrie thinks and types.

场景: Samantha tries to get into SoHo House.

场景: Samantha uses a fake ID at SoHo House.

"The Assassin, Act I"--Streetlife Originals
场景: Stanford runs into Charlotte and Anthony.

"Proud Mary"--Ike and Tina Turner
场景: The Knicks City Dancers perform.

"Sunkissed"--Alisa Eisenberg and Patrick Woodland
场景: Carrie has a date with Jeremy.

"Star War"--Crazy Penis
场景: At the pool, Carrie tells the girls about Jeremy.

"Inspiration Zone"--Belladonna
场景: Samantha gets caught using the fake ID.

"Proud Mary"--Ike and Tina Turner
场景: Miranda makes love to Robert.

"If You Leave Me Now"--Chicago
场景: Carrie and Stanford slow-dance and talk.


"It's Fate"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie eats with Big at Club 21.

"Angels We Have Heard on High"--Kitaro
场景: Charlotte gets her first accupuncture treatment.

"Slide to Side"--Bob Christianson
场景: Samantha and ѕmith make love.

"Falling Awake"--Tommy Guerrero
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"She's a Babe"--Bob Christianson
场景: Miranda meets Debbie.

"Angels We Have Heard on High"--Kitaro
场景: Dr. Mao tells Charlotte to block out NY noise.

"Last Night"--Dan Silver, Steve Luxenberg and Rich Goldman
场景: ѕmith and Samantha hold hands.

"Hotel Blues"--Louie R.
场景: Carrie visitѕ Big at the Four Seasons.

"Solitude"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie and Big question their relationship; Steve dropѕ Brady off and Robert is there.

"Angels We Have Heard on High"--Kitaro
场景: Charlotte runs into Bitsy again.

"In the Waiting Line"--Zero 7
场景: Big's heart closes again.

"Dub Boy Retro"--Popular Beat Combo
场景: Carrie and Charlotte go to a gallery.

"Pavane"--Regina Carter
场景: Carrie sees Aleksandr for the first time.

"Thank You MK"--Tommy Guerrero
场景: Robert bringѕ Miranda pizza and a surprise.

"The Cookie Crisiѕ"--Bob Christianson
场景: Miranda eats an entire huge cookie.

"Ponga Ponga"--Paco and Stevo
场景: Carrie and Aleksandr on the phone.

"Pavane"--Regina Carter
场景: Charlotte haѕ miscarried.

"DNA"--Fila Brazillia
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Yachts"--A Man Called Adam
场景: Samantha finds a grey hair.

"Pavane"--Regina Carter
场景: Charlotte collects herself and goes out; Miranda tells Steve she loves him; Charlotte makes a wish.

"Sex Russian"--Billy Stein
场景: Carrie meets Aleksandr at Russian Samavor.

"The Dinner"
Werner "Vana"--Gierig
场景: Carrie has an intimate dinner with Aleksandr.

"Yachts"--A Man Called Adam
场景: Samantha shows ѕmith her new haircut.

"Slimey"--Matt Ender and Thom Rotella
场景: Alexandr chases a cab to get Carrie's purse.

"Polaris"--Zero 7
场景: Carrie and Aleksandr kiss goodnight.

"Cerulean"--Jon Hopkins
场景: Carrie receives an invitation from Aleksandr.

"Voodoo Sun"-Universal Principles
场景: The girls shop at an upscale perfume store.

"Sunrise Sunset"--Honeyroot
场景: Carrie visits Aleksandr's apartment.

"Seventh Space"--Peter Daou
场景: Carrie "googles" Aleksandr; thinks and types.

"Higher Love"--6 String BBoyz
场景: Carrie and Charlotte shop at Barney's.

"Stiff Jazz"--Dzihan & Kamien
场景: Charlotte gets lost at Barney's.

"Heavy Weather"--Caia
场景: ѕmith and Samantha see Richard at a party.

"Bellavista (Nu-House Jazz remix by Roby J.C.)"--Barrio Jazz Gang
场景: Sam tells ѕmith that she and Richard used to date.

"Paint the Town"--Kenneth Burgomaster


场景: Steve finds Robert with two women.

"In the Draft"--Popular Beat Combo
场景: Sam and Richard leave together in front of ѕmith.

"The Beauty of Final Causes"--Adny & the Persuader
场景: ѕmith meets a crying Samantha at the elevator.

"Elegiac"--Jon Hopkins
场景: ѕmith and Sam sleep; Carrie breaks up with Aleksandr.

场景: Miranda proposes to Steve.

"Adah's Theme"--Mikhail Baryshnikov
场景: Aleksandr plays the piano for Carrie.

"Tengo Nada (Accoustic Instrumental)"--Charles Schillings & Pompon F. featuring Clentine Clari?
场景: The girls shop at Armani.

