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善地第二季 剧照 NO.1善地第二季 剧照 NO.2善地第二季 剧照 NO.3善地第二季 剧照 NO.4善地第二季 剧照 NO.5善地第二季 剧照 NO.6善地第二季 剧照 NO.13善地第二季 剧照 NO.14善地第二季 剧照 NO.15善地第二季 剧照 NO.16善地第二季 剧照 NO.17善地第二季 剧照 NO.18善地第二季 剧照 NO.19善地第二季 剧照 NO.20


  本剧讲述了Eleanor(Bell饰),一个来自新泽西州的女人,突然一天意识到她自己不是个好人;因此她决定开启她生活的新篇章以学习如何才是真正的 “好”和“坏”,从而弥补她自认为过去不好的行为。Danson将饰演Michael,在各种机缘巧合下,成为了Eleanor为自己设计的自我完善的道路上的导师。热播电视剧最新电影老爸老妈的婚事儿将心比心亲亲海豚真相捕捉第一季无限循环盐介与甘实在荞麦面做好之前是侦探-番外龙樱2我是凡妮莎·吉伦:劲爆美军谋杀案老大 第一季人见人爱(2014)烽火连城决张思德佛顶山下鸳鸯湖死亡约定2秘密夏天2017家有仙妻天下第一剑历劫佳人无电话不生活石之心我的ID是江南美人念念大生活冷战疑云


 1 ) After a Season From Hell, ‘The Good Place’ Rediscovers Optimism

By Miles Surrey Feb 2, 2018

The Good Place is the only half-hour comedy that makes you overanalyze promotional photos like a Westworld fan on Reddit—that’s what happens when a show ends its first season by completely flipping the script and revealing that the beloved protagonists who had been chosen to live in a froyo-filled utopia are actually trapped in a specially concocted place of eternal damnation. Even more than a year after the fact, the Season 1 finale reveal that the Good Place is actually the Bad Place—underscored by Ted Danson’s maniacal laugh, as his previously affable Michael morphs into a literal demon—is bewildering, and leaves you a puddle of discomfort and twisted joy. The Good Place really went there, and Season 2 was a hard reset in every sense of the word—all four main characters’ minds having been wiped of the shocking revelation.

Somehow, the second season has followed that twist with even more twists, surprising less in the conceit than the manner in which they were presented. That Eleanor (Kristen Bell), Chidi (William Jackson Harper), Jason (Manny Jacinto), and Tahani (Jameela Jamil) figure out they were still in the Bad Place was to be expected. What wasn’t expected was that they discovered this in the season’s premiere, and that through the next three episodes they became allies with Michael. Turns out even an omniscient demon might be capable of becoming a better “person,” one willing to help humans venture through Bad Place and beyond to save their souls.

So before Thursday night’s finale, “Somewhere Else,” I saw a photo of Eleanor pointing in astonishment at something out of frame, and my mind raced from the possibilities. Was the Good Place never real to begin with? Were they going back to the Bad Place? Will they get their own Medium Place? Are they watching the Jacksonville Jaguars fall apart in the fourth quarter against the New England Patriots? (Honestly, an infinite loop of that game could be Jason’s Bad Place.)

The Good Place’s premise has always felt exceptionally bleak. There are jokes about torturing people with “butthole spiders,” but off-screen there are millions of dead humans being subjected to this stuff, for eternity. If you watch the show, you’ve probably thought about whether you deserve to be in the Good Place; and the scary thing is, a lot of us would concede that we don’t, considering how few characters in the show have earned it based on the established points system. Despite what the wallpaper says, everything is not fine. The Season 1 finale’s twist, transparently cynical in nature, only reinforced that by rendering the moral strides made by Eleanor and the other humans feel like a complete waste of time. Heading into the Season 2 finale, it was impossible not to brace for the worst again.

What a relief, then, that “Somewhere Else” ended with the show expressing optimism about humanity’s ability to better itself—even if it means that our four main characters must literally crash back down to Earth.

As it turns out, the tests given to Eleanor, Chidi, Jason, and Tahani by eternal Judge Gen (Maya Rudolph, in a lovely bit of casting) in the penultimate episode weren’t as high-stakes as they seemed—rather, they were just a form of personal amusement for a bored omniscient being who loves burritos. After a few more attempts to find a solution that makes everyone happy, Michael comes up with a revolutionary idea—by afterlife standards—for how the humans could prove their worth: What if they were sent back, to continue living their lives after a near-death experience?

It’s probably not an actual return to Earth proper, but a kind of simulation, one where the characters’ ability to be good for the sake of being good can truly be tested. This is essentially a litmus test for their humanity; if the lessons from Chidi’s philosophy classes will be applied without the prospect of a heavenly reward. For Eleanor, the only human we follow in “Something Else,” that means a process of personal betterment, starting with cleaning her filthy room, quitting her crappy job, going vegetarian, and telling the truth to her shitty roommates, even at the risk of losing them.

