1 ) Queer as Folk Season 2
There's got to be someone in this vast panorama of sweaty bodies. You're just dying to have reject you.--Emmett
It's just the essential elements of a healthy diet. Salt, saturated fat, alcohol.--Brian
There you have it, proof positive that making other people happy can cause nausea, severe cramps, even diarrhea.--Brian
You know how I feel about weddings. They're anticipated, meaningless rituals for heterosexuals.--Mel
Why shouldn't he get a little action? He's outside the required 400-mile limit for extra-marital quickies and anonymous assignations.--Emmett
There's never a right time to admit that you've failed.--Mikey
All protests are bullshit. I mean, a bunch of well-meaning do-gooders marching around carrying signs, chanting "hey, hey, ho, ho, homophobia's got to go". Give me a goddamn fucking break.--Brian
I want you to hear what I have to say on an empty stomach. So maybe you'll digest it.--Deb
We faggots are a talented bunch. You gotta hand us that. And indestructible too. If AIDS and gay-bashers and crackpot Christians and fucking republicans can't destroy you, nothing can!--Deb
Yeah, it's fine to salivate over some bimbo with boobs the size of flotation devices stuffing a zucchini up her twat.but god forbid you should see some guy with pecs of death squatting on a road teepee. Oh, then you're instantly out on your ass. -- Ted
Look him straight in the eye, and tell him that even though the law permits it,you think what he did is unjustified and unconscionable.--Lindsay
You know, for someone who has enough disorders to merit your own classification in diagnostic and statistical manual, you are one of the most well adjusted and high functioning bastards I know. What's your secret?
A series of hopeless addictions, for one. And never seeing a shrink, for another.--Brian
Some things never change, huh?
-You're wrong, ma. Things change a lot. If you don't change with them, then you get left behind. Look at me, I'm right back in the same place I was before. And everybody else has moved on. I feel lost, ma.--M&Deb
These characters have principles. When you have principles, you don't need orgasms.
-You have principles when you don't have orgasms. -- Ted &Brian
Why must your happiness always depend on someone else? First Brian, then David, Now back to Brian. If you came back here 'cause you thought Brian was missing you as bad as you were missing him. You fucked up big time. --Deb
What kind of mindless palliative is that for existential angst.--Ted 没什么药可以治疗自暴自弃
Before you turn around, you guys'll be our age. And you'll regret every night you didn't go out and grab a little life. -- Vic
Things go forward instead of backwards, right? And nothing stays the same. So don't trouble yourself. There's no reasons for you to be there with me, and there's no reason for me to expect you to be.
Things have changed, we've moved on and it's okay. No demands, no expectation, no regrets.--Mikey
I'll be glad when pride's over. So we can all go back to being ashamed. -- Brian
My dream is to one day know what my dream is.
-Dreaming's for people who like to sleep. I'd rather be awake and fucking. -- Brian
Life sucks, kid. Better you know it now than be disappointed later. -- Miley
I know what happened to you sucks, and I'm not gonna give you some pollyanna shit, about everything happens for a reason, or this was god's gift to make you strong. All you can do at a time like this is just hang on until the scenery changes. --Deb
What's easy besides complaining?
It ain't the end of the world, kid. Unless you want it to be.
Pornography happens to serve an important and profoundly humane service. --Ted
Internet access: $38.00. Adult porn site membership: $29.95. Watching man jerk off from comfort of your own home: priceless. Masturbate the possibilities.
Morning Deb. Flop two, sinker and some suds.
-Two eggs, a doughnut and coffee for Mr. Wonderful. --Brian
Don't be pathetic. You made a commitment. Now you're going to go through with it.
-Yeah, a lot you know about making commitments.
Which is why I never do. -- B&M
You grab your pud and you pull!
You think you got everybody fooled, don't you? Well not me, honey. I've known you too long and regrettably too well. And no matter how hard you try to deny it. I can tell you care as much about him as he cares about you. Only you haven't got the big hairy cojones to say it. --Deb
We're queers. And if we're together. It's because we want to be, not because there's locks on our doors. So if I'm out late, just assume I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing: I'm fucking. And when I come home, I'll also be doing exactly what I want to do: coming home to you. --Brian
Emmett's a star
-His dick's a star. He's just the life-support system. --B&M
As they say, out of adversity, comes knowledge. And I've learned to put my fears aside, and just find serenity in the chaos.