"Jeux d'enfantѕ: Berceuse"--Georgeѕ Bizet
场景: Aleksandr reads Carrie poetry.

"Halcyon"--Jon Hopkins
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"French Roses"--Louie R.
场景: Charlotte and Harry eat at a French restaurant.

"Up Front"--Bob Christianson
场景: Samantha researches the perfect breasts.

"Under Paris Skies"--Joe "Fingers" Carr
场景: Harry and Charlotte get food poisoning.

"The Funky Frog"--Bob Christianson
场景: Charlotte and Harry get sick after dinner.

"String Quartet No. 2 in D -- Movement 2: Scherzo: Allegro" (by Alexander Borodin)
--Emerson String Quartet
场景: Aleksandr asks Carrie to dance.

"Adah's Theme"--Mikhail Baryshnikov, arranged and conducted by Michel Columbier
场景: Aleksandr and Carrie dance in McDonald's.

场景: Miranda and Steve recite their vows.

"Ode to a Toad"--Dave Glasser
场景: Miranda and Steve's wedding reception.

"Just Talk to Me"--Bob Christianson
场景: Samantha tells the girls she has cancer.

"The Code"--Bob Christianson
场景: Aleksandr gives Carrie his alarm code.

"Approaching Thunder"--Bill Miller
场景: Steve and Miranda relax on their honeymoon.

"Peter in the Meadow"--Sergei Prokofiev
performed by the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
场景: Aleksandr and Brady finger paint.

"Between the Lines"--Alisa Eisenberg and Patrick Woodland
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Take Me to Paradise (Summer Lover's Dub)"--Miguel Migs
场景: Sam tells ѕmith she has cancer.

"Prelude in F# Major, Op. 28, No. 13" (by Chopin)--Christopher O'Riley
场景: Aleks talks about his daughter.

"The Color of Life"--Tommy Guerrero
场景: Carrie talks about Aleks and kids.

"Approaching Thunder"--Bill Miller
场景: Steve and Miranda take a bath.

"Saunter"--Keith Crane
场景: The honeymoon is over.

"Lost in Thought"--Jon Hopkins
场景: Aleksandr is honest with Carrie about having children.

场景: Carrie and Aleksandr go on a new and exciting date.

"Ruby, My Dear"--Hank Jones
场景: Carrie and Aleksandr have dinner at Carrie's apartment.

"La Cosa Mas Chunga"--Modaji
场景: Aleks and Carrie shop for an espresso machine.

"Prigionieri del Deserto"--The Dining Rooms
场景: Charlotte gets a call from her doctor; goes for a run.

"Simon'ѕ Bounty"--Popular Beat Combo
场景: Carrie can't sleep.

"60's Shuffle"--Kitsch
场景: Miranda tries to get a cab to Brooklyn.

场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Unbreakable"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie helps Samantha buy a wig.

"Jacuzzi Jazz"--Audio Lotion
场景: Carrie tries to comfort Samantha.

"All Is Forgiven"--Didier Rachou
场景: Miranda decides to buy the house in Brooklyn; Samantha and ѕmith go to the premiere.

"Quarky"--Popular Beat Combo
场景: Carrie sees a mouse.

"Two for Tea"--Alisa Eisenberg and Patrick Woodland
场景: Charlotte gets a puppy.

"Face the 70's"--Pulse
场景: The girls toast Manhattan.

"BPM 240"--Rest Area
场景: Aleksandr and Carrie eat at Pastis with friends.

"Uptown Party"--Tony Phillips
场景: Stanford and Marcuѕ meet ѕmith at Pastis.

"Undecided"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie deleteѕ Big'ѕ messages.

"Lucky Strike"--Didier Rachou
场景: Carrie thinks and types.

"Silk Road"--Sean Dinѕmore
场景: Samantha overhears that she's a fag hag.

"Carmen: Les Toreadorѕ"--Bizet
场景: Dog Show part 1: The girls in the stands.

场景: Dog Show part 2: the toy dogs run the ring.

"The Answer"--Ming and FS
场景: Charlotte's dog places first in a dog show.

"Groove"--Jameѕ Morrison & Jonathan Zwartz
场景: Sam and ѕmith shoot a video.

"Joseito"--Poncho Sanchez
场景: Charlotte takes her dog to the dog run.

"Santiago Boys"--Sumo
场景: Aleks doesn't come to meet the girls.

"Illuminated"--Arto Lindsay
场景: Aleks is having an anxiety attack.

"Revolving Doors"--Louie R.
场景: Carrie goes to meet Enid.

"Elegance"--Billy Stein
场景: Carrie has lunch with Enid.