That the process eventually weighs Eleanor down and she begins to slip isn’t meant as an indictment of her character, but the taxing nature of trying to make every right decision every time, and how that can backfire—you’re lying to yourself if you say you’ve done every possible good deed for every scenario for an entire year. In Eleanor’s odyssey we see the inherent flaws of the Good Place–Bad Place system, which asks for near-perfection when being human rarely is so cut and dry. The entire ethos of The Good Place’s afterlife is in need of a reboot—not just Eleanor, Chidi, Jason, and Tahani.

As Eleanor slides back into her old ways, it takes a nudge from Michael, cheating the simulation by going inside of it as a bartender—a cheeky Cheers reference for Ted Danson—to set her on the right track. “What do we owe to each other?” he asks her. The philosophical treatise from Thomas Scanlon was one of many moral lessons from The Good Place’s resident philosopher, Chidi. Eleanor actually finds a seminar on YouTube of Chidi explaining the concept at a university in Australia, and watches the whole thing. (It’s like three hours long, so she definitely deserves arbitrary Good Place points.) As Season 2 comes to a close, Eleanor has boarded a plane and flown all the way to Australia to seek Chidi out; Michael, observing from afar, lets out a triumphant, “Here we go.”

It doesn’t feel like a coincidence that Eleanor’s cosmic journey of enlightenment is taking her to Australia, which was also the setting for the final episodes of The Leftovers. It’s a primal, earthy expanse that evokes apocalyptic symbolism, but it is also a place of self-discovery. Where else can you find yourself, if not at the very edge of the world?

When The Leftovers ended, there was a bittersweetness, but also a sense of optimism; that two people who were irreparably broken by a Rapture-like event could learn to live and love again, even if it took actual decades and might be predicated on an elaborate lie. The Good Place’s own spiritual journey may not deliver quite the same emotional heft—or as many gorgeous shots of the Outback—but as the show goes on, one can expect Eleanor, Chidi, Jason, and Tahani to test their moral compasses. And though they’ll probably struggle, Season 2 ends with the hope that they will leave this other-Earth as the better people they’ve been striving to be.

It is a far more optimistic bend than Evil Ted Danson wiping their minds for a hard reset of their personal hell. The Good Place is hoping for the best out of people, despite a few stumbles along the way. What’s more human than that?


 2 ) 关于善恶,我们可以讨论更多














这就是在第一季时刚看到good place给人的感受。

everthing is good










 3 ) 一个惊喜(第一季+第二季)

如果要找一部气质比较接近的剧可能就是好兆头,第一季结尾开始反转反转,第二季开始更是在一日循环、道德困境具现化、神之法庭等场景里一路玩梗停不下来。 死后人们都会被系统根据生前所作所为评分统计,只有达到一定程度的分值才能去The good place。狗血的天堂地狱设定,刚开始网飞初上时,一直觉得他会扑街,结果后面分数一路飙升终于引起我好奇。 坚信自己不是好人的女主在“善地”醒来,在尝试隐瞒自我的过程中闹出了一系列事故,看多了反乌托邦作品整个第一季其实在一开始就可以猜出大概剧情。但依旧是非常欢乐又有梗的下饭喜剧,虽然架子老但整体概念却有趣完整,也从一个无厘头的极端环境里通俗易懂地谈论着哲学。 作为ai的janet和Michael演的太棒了,男女主还算可以,女主和Michael之间互动可爱,忘年老友的气氛太舒服了…jason实在过于浮夸。 最后的反转还是非!常!好!玩!而且引出了更有趣的第二季。 第二季很像好兆头+苏菲的世界沙雕混杂版,开头几集的疯狂重启仿佛回到了沙雕版土拨鼠之日/源代码/明日边缘。女主每次发现并感慨“This Is The bad place!”的方式太可爱了!而不断重启的janet还在继续安利汉密尔顿,后面角色的成长也很棒。更好玩的大概还是把电车难题变成直观的场景,把平时似乎很少接触的各种哲学理论变成了剧中活泼生动随口提及的谈论和玩笑。 虽然我只看完第二季但整体能感觉剧组的积极、真诚和可爱,是一部看了不亏的剧

 4 ) Just started


周末在家门口贴了"The Good Place"善地,哈哈哈

补充一下第一季的感觉,就是洗刷心灵的赶脚。第一次感觉看一部剧像读一本书,边看边思考,很有意思也很治愈。看到第一季中后部分的时候发现也许这部剧想表达的其中一点是Nobody's perfect.

看了第二季第一集感到大家也许会慢慢意识到There are some flaws that we cannot overcome.