I think the secret is to stop regretting the past and fearing the future, and just live in the now.--Ben
If you've got one foot in tomorrow and one foot in yesterday, you'll piss on today.
He teaches you to focus on the smallest details. The breeze against your cheek, the way your shirt falls against your body, the feel of someone's hand on your back. Help you realize that right now, this moment is, it's all there is.--Ben
Well, that's what writers do, you know, we just cut ourselves open and bleed all over the page. --Ben
One of you could be positive. The reason you're not certainly isn't because you're always careful. I know goddamn well that isn't true. You're lucky. You're fucking lucky. So don't tell me you couldn't love somebody just because they're not as fortunate as you are. -- Deb打脸
Those who don't learn their lessons are condemned to repeat their courses.
Youth should be savoured. -- Brian
Most of them are too busy chasing their hard-ons to listen to their heart. -- Deb
When we said good night, we also said goodbye. -- Emmett
Do you know how pathetic you are? One lousy fuck. Now you're carrying on like some lovesick fairy. You've got a lot to learn. Fags will say anything to get their dicks sucked or fuck a nice ass. Then it's on to the next. -- Justin
What you need is something to keep your eyelids open.
You never know unless you try
Attaboy. Yeah.
Seems success is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
It's classic end-of-affair remorse. Made worse by the fact that you don't have anyone to replace him.
Whenever I come here, I feel a sense of calm, of inner peace. Knowing that I'm watched over, protected, safe.
I took viagra last night. It's been 18 hours and it won't go down. What am I gonna do?
-Have you tried soaking it?
-How about a cold shower?
-How about scaring it?
-What about something that would absolutely turn you off?
-That's a great idea. Why don't you two show him your tits?
God still loves you, no matter what.
-Yeah, like I give a shit what god thinks about me. He'd better be worried what I think about him. In all this cold, dead universe. We're the only ones that know he exists. Without us, he's nothing. -- Brian
I still don't understand why you want to go to bed with an old guy like me, when there's all those beautiful young men out there.
-Well, for one thing, most of those beautiful young men are only interested in themselves. And for another, the sex is usually so fast and impersonal, you forget that you had it by the time you get home. -- Emmett
Blaming the planets for your fuck-ups is just an excuse not to accept responsibility. -- Brian.
It wouldn't be right for you to stay. Brian Kinney sacrificing for others. Trapped in a hideous display of sentimentality. I'd lose all faith, all hope. What kind of gift is that?
I want you to fuck lots of beautiful guys. No apologies. No regrets. It's the best gift you could give me. Knowing you're happy. -- Lindsay
I think you're a selfish, heartless asshole. Keep up the good work. -- Brian
Btw: 这一集结尾的剪辑太棒了
You know what's gonna happen? First we're gonna go back to your place. Then I'm gonna rip off your clothes. Then I'm gonna pin you to the mat like Wrestle Mania. That's just the exhibition match. For the main event, I'm gonna grab your legs and whip them over your head. And work my tongue down between your…
Well, I got us this far, now it's your turn.
-Okay my turn, I say let's get out of here and fuck. --Mikey&Ben
It's the first rule of gay etiquette: Never talk about your past fucks. Especially if one of your past fucks is your best friend's current fuck. -- Brian
When I find out that you and he… I just couldn't stop thinking…
-That…I knew him in a way you don't.
And he knows you in a way that I do.--Mikey&Ben
You had a life before I came along. So did I. Including people we've loved that we're still in love with. But that doesn't mean we can't love each other. -- Ben
What kind of homosexual are you?
-The kind that fucks men. -- Brian
Fine, then, go ahead. But don't come crying to me when you succeed--Brian
This is it. Don't be nervous.
