Night Man sneaky and mean Spider inside my dreams I think I love you You make me wanna cry You make me wanna die I love you, I love you, I love you I love you, I love you, Night Man Every night you come into my room and pin me down With your strong arms You pin me down And I try to fight you You come inside me, You fill me up Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. And I become the Night Man It's just two men sharing the night It might seem wrong but it's just right It's just two men sharing each other It's just two men like lovin' brothers One on top and one on bottom One inside and one is out One is screamin' He's so happy The other's screamin' a passionate shout It's the Night Man They're feeling so wrong and right, man They're feeling so wrong and right, man I can't fight you, man when you come inside me And pin me down with your strong hands And I become the Night The passionate passionate Night Man
【Mac:It sounds like a song where a man breaks into your house and rapes you.】
【Charlie:What, dude? Where are you getting that from? All right. No.】
不错不错,这一季还挺逗的,尤其是charlie写的night man,笑疯了
ep08: a mini tour to China town in Philadelphia ep09: rap对dee的嘲讽太爽了。对三个主创肃然起敬。
E1满分,从头到尾都笑死,而且五个人分三条线进行,Charlie和Frank突然就变成流浪汉,Rob和DEE只想着拿小孩赚钱还想给他改皮肤颜色,Dennis真是用钱解决一切啊!这集是Charlie和Rob写的好喜欢 E9大家搞band超搞笑!DAY MAN和NIGHT MAN都好棒!E10之后5集都不咋的 期待下一季!
几乎被Night-Man/Day-Man洗脑了! 旋律很棒啊歌词也是神作的节奏! [大雾] 继续硬挤出 节操尽碎 这四个字 哦漏!
这一集集数最多,全员更加white trash,差不多每集开头就是在立flag.
这一季有几集真的太acid太卢瑟了 喜欢
这一季无聊透顶 ,对于新加的老头子越来越不适应
笑死了 第二季没找到下载啊