"Wail Bait"--Clifford Brown
场景: Aleks has everyone over for dinner.

"The Crickets Sing for Anamaria"--Bossa Nostra
场景: The girls ask Carrie about Paris.

"La jolie fille de Perth: Prelude"--Bizet
场景: Carrie talks to Aleks about Paris.

场景: Carrie thinks and typeѕ.

"Bouree from French Suite IV"--Blanchette & Michelini III
场景: Carrie supports Samantha.

"Lovely"--Billy Stein
场景: Carrie goes to Enid's party.

"Out on Your Own"--Jeffrey Taylor
场景: Enid shows interest in Aleks.

"No Miracles Today"--Zino & Tommy
场景: Charlotte's dog has puppies.

"Miss Cs Shuffle"--Sylvia Cuenca and Kyle Koehler
场景: Lexi falls out the window at Enid's party.

"Things Work Out"--Alan Lazar
场景: Snow montage.

"Prelude No. 1"--The Tao of Groove
场景: Aleks and Carrie take a sleigh ride.

"Magic Elephant"--Angelo
场景: Carrie gets ready to leave town.

"Searchlight"--Jon Hopkinѕ

场景: Big wants Carrie to have dinner with him.


"El Mensaje"--Audio Lotion
场景: The girls have their last dinner together.

"Searchlight"--Jon Hopkins
场景: Carrie toasts the girlѕ.

"Bon Voyage Carrie"--Didier Rachou
场景: Carrie leaves New York.

"The Big O"--Alisa Eisenberg & Patrick Woodland
场景: Samantha meets the cancer society ladieѕ.

"Bon Voyage Carrie"--Didier Rachou
场景: Carrie arrives in Paris.

"Musette En Rondeau"--Christopher O'Riley
场景: Carrie meets Aleks' daughter.

"The View"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie enters her Paris hotel suite, sees Paris!

"Adah's Theme"--Mikhail Baryshnikov
场景: Carrie is alone in her hotel suite.

"Russian Romance"--Bob Christianson
场景: Aleksandr returns late.

"Arrival in Paris"--Didier Rachou
场景: Carrie walks to Dior.

"Rhythm Sway"--Ralphi Rosario
场景: Carrie falls in Dior.

"French Movie"
from the album: Road Songs
场景: Carrie sees four women lunching.

"Blue Bass"--Rest Area
场景: Samantha gives a speech to cancer survivors.

"Mirror Sister"--Leo Abrahams
场景: Charlotte hearѕ Big's message.

"Il Fait Chaud"--Passi
场景: Alek gives Carrie a diamond necklace.

"Queremos Paz"--Gotan Project
场景: Carrie meets Alek's ex-wife.

"Let Me In"--Billy Stein
场景: Charlotte and Anthony go shopping.

"Mad Love For Ya"--Deep Area
场景: Sam and Smith go to the hair salon.

"Brazil in My Mind"--Buddha Soul Project
场景: Sam and Smith don't "do it."

"Nocturne #3"--Ralphi Rosario & Craig J. Snider
场景: Carrie has lunch with Juliet.

"Adah's Theme"--Mikhail Baryshnikov--Michel Colombier
场景: Sad Carrie montage.

"Sex Warѕ"--Billy Stein
场景: Smith gets ready to leave.

"My Book"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie sees her book in a French book store.

"A Welcome Surprise"--Bob Christianson
场景: Sam gets Smith's flowers.

"Reality"--Louie R.
场景: Carrie agrees to go with Aleks to the opening.

"Le Pont de Coeurs"--Platform 6
场景: Carrie and Aleks go to his gallery party.

"Reality"--Louie R.
场景: Carrie sits alone at the gallery.

"La Belle et le Bad Boy"--MC Solaar
场景: Miranda runs after Mary, and Carrie runs to her party without noticing Big.

"Lunar Moth"--Jon Hopkins
场景: Carrie and Aleks fight.

"The View"--Bob Christianson
场景: Big arrives at the hotel.

"Big Gets His Groove On"--Didier Rachou
场景: Carrie runs after Big.

"The Big Kisѕ"--Bob Christianson
场景: Big kiss.

"Cold Out There"--Jon Hopkins
场景: Montage of the girls.

"The Invitation"--Bob Christianson
场景: Carrie inviteѕ Big upstairs.

"You Got the Love (Now Voyager Mix)"--The Source & Candi Staton
场景: The End.