-If my heart rate was any lower, I'd be dead. --Brian
Did I mention that I have an irrational but nevertheless quite intense fear of any physical activity that doesn't take place in bed? --Emmett
Is that "Not thanks, not tomorrow" or "No thanks, not ever"?
You're a hard act to follow.
Make mad passionate love at the top of your lungs.
You deserve a fabulous life, Em.
As fabulous as you.
Dug her high heels in and she's not budging.
The reason you don't have a boyfriend is because you don't want one. If you had one, it would challenge the well-established opinion you have of yourself, as a worthless sack of shit that nobody wants. Therefore, you go after guys you know will reject you, then you stand around here and bitch like a high school girl when in fact you've gotten exactly what you want, mainly…nothing.-- Brian
Value, principles, they're the first things to go when you want a cock
Knowing you guy's dysfunctional history, you'd put up with anything.
-Well, you'll be happy to know that even a glutton for punishment eventually gets his fill.
What we had for a few short months was more than most people have in a lifetime. -- Emmett
Rage…Hahahahahaha hilarious…
He's managed to free himself from all the emotional baggage that the rest of us carry around.
It's much better to give than to receive, except in bed. -- Emmett
The only thing that kept him going was his music.
No matter how shitty things get, I always have art. It's the one place I can go where I'll always be safe. --Justin
Can we please stay home, for one night? Just the two of us.
-You're too young to settle down.
-You're too old to fuck around.--Justin&Brian
I'd ask you boys to stay but I know you need to toddle on back to your lackluster little lives. --Ted
It was just a spontaneous "I don't know how the hell it happened but there you are, doing it" sort of thing.--Lindsay
The brain is the second sexiest organ. Which is not to say that the rest of you is not hot. --Emmett
2 ) S2EP14
第二季, 第14集
此集的剧情紧承上集发展, Justin不愿接受Brian的资助,宁可在Babylon做舞男赚取学费。开场便是几近全裸的Justin在吧台上舞动bubble butt,Brian在台下忍受众人奚落并极力为Justin辩白,满心苦涩溢于言表。次日清晨,Justin赖床跷课,Brian的忧心与不满开始显露。
这边厢一片阴云密布,那边厢, Emmett却欢欣鼓舞地做好了与George环游世界的准备。在一代艳星“Fetch Dixon”的告别party上,Justin疲态毕现,Brian提出借钱给Justin,再次被拒。Justin此刻剖析心迹,表明不愿接受Brian资助的原因:“You once told me that you want me to be the best homosexual it was possibly for me to be. Doesn't that include being a man(你曾经告诉过我想让我成为世界上最好的同性恋者,这不包括成为一个真正的男人吗)?”Brian的回答 “Sometimes a man has to learn to accept help(有时候一个男人必须学会去接受帮助)”引发Justin的思索。