昨跟他说起善地,他说他也喜欢,不过具体情节忘记了,只是remember liking it。然后说吃完晚饭后,你可以看一集,就一集。昨晚我真的做到了!

To be continued...

 5 ) 有点意思

第二季整个开头一个噩梦轮回😐好家伙第一季蛮不错 挺有意思 但是回忆+现实穿插有点懵逼 挺突然的 但是整体不错 最后反转也很好玩 很少看美剧 但是这个居然完整看下来了 就很棒 下饭神剧😐 第二季只看了开头 但是一直噩梦轮回不知道后面发生什么 就慢慢看吧 总体来说第一季好看 第二季开头有点无聊😐😐😐后面不知道会不会好点

 6 ) The Good Place Season 2

第二季果然很精彩。Micheal企图制造人类混乱的实验不断被四个人类识破、重启,在第803次重启后再次被识破,于是Vichy要接替Micheal来主宰社区。此时Micheal提出和四个人类合作,如果成功就可以将他们送入真正的Good Place。四个人类同意合作,在合作中Micheal被Chidi讲授的道德论感化,与人类成为朋友并且变成了一个有人类感情的好人。Shawn发现Micheal叛变组织与人类成为朋友,危机来临,同时Micheal坦言自己尝试了十亿零十二次仍旧没有找到去善地的方式,他们只能求助法官。法官根据生前品德判决他们不足以去到善地,Micheal决定让他们重新回到生前再来一次,结果是:Eleanor在不断摇摆中终于成为了Good People,并且在生前找到了死后一直帮助她变好的Chidi。

Season 2里讲到了哲学上著名的ethical dilemma,如果牺牲一个人就能挽救五个人的生命,你是选择杀死一个人还是杀死五个人?



在看The Good Place Season 2之前,我从来没有想过自己为什么要做好人,做好人好像就是我的本能,我确实能够从中得到内心的平和和充实。有能力的时候,为什么不去帮助别人呢?人人都有一些需要别人帮助的时刻,比如前天去银行办理业务,还有一个小时就要赶火车,时间很紧张,后来是大堂经理帮忙跟柜员说明情况先帮我办理了业务。我得到过帮助,所以更希望把这份善意传递下去。即使没有任何回报,力所能及的帮助仍能让我感到满足,that's all.

Season 2里最好的剧情在于:Micheal,人类混乱的制造者,最终和人类和解,成为一个好人。Janet,一个不受Bad Place支配的机器人,爱上人类Jason,和人类成为好朋友,总能在紧急关头化解危机。

Season 3同样让人期待。


much better than season 1 编剧真的很厉害 嬉笑怒骂中探讨人性本质 基本上每集都有包袱然后还抖的非常高明 很是期待真正的good place是什么样了

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  • PuppyMasterOut
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what the fork !!!😑😑😑

  • 牛岛隆太
  • 很差

女主微妙的bisexual倾向哈哈哈哈一边恨condescending bitch一边无法自拔地被吸引hhhhhh

  • 虾坨坨艺仔
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好喜欢Janet!!! 第二季好玩很多,其实完全可以从第二季开始看起。

  • 埃尔贝瑞苏
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  • 夏日扬帆
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comedy的长度,dramedy的揍性,这是我觉得michael schur发挥得淋漓尽致的一次了。荒谬的底子上来点真实,简直笑哭🤣,怪不得推上和汤上都炸了。

  • 名字特别酷的人
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so forking brilliant!!! 第一次翘班回家追剧,简直就是伦理课版本的《苏菲的世界》善/恶的二元划分在人性讨论中变得模糊。afterlife的设定给密集的包袱和反转制造了可能性,创作难度明显高于第一季,但是却能让每一集都出彩,期待第三季6人分队的冒险

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  • 恶隐息烙
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Line 1: Your soul mate is the golden retriever!! Line 2: Please don't kill me. I have tickets to Hamilton. There is a rumor that Daveed Diggs is coming back!!!

  • Nanccccccy
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  • [已注销]
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  • cicimj8792
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  • omg
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  • Redux
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  • 阿特拉斯抠抠脚
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这一季好看!"Okay, so that was trolley problem version number seven. Chidi opted to run over five William Shakespeares instead of one Santa Claus."

  • Salzig
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Existential crisis 和 trolley problem这两集真的很community哎。不过最后一集做好人包括了做vegan减少碳排放还是太liberal了

  • Ziggy
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  • 魏晓波
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这一季惊喜不断,比如我以为第一集的情节会持续一整季,结果很快的就过掉了,说明编剧还是很用心在想创意。最后的revamp也没有想到,在情理之中也很惊喜。其实我更期待看tahani和Jason的剧情会怎么发展。还好是limited series,不然估计点子早就用光了。

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