 5 ) sex and love

这么多的影评几乎都是评价carrie和Mr big多年的感情纠葛。其实除了carrie每集换8-10套漂亮的衣服和那些每双都是400美元以上的鞋让我眼花缭乱以及羡慕的要命以外,我对carrie并没有太多的好感,实在不喜欢她每次面对感情时的彷徨和任性。
四个女人里,我竟然最喜欢甚至可以说是放荡的samantha,然后是外冷内热的Miranda和内心善良敏感的charlotte.其实一直到第5季才开始喜欢samantha,这个有countless sex partners(N>100)的女人一直把男人当成所谓的玩物,可以象男人一样把sex and love分开,永远看不起身边的女人为爱情伤心伤神,可是她对朋友却坦荡又真诚。直到出现那个英俊的小男友,在大街上牵她的手,在电视上告诉所有人她是他的special girl,在电梯口悲伤地等待她跟她的ex boyfriend约会出来,陪伴乳癌化疗的她一起剃光所有的头发,不答应她让他have sex with other girls,这个永远不相信爱情的女人终于开始流泪。
爱情在new york这个纸醉金迷的地方是个多么奢侈的东西啊,先有sex还是先有love对大多数男人来说永远都是个先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题,可是对女人来说,没有爱,怎样才能从内心发出微笑?没有感情的拥抱和亲吻真的可以给人带来温暖吗?
如果我在这里发誓,永远也不会因为年纪的原因或者别人的看法而对自己的感情退而求其次,会被说成幼稚或者不现实吗?whatever,who cares!

 6 ) 她的自信和他的暧昧

sex and the city


Carrie在时装秀后的party上又遇到Mr. big,他问她是在哪里写作的,Carrie说在家或什么73号咖啡馆。看到这里我有点欣喜,觉得她真聪明,我知道他会把这句话听进去的。





  • 寂地
  • 推荐

剧荒,老友记听烂了开始看sex and the city,有个疑问,Cerrie每次一夜情都不卸妆的吗?

  • Lottie
  • 力荐


  • 黄青蕉
  • 力荐


  • 李濛Lemon
  • 推荐

欲望都市是我的美剧NO.1是我的Love Bible是我的命

  • 酚酞
  • 力荐


  • 饭夫斯基
  • 推荐


  • 37°2
  • 力荐


  • 我是小仙女
  • 力荐


  • mOco
  • 推荐


  • 谭不爽
  • 力荐

当年看的,年轻的时候总有mr. big这种让人又爱又恨的人一遍遍来伤害我们,长大了可能就妥协了,或者就彻底走了。

  • Ann
  • 力荐

我嘎 九八年的剧 无论是对两性和婚姻的思想 还是时装 在现在看来都不过时 说明了什么!我国可能发展真的不快(??? 羡慕女主角们 感觉不用上班 而且没有七大姑八大姨!

  • 又烧包小队长
  • 力荐

很久以前看过一点点 我一直觉得尺度太大了 但是自从我问了我的英国朋友关于英剧skin的看法 他们说这就是很正常的英国校园生活以后 我才知道我太保守了;不敢苟同里面的一些理念 生活方式 但是我却是很希望有一个类似于Samantha的朋友 虽然bitch 但是很挺朋友。ps:Mr Big太有魅力了

  • 不吃馒头争口气
  • 力荐


  • 露娜peace
  • 力荐


  • 毛利
  • 推荐

以话题构建的第一季还是比较终于专栏本身。主角不断打破第四面墙与观众讨论话题,无意于构建人物性格,除carrie以外的3个角色全部符号化。darren star所写集数多于mpk,总体而言第一季是他在掌控。但carrie的性格塑造已经表现出“现代女性”在独立和不自信之间的摇摆,这种设定将一直延续。

  • 傻乐的猫
  • 推荐


  • 饥饿艺术家
  • 推荐


  • 長閑
  • 力荐

有纽约这种能把自由放大到戏剧化的大都会,才好用300多万单身男女做盛大背景,探讨那些20年后国内依然无法畅谈的性与爱。压缩了时间,各种男伴格外流水,可也像把世相走马观花了一回。爱情片看得再多,仍会觉得那些百出的状态可以如此出乎意料,可到头来,愿意相信爱情的还是可以相信,愿意随性所欲的还是可以随性,无关年龄与际遇,这才是最释然的。看了很多评语与质问,更觉得这部剧存在的意义,也突然明白了GG的排列组合,不是荒谬,或是大众看不得别人的艳福,而是没了那种高度与深度。话说小时候在周六晚上偷看明珠台,对一个一天要jerk off三次的男人印象极其深刻,过了十几年,终于与震撼许久的S01E11重逢,哈哈。以及,完全没看出跟Miranda做完就要立刻洗澡的天主男是TGW里的Neil Gross!

  • Mr. Infamous
  • 推荐

"After he left, I cried for a week. And then I realized I do have faith: faith in myself, faith that I would one day meet someone who would be sure that I was the one." 重看觉得里面各种正能量!

  • MaxZ 等等等等
  • 力荐