Emmett和George坐在飞机一等舱里兴高采烈地展望美好新世界,不料乐极生悲,高空“大战”之际George心脏病发,猝然离世。抢救无效之后,Emmett木然坐在George身旁,陪伴爱人最后一程。此处Emmett的台词让人心酸:So, here we are, honey. Flying around somewhere between Heaven and Earth. Lost in the stars(我们现在在天空和大地间飞翔,迷失于星际之中)
其实很怕写这种观影心得,大概太明白自己对Brian的偏爱,生怕会以罗生门的方式叙述,隐去Brian的所有过失。所幸挑中的是这一集,观点不会太过偏颇。事实上,这是全剧为数不多的几次让我能够对Justin击节赞叹,尤其是在他说“I’m trying to look after myself for once, instead of always letting you do it for me(我只是尝试着照顾自己一次,而不是每次都让你为我做)”的时候。毕竟你不能要求别人在养你的同时还尊重你,这既是成长的宣言,也是独立的尝试,也体现了在一段恋爱中要求平等关系的不断努力。然后自立的同时并不愚蠢,受挫之后,一个男人应该懂得在什么时候寻求帮助。
同时,本集的辅线也放在Michael和Deb的母子关系上。我从未喜欢过Michael,never have , never will。第一季中Deb说Michael有一颗Big heart,是我觉得本剧最大的讽刺之一,每每想到便付之冷笑。有一颗Big heart的人不会当面讽刺自己的母亲见到男人示好便贴上去,有一颗Big heart的人不会对自己最好的朋友说“他当然会离开你,谁不会”。昨日种种昨日死,我对Michael的厌恶却绝对延绵不绝。
3 ) 第二季
4 ) brain唯饭点评
看了《同志亦凡人》第二季后 真的一肚子的火。心疼brain,brain对比第一季真的成熟了很多 改变了很多。父亲去世前出柜、母亲信仰基督教时出柜 请问brain受伤需要安慰时传说中的sunshine在哪呢?你想要和brain成为伴侣难道不是应该互相包容互相体谅吗?从justin遇见小提琴手人设就开始崩了。看上去是brain没有体谅justin没有照顾justin的感受但是在brain工作岌岌可危面临失业时候为了你的学费旅游费吃喝拉撒费到处奔走就不能体谅一下吗?brain又不是可以依靠父母男朋友的大一学生,他有自己的事业人生需要顾及的东西,为什么就要围着你一个人转呢?第一季brain理都不理你你还不是跟在屁股后面说不后悔不放弃 然后第二季愿意和你建立伴侣关系就开始说三说四?反正brain工作累死累活安慰朋友sunshine就觉得brain只是要上床了就够了?你要求别人关心你的同时能不能自己多关心下别人?
justin对小提琴手的要求相比于brain就低太多了吧?现在来说就是双标狗。小提琴手因为有共同的艺术爱好很快走到一起正常,可是和brain定下的规则也即刻破坏了。从规则建立开始到第二季结束justin作为sunshine是不是破坏的太彻底了?和小处男接吻和小提琴手接吻。还有最后一集和michael的对话堪称人设彻底崩溃。michael和brain是多少年的朋友了?你自己出轨还要骂michael混蛋说他打小报告?你谁啊 你出轨还有天理了 白天在小提琴手床上晚上还回去干嘛?就算在外面上床是规则允许的一部分,请问接吻呢?还要撒谎说自己认真学习?学什么?gay bar男舞者?
编剧如果是想营造brain很惨的戏份我觉得他为justin这种人动心已经很惨了 父亲死了母亲不理解 儿子也没有监护权 朋友也有自己深爱且深爱自己的男朋友。sunshine也有日落的时候 brain只适合一个人过 没办法像自己说的那么爱他就早点滚 还好最后大结局他们分开了 不然我会气死
看到第二季结束就知道michael和brain才是真正的心灵伴侣 至少需要你的时候一定会在
5 ) 又重新看了一遍,就蛮能理解justin吧
say that u don't give a shit
act like u don't give a shit
when someone else decide not to give a shit about u, u are upset?
COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!!!!!!
6 ) 不是不爱也不是不会爱
片子里面 麦克的母亲 黛比的思维 是我一直最欣赏的 他开导了很多人
补 原来豆瓣只有QAF第一季条目啊
episode 03 Brain的制服诱惑;04 Michael的变装让我惊悚了;06 Brain是算表白了吗;08 那个管家好帅,Justin蜕变成另一个Brain;09 Michael傲娇了,Ted公主般的起床让我笑了;17 Brain工作的专注度太帅了。
第二季剧情和第一季重复了不少 但是最后结尾的歌曲都选的很好 还有justin和brian之间的第三者Ethan 很心水 英伦的气质 嘿嘿 犹豫的眼色
0602~0717 :11难道要狗血?12乱了16出现俩帅哥 再不救一下阳光就跑啦!片尾曲不错17布哥你虽了啊 要江山还是美人?20到底要不继续第三季?看厌啦
Brian你这个口是心非的大混蛋!!!去你妈的Michael, 谁关心你老爸是谁啊!
两个星期看完5季,Michael=>很cute的大老鼠,Brian=>大众情人,Justin=>只有笑起来 SUNSHINE,Ted=>果然是做会计的,Em=>很queer,Ben=>长的很Capitain Astro, 路人=> 那对中医老夫妻实在是太搞了
什么都被说 杀了我